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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                        February 2021                                      3A

     The Campus jewel: Morganroth Event Center
 versity. Larry gained extensive experi-
 ence in building and operating multiple  By Marty Katz, Sr. Dir. of Communications & Marketing
 large campuses and the construction of   he Jewish Federation of Sara-  for celebrations, gatherings, entertain-  of legacy. They all have donor advised   in supporting projects that benefit the
 hospitals, ambulatory clinics, medical   sota-Manatee is pleased to an-  ment, events and meetings of all kinds.   funds at the Gulf Coast Community   larger Sarasota community.
 office  buildings  and  pharmacies.  Lo- Tnounce  that  the  centerpiece  of
 cally, he has served as president of the   It  will  feature the  latest  technology,   Foundation,” Joel remarked.      Joel says it’s a two-way street. “I
 boards of the Asolo Repertory Theatre  The Larry & Mary Greenspon Fami-  acoustics and lighting to accommodate   Joel became involved in the Fed-  not only enjoy giving back and hope
 and Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life.  ly  Campus for Jewish Life  has  been   a variety of purposes. Visitors will find:  eration  as a  member  of the  Campus   that I add value with my background in
     named  the  Joel  and  Gail  Morganroth
                                                                                                                      finance, investing and governance, but
                                                                                Utilization Committee, which oversees
                                               The iconic Epstein Family Chup-
 As the chair of our sub-committee for  Event Center.  ‹  pah entrance will welcome every-   the entire new campus project. “I try to   I also get to learn about the arts, higher
 the Morganroth Event Center, Larry is   Drs. Joel and Gail Morganroth
 focused on securing our partnership          one to the Morganroth Event Cen-  be helpful and I felt there was a chal-  education  and botany. Now, with  the
 with Michael’s On East as our in-house  have become known for their generous   ter.  lenge in figuring out the best uses for   Federation, I am learning about a com-
 caterer as well as the development of  philanthropy  in  our community  since   ‹   The open, light and airy 3,300-   this large campus. That’s a lot more fun   plex community-oriented  engagement
                                              square-foot  Mitchell  Family Wel-
                                                                                than just plugging into an organization
     their arrival in Sarasota in 2009. “We
 the kitchen facilities.   select projects to fund that are import-  come  Center  will host pre-event   that has already made all of the key de-  With  the  Event  Center  scheduled
 Aaron Ruben  has  19  years  of  ant to the community.  This one is a
 development, retail and brokerage ex-        receptions for programs held in the   cisions. When an organization grows,   to  be  completed  in  early  2022, Joel
 perience. Aaron is currently the Execu-      adjacent banquet hall and provide   there’s always a need  for change.  I   and Gail believe this is perfect timing.
 tive Vice President for Casto Southeast      a living room environment  with   knew I could be helpful to the Feder-  “Think of the demand for group events
                                                                                                                      after the pandemic. Why wouldn’t you
                                              couches to sit and kibbitz, sip cof-
                                                                                ation during this time of its expanding
 Realty Service. Prior to joining Casto,      fee and enjoy old and new friends   needs.” Joel officially joined the board   want to come to the newest, best event
 Aaron was employed by Craftworks as
 Vice President of Real Estate and De-        alike.                            in January 2020. He recently took on   center in town? We both hope that we
 velopment in April 2016, working on      ‹    A  10,000-square-foot  Kaplan  and   another  important  position,  chairing   will all be impressed, proud and awed
 all new and existing real estate matters.    Lesher Community Hall will be     the CEO search committee after CEO    by the work that Wayne Ruben and his
                                                                                Howard Tevlowitz announced he will
                                              available  for rental  and  will seat
                                                                                                                      team have done to make this event cen-
 Aaron was elected  to the Federation         500 banquet-style and 1,000+ au-  be retiring later this year.          ter a shining jewel.”
 board in 2021 and serves as a member
 of our campus  utilization  committee,       ditorium-style.                       In  addition,  Joel  somehow  finds   To become involved in the JFED
 where he uses his vast knowledge of      ‹    An 1,800-square-foot kitchen will   the time to also sit on the boards of the   PROUD  & STRONG  campaign  to
 development to both lead and assist the      feature our favorite in-house cater-  Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Asolo   reimagine The Larry & Mary Green-
                                                                                Repertory Theatre, Sarasota Memorial
                                                                                                                      spon Family Campus for Jewish Life,
                                              er, Michael’s On East. Glatt Ko-
 team in every aspect of our campus re-       sher options will be available.   Healthcare  Foundation and the Ring-  please contact  Ilene Fox at ifox@
 We are so grateful to the entire vol-    ‹    2,300 square feet of meeting space/  ling College of Art + Design. The cou-  or  941.343.2111,  or  Rich
 unteer and staff team for their unwav-       community  engagement  venues     ple has made several large gifts to these   Bergman  at  or
           Drs. Joel and Gail Morganroth
 ering support, dedication of time and,  game changer – not just for the Jewish   will be ideal for a variety of events   organizations, again citing their belief   941.552.6306.
                                              and programs. The space will fea-
 most importantly, their passion to see  community but the whole community.   ture retractable  walls to create
 this  dream  become  a  reality.  We  are  We want to support something that will   Who does the Jewish community turn to for
 passionate  about  ensuring  the  Jewish     smaller rooms.
 future because this work is personal to  help an organization’s sustainability   ‹   The Hanan Wall of Honor will rec-  the most trusted service in real estate?
                                              ognize our generous donors.
 us. It is our debt to our ancestors and  and not just to add our name to a build-    A beautifully  appointed  outdoor
     ing,” Gail said.
 our gift to our children and grandchil-  Hailing from Philadelphia, Joel is   ‹  area  for events, simchas, family
 dren. It is our unwavering  commit- an academic cardiologist with his pri-
 ment to a Jewish journey for every Jew       gatherings, etc., will be adjacent to
 in Sarasota-Manatee  supported by a  mary research focus on the diagnosis   the Event Center.

