Page 27 - Jewish News_October-2020
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WEDNESD A Y , OC T OBER 1 4 S enior is looking to purchase precious metals,
diamonds, time pieces, coins, antique
People of the Book Opening Event and estate jewelry, and some collector plates.
With Stephen Tobolowsky Over 60 years Of experience.
Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
If you are not familiar with the name Stephen Tobolowsky, you will cer-
tainly recognize his face. Stephen has appeared in more than 200 films Please call Marc at 941.321.0707
and television shows, including unforgettable roles in Mississippi Burning,
Groundhog Day and Glee. He is also the consummate storyteller – warm, persOnal and cOnfidential
funny and profound. My Adventures With God, Stephen’s second book, is
a collection of humorous, introspective stories that tells of a boy growing
up in the wilds of Texas finding and losing love, losing and finding himself
– all told through the prism of the Torah and Talmud, mixed with insights
from science, and refined through a child’s sense of wonder. Tickets to
this 7:00 p.m. event on Zoom are $10 per household. For tickets to this
and all other People of the Book events, please visit
For more information, contact Jeremy Lisitza at or
941.343.2113. Your Local
Gutsy Torah with Rabbi Howard Siegel Mortgage Lender
Join Rabbi Siegel each Wednesday morning from 11:00 a.m. to noon as
participants are exposed to an eye-opening discussion of the week’s Torah ■ Conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA
portion. Meet, discuss and debate up close and personal with the most ■ Construction/Renovation Loans
profound and controversial Torah scholars of the past 2,000 years. Classes ■ Jumbo Loans
meet via Zoom ( No cost, but donations ■ Physician Loan Program
are always appreciated. For more information and the Zoom password, ■ Custom Portfolio Loans
call the Temple Beth Sholom office at 941.955.8121 or email info@temple ■ Manufactured Home Loans
Penny Hill Group
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 Scott Kolbe, Penny Hill,
and Paul Eidel
(941) 545-1275
Three-Day Florida Regional BDS Training
with the Israel Action Network Scott NMLS# 450453
Penny NMLS# 365464
Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Paul NMLS# 1041466
Join fellow Florida JCRCs and the Israel Action Network from noon to South State Bank and CenterState Bank, N.A. have merged
to become South State Bank, N.A. Corp. NMLS#403455.
1:00 p.m. for an in-depth look at what the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Please visit to learn more.
(BDS) movement is and how to combat it. To register, visit
events. For more information, contact Jessi Sheslow at jsheslow@jfedsrq.
org or 941.343.2109.
“The Bare History of Bayer”
Today, Bayer, which mass-produced poisonous gas for Nazi gas chambers,
continues its toxic track record with Monsanto, producer of Roundup, a
weed killer judged in courts to be carcinogenic. The company concealed P R E S E N T S
for 40 years that Roundup causes tumors in rodents and for 20 years that
it causes non-Hodgkin lymphoma in humans, but it safeguarded its enor- JUST reel education
mous profits from the world’s most widely used herbicide. Bayer faces
over 14,000 Roundup lawsuits, plus floods of lawsuits over waterways MA’ABAROT: THE ISRAELI TRANSIT CAMPS
contaminated with PCBs. This class, presented by the Al Katz Center, be- Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa reveal the system-
gins at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all atic discrimination and harsh conditions upon arrival in 1950s Israel. Jews
classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly Newman seeking shelter in the Promised Land were forced into remote shantytowns
at 941.313.9239. of tents and sheds known as ma’abarot. Exposing little-known details of
overlooked Israeli history, this film includes the testimony of camp refugees
Temple Sinai’s “Jewish Music Education” and illustrates never-before-seen archival materials. 2019, 84 minutes
Every Thursday at 10:00 a.m., Chazzan Cliff Abramson will give a free Available starting October 2 with a Zoom talk back on
class on Jewish Music Education, focusing on what we sing and why we October 8 at 3 PM with film director Arik Bernstein.
sing it. For more information, call 941.924.1802 or email office@sinaisrq.
org. For the Zoom link, visit THE DAY I MET HITLER
Jewish Heritage Tour of Budapest, Vienna and Prague This film features newly discovered stories and images of the most
infamous man in history. Racing against time, the filmmaker weaves
Are you saddened that you are not able to travel and visit amazing places together the personal narratives of the last remaining people who had
right now? Join us for a virtual tour of exciting Budapest, vivacious Vienna direct contact with Hitler. The film and lecture are presented by a son of
and picture-perfect Prague! See and hear about some of the most amazing a Jewish boy who met Hitler in Berlin in 1934. 2020, 88 minutes
Jewish sites in Eastern Europe. Join us live with Jacob Shoshan, one of
Israel’s most celebrated tour leaders as he shows and tells you about these Available starting October 16 with a Zoom talk back on
amazing places. It will be the next best thing to actually being there. The October 22 at 4 PM with film director Ronen Israelski.
program begins at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom (
No cost, but donations are always appreciated. For more information and To register for these films and talk backs, please visit
the Zoom password, call the Temple Beth Sholom office at 941.955.8121 These events are free, but we would appreciate a donation to the Federation’s
or email Virtual Programming Fund at
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