Page 39 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 39
How about a modest deal with Israel?...continued from page 38
Gulf in more than half a century, along this October – and then rescheduled ering, we and our Emirati and Israeli
with exhibit and conference space pro- for October 2021, due to COVID-19: friends will be celebrating all the more
moting interreligious understanding. the opening of the grand Dubai Expo, fervently. 5
We look forward to visiting that syna- which bravely would include an Israeli Jason Isaacson is Chief Policy and Po-
gogue, along with our many friends in pavilion, alongside those of 191 other litical Affairs Officer of the American
the small but growing Jewish commu- countries. Jewish Committee.
nity of the Emirates. Following UAE-Israel normaliza-
Before the breakthrough an- tion, such “bravery” is a historical arti- The AJC West Coast Florida
nouncement of August 13, the next fact. Last year, AJC began planning to office, located in Sarasota, can
sign of warming relations between attend the Expo, to celebrate a budding
the UAE and Israel was scheduled for relationship. With that bud now flow- be reached at 941.365.4955. EASY
BRIEFS pace of Israel’s outreach to the Arab years. In photos taken in both the PA STEPS
and Hamas-dominated Gaza, only a
world. He told the Jewish Chronicle
dozen or so demonstrators are shown,
this week that other Arab countries
are quietly falling into line behind the mostly members of the older genera-
ISRAEL LAUNCHES UAE, driven not only by fear of Iran, tion.
MEDICAL LABORATORY but also by concern at the machinations The lack of demonstrations was How To Stay
INTO SPACE of Turkey, where President Erdogan is most assuredly noticed by state leaders
Israel and Italy launched a nano-sat- trying to revive the status of the Otto- in the Middle East. It is one more sign Up-To-Date
ellite, Dido 3, into space recently that man Empire. of long-term processes of political mat-
was manufactured by Israel’s Space- As far back as 1996, when he first uration in the Arabic-speaking public. On Your
Pharma. came into government as foreign poli- The Arabs taking to the streets today do
The satellite carries a tiny labora- cy adviser to Prime Minister Netanya- not believe the Palestinian nationalist Jewish
tory with four medical scientific ex- hu, “I visited a number of countries, vision is more deserving of their efforts
periments to test drug resistance under including Qatar and Oman,” Gold said. and attention than their own struggle Community
conditions of micro-gravity. He also went to Paris that year for a for a better future at home. (Prof. Hillel
The director of the Israeli Space meeting with a senior Saudi diplomat. Frisch, Begin-Sadat Center for Strate-
Agency, Avi Blasberger, said, “Space- When he served as Israel’s am- gic Studies-Bar-Ilan University) 1 STEP ONE
Pharma is currently the only commer- bassador to the UN between 1997 and THE ARAB WORLD BEGINS
cial company, except for NASA, with 1999, “there was an African country TO REALIZE THAT ISRAEL Hourly
a space research laboratory.” (Sarah with a Muslim majority, whose ambas- IS NOT THE ENEMY Social Media: While we don’t always
Chemla, Jerusalem Post) sador was head of the committee for post hourly, we do post often. What do we
post? Time-sensitive news, alerts, items of
the inalienable rights of the Pales- For more than 50 years, diplomatic ge- interest, and more. Follow us on Facebook,
ISRAEL TO ESTABLISH tinians.” After a fire-and-brimstone niuses kept telling the world that “the Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more!
NATIONAL LABORATORY speech to the General Assembly, “he key to peace in the Middle East is to re- Find us by searching for “JFEDSRQ.”