 vibrant, accessible and affordable Jew- and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.   ‹   400 parking spaces will be avail-
     He is a specialist in the field of clin-
 ish campus.  This is our number one  ical research and currently serves as   Senior Philanthropic Officer Ilene   Contributing to the
 priority.  the Chief Cardiac Consultant for ERT,                                                          prosperity of our
 For more information, please con-        Fox commends the Morganroths’ gen-                             Jewish Community
 tact  me  at  or  a global company that provides the   erosity for providing a state-of-the-art   since 1979!
 941.343.2110.  means to determine the cardiac and re-  facility  that  will  be  enjoyed  by  the
     spiratory safety of new drugs as well   community  for many years to come.                       Ryan Ackerman     Barbara Ackerman
     as patient reported outcomes. For over   Ilene said, “We are honored that Joel                   941.387.1818               941.780.6045
     a decade, he was a Medical Review    and Gail have chosen to be a part of       #1 Small Team in Sarasota and Manatee County
     Expert for the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-  the  reimagined  and improved  Feder-             
     ministration and has served in a similar   ation campus. They had the foresight
     capacity for other regulatory bodies.  to visualize the thousands of people of
        Gail is a Professor of Medicine and   all ages who will visit the Morganroth
     holds an endowed chair in Medical Ed-  Event Center for entertainment, educa-
     ucation  at  the  University  of Pennsyl-  tion and social activities.
     vania  Perelman  School  of Medicine.    Joel Morganroth is very mod-
     During her 20-year tenure  as Senior   est.  When  asked  where  his  generosi-                  WE BUY GOLD,
     Vice Dean for Education, she oversaw   ty came from, he couldn’t pinpoint  a
     the  academic  program  office  (medi-  precise beginning. “My parents never         DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY.
     cal education, admissions process and   had the wealth to do this. They were as
     medical  student activities).  She now   charitable to their synagogues as they
     serves as the Executive Director of the   could afford. However, their giving in-
     Innovation Center for On-Line Educa-  fluenced me.” He and Gail have tried
     tion.                                to teach their three adult children to
        At  24,000  square  feet,  the  Mor-  be philanthropic. “We spent extra time
     ganroth Event Center will be the home   and effort to teach them the importance

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