Page 35 - Jewish News_October-2020
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JEWISH INTEREST                                                                          October 2020                                     35

     Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

     From technoklutz to “Silver Techie” –

     COVID-19 pushes seniors into the digital age

     By Rabbi Barbara Aiello

           he box sat on the kitchen  ta-     The study also found that although    On the  bright  side,  PRNewswire   with it a return to the book of B’resheet
           ble, partially opened. Amid the   many adults enter retirement after hav-  reports that six out of 10 older adults,   (Genesis), we find these words of com-
     Tcardboard  and  bubble  wrap,       ing used computers during their work   whom they term “Silver Techies,” are   fort: “And God saw everything that
     the corner of what looked like an elec-  lives, and each year more older adults   embracing technology – an advance-  he had made, and behold, it was very
     tronic device seemed to taunt Connie   access the internet, a digital divide ex-  ment brought about, in large part, by   good.”  That includes laptops, iPads,
                       to retrieve it. But   ists between seniors and younger peo-  the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, ac-  smartphones  and  apps  –  the  “ganza
                       Connie, the recip-  ple. This divide is most obvious in that   cording to a new   megillah” – just waiting for seniors to
                       ient of the “gift,”   “Older  adults  use  significantly  fewer   survey, these Medicare-eligible seniors   explore, appreciate and embrace.
                       was having  none   digital applications and spend less time   are overcoming psychological barriers   For 10 years Rabbi Barbara  Aiello
                       of it.  That was   online than younger adults.”          to become digitally savvy, mainly be-  served the  Aviva Campus for Senior
                       until   Connie’s       In recent  years,  pre-COVID, ex-  cause they now find an online meeting   Life as resident rabbi. Her most pop-
                       best friend Joan   perts in aging believed that senior re-  with a doctor or other health profes-  ular columns are now published in her
                       stopped by.        luctance  to enter the digital age was   sional  an  important  alternative  to  an   new book,  Aging Jewishly, available
                           “Don’t  come   grounded in a lack of accessibility. It   in-person  office  visit.  Then  there  are   on Amazon. Rabbi Barbara now lives
                       in until you’ve    was assumed that finding and using a   the Zoom, FaceTime and Skype visits   and works in Italy where she is rabbi
      Rabbi Barbara Aiello  sanitized   your   computer was complicated and difficult   with family members that, sans digital   of  Italy’s  first  Reconstructionist  syna-
     hands,” said Connie. “The bottle is by   for older adults. The Lancaster Univer-  technology, would not happen for se-  gogue. Contact her at Rabbi@Rabbi
     the door. And wait right there ’til I get   sity study determined that accessibili-  niors during the COVID era.
     my mask.” Connie, who was now ready   ty was not the problem. Instead, they    With  the  New Year  upon  us, and
     for visitors, motioned for Joan to sit at   found that  “personally  held values  to
     the kitchen table.  That’s when Joan   do  with  the  desirability  of technolo-
     saw Connie’s half-opened box with    gy… and fears of getting things wrong
     what appeared to be a state-of-the-art   when  using  software  are  significant
     iPad inside. “OMG,” Joan announced.   factors holding back technology use
     “You’ve got an iPad Pro there. Wow!   among older adults.”
     Lucky you!”                              Seniors also reported concerns re-                SUPPORT
        Connie pushed the box toward      garding security, especially  related  to           Friendship at Home
                                                                                               Financial Stability
     her friend – a gesture that seemed to   online  banking,  were  also  significant         In-home Support
     renounce  ownership of her  gift.  “My   factors holding them back from the             Home Delivered Meals
     son and granddaughter sent me this…   digital world.                                    Educational Programs
     this… machine for my birthday. You       “I haven’t seen my granddaughter                CAREGIVING
     say ‘Lucky me?’ I say Oy Gevalt! I’m   for five months,” Connie said, “and I           Caregiver Resource Centers
     too old for this stuff.”             want to talk to her on this new gadget            Adult Day Care Programs
                                                                                                Support Groups
        Joan shook her head in disbelief   but I’m afraid I’ll mess it up so badly            Educational Programs
     and began to read the promotional    that it can’t be fixed.”
     material  tucked  inside  the  box, high-  Dr. Bran Knowles and Professor            HEALTH & WELLNESS
     lighting  for Connie  the  miraculous   Vicki Hanson addressed this and other              Senior Centers
     properties of her gift. “It says right here   issues in their paper, “The Wisdom of        Friendship Cafés
                                                                                                 Senior Fitness
     that you have a magical piece of glass,   Older Technology (Non) Users” (ACM              Balance Movement
     faster than most computers, that has a   Journals). Dr. Knowles  found that,               Lifelong Learning
     state-of-the-art camera, too. Your fam-  “The fact that digital technologies can
     ily  gave  you a  fancy-schmancy  iPad   and do make certain jobs obsolete is a         |  941.955.2122
     Pro, that BTW, I could kill for, and all   common concern for older adults who
     you  can  say  is  ‘Oy  Gevalt?’  Connie   worry about their grandchildren’s job            SARASOTA                    VENICE
     Dahling, have you lost your marbles?”  prospects.”  Knowles  emphasizes  that               1888 Brother Geenen Way     2350 Scenic Drive
        Connie’s dilemma  and Joan’s re-  developing solutions to attend to this                 Sarasota, FL 34236          Venice, FL 34293
     action  are  not unique.  In fact,  they   wider societal  problem appears to be
     demonstrate opposite ends of the digi-  key to fostering acceptance of digital
     tal continuum compounded for seniors   technologies among older adults.
     by the isolation caused by COVID-19.     Researchers also found some old-                                                                MAR200947A
     While  Joan  has embraced  the  digital   er  people,  like Connie,  use their  age
     age, Connie is reluctant to try.     as a  cover  for distancing  themselves
        Even before the advent of the pan-  from technology. The researchers call
     demic, research professionals began to   it “playing the age card” – a myth that
     study why some older people were un-  many  older  adults  themselves  often
     comfortable with digital technologies.   perpetuate  so that  they  don’t have  to
        A 2018 study conducted  by Lan-   deal with electronic advances. It’s the
     caster University in the UK revealed   “can’t teach  an old dog new tricks”
     that, “Fear of making mistakes and wid-  syndrome that  becomes  a psycholog-
     er concerns about their social respon-  ical obstacle  preventing seniors like               Tidewell Hospice
     sibility are among reasons why older   Connie from taking the “gadget” out of
     people are rejecting digital technologies.”   its box.                                        is committed to meeting the spiritual  and

                                                                                                   physical needs of our patients and families.
         STAY CONNECTED                        STAY CONNECTED                                       As a certified Jewish Hospice, Tidewell offers:
                                                                                                      •  Mezuzah and Shabbat candles
                                                                                                      •  Spiritual consultation with Rabbi
                                Many of Tidewell’s services are funded by donors.
                                                                                                       on request
                                                                                                      •  Hebrew Bible and prayer book

                                                                                   Visit to donate or learn more.

                                                                           •  941-552-7500  •  855-Tidewell
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