Page 4 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 4
4A February 2021 FEDERATION NEWS
Jewish Film Festival celebrates 12 season
By Gayle Guynup
he Jewish Film Festival, hosted him to try to unite his family through
by The Jewish Federation of food. Abe soon learns, however, that
TSarasota-Manatee, will cele- even food can’t heal age-old divides.
brate its 12 year March 1-25, and will Abe was directed by Fernando
feature 21 new films from around the Grostein Andrade. In describing his
world, giving viewers a meaningful film, Andrade noted, “Abe is loosely in-
and thought-provoking view of Jewish spired on my life. I came from a mixed
life, history, culture and values. family. My mother’s side is Jewish, my
This year’s virtual event, renamed father’s side is Catholic. My grandpar-
the Mort Skirboll Jewish Film Festi- ents are Holocaust refugees. Gathering
val in honor of his longtime support, the family together was always some- develops around the discovery of a internet age. Later, I learned that she
is chaired by Cheryl Shapiro and thing very important for them, a cele- letter and a yellowed photograph. The was putting together the A-Sham Fes-
Bunny Skirboll. Tickets go on sale bration of life and resilience. That was film, directed by Giulio Base, tells the tival, where Jewish and Arab Israeli
Monday, February 1, with each film the initial sparkle to create this story,” story of one of the saddest chapters in chefs collaborate on dishes. It was such
offered at $15 per household. Or, from Andrade said. “I history, that of the Shoah, told through an inspirational and authentic narrative
February 1-10, you can purchase a changed some ele- the eyes of a group of Christian and emanating from a region where nega-
“Friend of the JFF” film pass, which in- ments of my life. For Jewish students who set out to learn the tivity and conflict are all that gets re-
cludes all 21 films for $180. After Feb- instance, I changed truth about the mysterious letter and ported, and it incorporated food! In
ruary 10, the price increases to $236. the Catholic side to photo. Leading them to the old Jew- short, I became obsessed with telling
For Pewter Sponsors and above, Palestinians, to give ish ghetto, this story of the Holocaust the story,” Hawk said.
the opening, centerpiece and closing voice to the Pales- unites the young people through mem- “Making Breaking Bread has been
events will feature drive-in screen- tinians. I changed ories and stories that a gift, a joy. I have been so lucky to
ings at the Sarasota High School park- Sao Paulo to New must never be lost. enjoy every minute of the process,
ing lot. The opening night event, on York, in tribute to Base explained from the scout, to the adventure of pro-
Monday, March 1, will be catered by this beautiful city, and I changed my that, “The idea for duction, to editing, to scoring, to the
Michael’s On East, celebrating foods passion for orchids to food, in tribute the film originated response, and have nothing but grat-
highlighted in the film, Abe. Individual ured Since 1990 with Israel Cesare itude. Truly,” Hawk said. She added
Helping the Inj
to my stepfather who raised me (I lost
food packages will be distributed upon my father when I was 10). Abe is not Moscati, a distin- that there were challenges, including
my story, but its creation is inspired by
your arrival. SARASOTA guished member of the 10-hour time difference between
Abe is the moving story of a that. the Jewish commu- Los Angeles and Israel, and creating
308 Cocoanut Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236
M. David Shapiro 12-year-old boy from Brooklyn who “I hope this film carries a message nity of Rome. Part of his family was the score for the film. “It was a com-
toll free 1.800.954.4014 | office 941.954.4000 | fax 941.955.3632
Board Certified Civil cooks to unite his half-Israeli and half- of peace and love, but above all, for kidnapped by the Nazis on October 26, plicated and hands-on process, finding
Trial Attorney Palestinian family. When Abe ditches people to be themselves regardless of 1943, and were recovered in a Chris- the right composer and coming up with
Florida Supreme Court his traditional summer camp in order what other people think,” he said. tian nunnery. Rai Cinema optioned just the right blend of Arabic and East-
5283 Office Park Boulevard, Bradenton, FL 34203
Certified Mediator to spend time with street chef Chico, This year’s centerpiece film, A the story and wanted the script to be ern European sounds of the oud and the
office 941.751.0555 his mentor’s fusion cuisine inspires Starry Sky Above the Roman Ghetto, written jointly by a Christian and a violin. But I am very proud of the labor
Jew, so Israel and I worked together of love, and I am particularly thankful
on the screenplay. My beloved friend to my composer, the incredibly talent-
unfortunately passed away before the ed Omar El-Deeb, as well as the hand-
shooting began. At that point, I con- ful of other wonderful musicians on the
vid S
M. Da
M. David Shapiro tinued our work in direct contact with team who contributed,” Hawk said.
the Chief Rabbi of Rome (Riccardo Asked what she
• • Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney Shmuel di Segni), and I completed the hopes viewers will
rial A
tified Civil T
d C
• • F lorida Supr eme C our t movie and editing using his precious take away from the
Florida Supreme Court
suggestions and notes.”
film, Hawk said,
tified Mediat
Certified Mediator Asked about the film’s impact, “I think the film’s
Base said, “I think we can never talk opening quote by
DS hapir o@G etM eJustic e .c om enough about the Shoah. In this story, the iconic Anthony
Helping the Injured Since 1990 Bourdain says it all:
there is not only a drama/romance, and
the sorrow for the victims, but at its
‘Food may not be the answer to world
heart is the search for what happened, peace, but it’s a start.’ Food, because of
the desire to know, to discover and to
SARASOTA its basic nature – we all consume it! –
nurtures a connection that strips away
divulge so that this horror will never be
308 Cocoanut Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236 religious and political labels. It allows
repeated again. There is a need to bring
M. David Shapiro toll free 1.800.954.4014 | office 941.954.4000 | fax 941.955.3632
together those of different religions,
us to focus on our commonality, our
Board Certified Civil both because the horrifying denial of humanity. It can bring us a step closer
Trial Attorney the Holocaust must stop and also be- to understanding a stranger, an enemy.
Florida Supreme Court cause indifference can become worse It’s not meant to be idealistic. Breaking
than hate,” he said.
Certified Mediator 5283 Office Park Boulevard, Bradenton, FL 34203 bread with a perceived enemy is not
office 941.751.0555 going to solve the world’s conflicts,
The closing night film, Breaking
Bread, explores the life of a baker who but sharing experiences through food
is struggling to maintain his passion, as can help spark a connection, broaden
the rise of corporate businesses stran- people’s understandings of one anoth-
gles his hopes. er, and make it a little more difficult
The film’s director, Beth Elise to be enemies. I encourage people to
Helping the Injured Since 1990 Hawk, noted that she was sitting in watch the film and then share a meal
traffic in Los Angeles when she heard with someone with opposing views,
Dr. Nof Atamna-Ismaeel on the radio. whether it be a Jew and a Muslim, or
SARASOTA “She had just won Israel’s television a Republican and a Democrat,” Hawk
308 Cocoanut Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236 competition, MasterChef, the first said, adding that she is working on
M. David Shapiro toll free 1.800.954.4014 | office 941.954.4000 | fax 941.955.3632 Muslim Arab to do so,” Hawk said. a companion book that will include
Board Certified Civil “She was speaking about her mis- the recipes for the exotic dishes in
Trial Attorney
BRADENTON sion to bring Jews and Arabs together the film.
Florida Supreme Court 5283 Office Park Boulevard, Bradenton, FL 34203 through food, and I knew I had to meet For tickets or information on spon-
Certified Mediator
office 941.751.0555 this woman! When I got home, I im- soring this year’s Jewish Film Festival, mediately reached out to her in Israel please visit, or contact
on Facebook, and we were in touch Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113 or
in a matter of minutes – a tale of the
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