Page 32 - Jewish News_October-2020
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32                         October 2020                                                                   JEWISH INTEREST

     Author of unique book featuring Jewish recipes and

     food lore to speak at People of the Book event

     Book review by Philip K. Jason, Special to The Jewish News
           he alphabet  never  tasted  so   efficient without being overly formal.                                    ments of matzo are manifold. One of
           good.                          Measurements are given in the vernac-                                       these is the Sephardic Mina de Matzo.
     TA  huge  and  dazzling  array  of   ulars, so the reader will always know                                       And you don’t want to miss trying Mu-
     contributors brings to life what would   such things as a half cup of sugar is 65                                fleta,  Persian  rice  and  Ptcha  –  foods
     seem to be an impossible task: a plausi-  grams. Chocolate  Babka  immediately                                   with various origins across the Jewish
     ble gathering of what’s “most Jewish”   caught my attention, but I plan to get                                   world. Tsimmes, of course, is univer-
     in the palates of Jews across time, space   my babka by giving a copy of the book,                               sally familiar.
                      and  memory.  The   properly bookmarked, to a good friend                                           Well,  the  person who put  all  this
                      contributors are at   who bakes.                                                                together, New  Yorker  Alana  New-
                      once  erudite  and      Okay, so you’d expect a section on                                      house, is the editor-in-chief of Tablet,
                      down to earth. Au-  bagels, but don’t tell me you anticipat-                                    a  daily  online  magazine  with  a  huge
                      thor Alana  New-    ed  Bazooka  gum.  Bialys  are  another                                     following. Founded in 2009, it features
                      house gives them    must, as are black-and-white cookies,                                       Jewish news, ideas and culture. A grad-
                      brief  but  impres-  blintzes and maybe bokser. And borscht                                     uate of Barnard College and Colum-
                      sive  identification   is inevitable, with this section offering                                bia’s Graduate  School  of Journalism,
                      at  the  end of the   a brief essay on “The Secrets of Soviet                                   Newhouse has contributed to The New
                      book so that read-  Cuisine.” The section on brisket is best                                    York Times, The Washington Post, The
         Phil Jason   ers can connect     read overnight.                                                             Boston Globe and Slate.
     their perspectives to their credentials.  “C”  is  for  carciofi  all  giudia  (ar-                                  At the People of the Book virtu-
        Readers will chuckle at the book’s   tichoke Jewish-style). “C” is also for   family gatherings, holidays and lifecy-  al event on  Wednesday, October 28
     table of contents. It provides a delight-  challah,  charoset and cheesecake  –   cle events at which Jewish food is not   at 7:00 p.m., Newhouse said she will
     ful  visual  image  as  an  identifier  for   AND chicken. Yes, there  is a  section   the theme,  but somehow the bonding   “give people a behind-the-scenes look
     each  selection, in which  these  same   on Chinese food that  explains in de-  agent. We can trace how a recipe was   at some of the most heated and most
     images reappear. They exist to make us   tail “Why Jews Eat Chinese Food on   introduced,  passed along to others,   fun controversies that came up in cre-
     hungry.                              Christmas.” The  mysteries  of cholent   sometimes modified, but always link-  ating our list. It should be a lot of fun.”
        The format is basically a mini-es-  and chopped liver  come  next, laced   ing the generations – just like Hebrew   To register, and for information
     say followed by a recipe. So, we trav-  with both wisdom and humor.  And   school, but usually with greater impact.  on all 25 events in the 2020-21 People
     el and gorge from adafina (a Sabbath   there is a lot more to the (pardon the   These personal stories that link the   of the Book series, go to
     stew) to Yemenite  soup, with the ex-  pun) c-section.                     food with the occasion and the family   books. Complete information can also
     pected  and  plenty  of surprises  along   I have to speed up now: dates,   are  sometimes  humorous, but  always   be found in the special People of the
     the way.                             deli, dill; eggplant, Entenmann’s, eyer-  moving and inviting.              Book insert in this issue of The Jewish
        Just where it needs to be is the ap-  leckh; flanken; gefilte fish, goose and   There is a surprising and welcome   News.
     ple, given a personality by Dan Barber,   the wished-for gribenes; halva, haman-  inclusiveness in the scope of the reci-  Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus
     who plays the part well, complaining   taschen, haminados and Hebrew Na-   pes. A favorite of Tunisian Jews, Pkai-  of English from the United States Na-
     about being blamed for Eve’s lack of   tional hot dogs.                    la,  is  one  of  the  surprises. Adafina  is   val Academy. He reviews regularly for
     discipline, but then boasting about hav-  Let  me depart from the  alphabet   from the Iberian world, and Haminados   the  Washington Independent Review
     ing flourished all over the world. The   now and address some other charms of   are among the Sephardic tastes readers   of Books, Southern  Literary  Review,
     apple’s journey is a guilt  trip. Apple   this “most Jewish” book.         are lured to sample. Jews from the Re-  other publications and the Jewish Book
     cake  becomes  the  choice  for instruc-  Many of the contributors are nota-  public of Georgia indulged themselves   Council. Please visit Phil’s website at
     tion.                                ble writers, or at least darn good ones.   with Labda, which also has a connec-
        The recipes share a professionally   Often, they take the opportunity to per-  tion with Persian cuisine. Jews in India
     structured  style  that  readers  will  find   sonalize their entries with memories of   enjoy Malida at the Seder table. Treat-

                                                                                  October Events

                                                                     Wednesday, October 14 at 7:00pm

                                                                                                Opening Night:

                  PEOPLE OF THE BOOK

                                                                                          An evening with actor
                                                                                           Stephen Tobolowsky

                                                                                         This masterful storyteller will share a tale
         Author Lecture Series                                                            from his book, My Adventures With God,
                                                                                               followed by what is sure to be

                    Featuring 25                                                                    a lively discussion.
             virtual events from                                     Wednesday, October 28 at 7:00pm

      October 2020 – June 2021                                                                Featured Event:

        Events are $10 each per                                                               An evening with

         household. Purchase a                                                               Alana Newhouse

         Page Turner Pass to all                                                         Alana is the founder and editor-in-chief

         25 events for just $108                                                           of Tablet, a daily online magazine of
                                                                                             Jewish news, ideas and culture.
        ($97 through October 6).                                                         She will talk about the one unwavering
                                                                                              constant of Jewish life: Food!

           For a complete schedule of events, admission information, author bios and

       book synopses, see the eight-page insert in this issue or visit
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