TO STUDY COVID-19 AND came up to me and asked, ‘Dore, may- solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
FUTURE VIRUSES be you could take me for lunch at one The convenient corollary was that the 2 STEP TWO
solution was in Israel’s hands, which
of your kosher restaurants?’” Today,
Due to the urgent need for research on Israel and the country have full diplo- kept the Jewish state constantly on the
COVID-19, the Israeli government has matic relations. receiving end of global condemnation. Daily
decided to set up a new national lab- “The point here is that countries This camouflaged the plain truth that Whether you’re on your desk-
oratory for the study of viruses at the are driven by a keen understanding of the deepest ills of the region have ab- top, laptop or smartphone, the
Federation website, has everything above and
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. their interests. If their interests lead solutely nothing to do with Israel or the below (and more) right at your fingertips. Keep
The new lab will be built according them to closer ties with Israel, they will Palestinian conflict. our event calendars in your bookmarks bar for
to the strict BSL-3 standard, equipped pursue them. First perhaps in a hidden The decision of the UAE to go event information in a click.
with a special air-conditioning system way, but later in an overt way.... Our public with its open relationship with
that operates at lower air pressure than 3 STEP THREE
continued on page 39 vital interests and those of the Arab Israel represents a paradigm shift as
the surrounding environment so that world have begun to really coalesce. the dreaded Zionist enemy was public-
nothing can spread outwards. And that makes great opportunity for ly legitimized and validated by a pow- Weekly
It will also be equipped with ad- dramatic breakthroughs. I am optimis- erful Arab nation. The Zionist state Federation Eblast:
vanced testing and experimentation tic with respect to what can be done.” is suddenly turning into a source for Receive timely Federation
tools, and scientists using it will be (Dore Gold interviewed by Jenni Fraz- solutions and hope rather than hatred. news, topics, and more,
provided with high-level protective er, Jewish Chronicle - UK) How can anti-Zionist groups like the in your email every
Friday by subscribing to the weekly
gear. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) newsletter, the Federation eBlast.
Professor Re’em Sari, Vice Presi- THE ISRAEL-UAE movement continue to undermine Isra-
dent of Research and Development at el if Arab countries announce that it’s 4 STEP FOUR
Hebrew University, said, “Until now, AGREEMENT’S GREATEST good for the health of their societies
experiments could be conducted on ACHIEVEMENT: LITTLE to do business with the Zionist state? L ’Shana Tova!
dead virus samples, but the new lab ARAB PROTEST (David Suissa, Los Angeles Jewish Monthly Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
will allow researchers to study the be- As an El Al plane flew over Saudi Journal) The Jewish News: The Celebrating Years FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE
The Jewish
publication that brings the
13 Community Focus
20 Jewish Interest
September 2020 - Elul 5780 / Tishrei 5781 Volume 50, Number 8
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Federation to offer all virtual
25 Jewish Happenings
havior of a living virus, how to iden- Arabia carrying a bevy of Israeli of- Jewish community right to your Where your dollars go: 4 cases that continue to climb in Flori- would have to be in effect to feel event. All answers clearly showed
Staff Report
39 Commentary
programming for the 2020-21 season
43 Focus on Youth
he Jewish Federation of Sara-
47 Life Cycle
sota-Manatee has made the dif-
door event for the coming Fall-Winter
2020-21 season?
38 Israel & the Jewish World Tficult decision that all programs
As you can see, an overwhelming
for the 2020-21 season will be virtual.
Chief Executive Officer Howard Tev-
majority would not feel comfortable
lowitz says, “In an effort to keep the
reluctance on the part of the com-
attending or thought it was too soon to
community safe, we feel we have no
lightening. Here are a few:
Many of the comments were en-
choice but to make this decision. The
Other questions included at
health of our Federation family is too
I will not be attending in the fore-
In addition to the Coronavirus
what capacity one would attend an
in-person event, what conditions
asking, but no, no and NO!!!
seeable future. Very glad you are
tify it and how to kill it. The lab will ficials to the Emirates, there were no Crossword Puzzle door every month with news, Lechlechallah – Challah baking 12 answered by more than 550 re- comfortable to attend an in-person 4.0 % 9 .5 % 3 attending indoor events With an older population to con-
da, Tevlowitz points to the results of
American Friends of
event (i.e., masks, sanitizers, etc.)
Leket Israel
sider, no indoor events should be
our recent event survey, which clearly
attend in-person events for the foresee-
showed the community is not ready to
and when would you see yourself
planned until there is a vaccine.
and films you’ve provided.
able future. “We have heard you loud
Appreciate the varied programs
ready to come out to an in-person
and clear,” says Tevlowitz.
The event survey sent out
continued on page 2
via email and social media, was
3 .2 %
feedback about our current virtual
programming and questioned about
spondents. They were asked for 57 .2
.2 Percent Will avoid attending in-
taken to a new level
57door events for the foreseeable future
how comfortable one would feel at-
.2 Percent Have no concern about
tending in-person events this com-
ing season. We are so grateful that
so many in our community took the
also allow us to develop a vaccine for demonstrations of consequence in the Solution to puzzle on page 31 events, and more. Get your FREE Temple Beth Sholom Catering: 46 16 assistance to area Jewish organizations
.0 Percent Would be nervous,
time to let us know their thoughts.
4 but may still attend indoor events
The pie chart at right shows the
answer to the main question: What is
.5 Percent Will attend so long as CDC/
9federal/state guidelines are strictly followed
your level of comfort attending an in-
26.1 26 soon to tell
.1 Percent Think that it is too
Keeping connected and
subscription today!
kosher with Shabbat meals
Federation awards 2 nd phase of COVID-19
n April of this year, The Jewish
Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
Ibegan raising funds to provide
visual systems in order
By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer, and Stacey Gillman, Stronger Together Granting Chair
to provide virtual ser-
vices and programs for
COVID-19 relief to Jewish organiza-
our community mem-
tions in our two-county area. As of
this printing, our generous community
has contributed more than $330,000 to
and safe school year
bers, many of whom are
the virus, by examining new ideas in Arab world. Amman, Beirut, Tunis, Al- reflect the views of, or serve as endorsement gramming, including helping a number was overwhelming. The committee mittee focused its efforts on fulfilling
The Gan plans an exciting
our Stronger Together effort, including
the pandemic.
isolated and alone due to
board-restricted fund.
a $100,000 matching grant from our
In July, the Stron-
ger Together Granting
Committee met to re-
Readers may recall that we distrib-
uted close to $70,000 of those dollars
This issue of The Jewish News contains a paid
to eight Jewish organizations and syna-
view applications for the second phase
gogues in early June to support Food
political advertisement. The ad does not
of the granting process. The response
Security and Health/Wellness pro-
by, the staff or leadership of The Jewish
was available to distribute, which was
those grants that address Food Secu-
received requests totaling more than
of synagogues make much-needed up-
Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
for this phase. The committee recom-
concerning as the plan was to make a
rity and Health/Wellness programming
grades to their technology and audio-
third phase of grants available in early
A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
mended and received Board approval
for $157,660 in grants for the follow-
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
Annual voluntary subscription: $25
fall. After much deliberation, the com-
ing programs:
Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
parallel to the work of the commercial giers and Rabat, where demonstrations 5 MANASOTA FL PERMIT 167 PAID 1484 Main Street | Sarasota FL 34236 | 941.312.5566 | continued on page 2
See our ad on page 3A
vaccine developers.” (Udi Etzion, Cal- against Israel and the “desecration” STEP FIVE
calist) of the al-Aqsa mosque are generally
well-attended, were silent. Yearly
ISRAELI AND ARAB There was a din of voices castigat- ShalomSRQ: Your resource
INTERESTS “HAVE BEGUN ing the UAE for normalizing ties with guide to everything Jewish in
Sarasota-Manatee. Keep it on
TO COALESCE” Israel, but they emanated mostly from hand to quickly find Jewish
September 3, 2020: In 2015, Dr. Dore dinosaur institutions linked with the goods, services and organizations.
Gold, a former director-general of Isra- Arab League, professional unions and Request to be on the mailing list!
el’s Foreign Ministry, opened a small political movements whose common
Israeli economic office in the UAE and characteristic is a fossilized leadership Find and Subscribe at
is better placed than most to judge the that has been in place for more than 25
Get to know Israel and her people!