Page 43 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 43

COMMENTARY                                                                               October 2020                                     43

     Israel, UAE establish diplomatic relations

     By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
            es gadol haya sham – a great      The deal caught Iran by surprise,   shared concern regarding Iran and the
            miracle happened there. Israel   but that did not stop Iran’s President,   threat  of other militant  groups in the
     Nand the United Arab Emirates        Hassan Rouhani,  from  expressing     Middle East pave the way for positive
     (UAE) have agreed to establish a peace   Iran’s dissatisfaction regarding the ar-  relations  with  like-minded  countries.
     treaty  between the two countries that   rangement.  Rouhani  said, “We warn   The UAE-Israel deal proves the valid-
     will  include  direct  flights,  reciprocal   the Emirates – don’t open the region   ity of his thinking. Israel wants peace   ing nations  together  in this quest for
     embassies  and  other  bilat-                    for the Zionist regime    in the region and acceptance by the   peace.
     eral agreements  that  bring                     to  step in.  Things will   Arab world working together  to gain   Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
     the two closer together.                         change and will be dealt   that peace. This is a gigantic first step.     ing chair of the Robert and Esther
        Prime  Minister  Benja-                       with in a different way.”   We wait to see what happens. May    Heller Community Relations Commit-
     min  Netanyahu stated  the                          Anger has  been  ex-   this be the beginning of talks through-  tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
     following regarding the                          pressed, but  no  military   out the world bringing former contest-
     new agreement:  “Today                           action is expected to fol-
     we  usher  in  a  new  era  of                   low on the threatening
     peace between Israel and                         words of Iran’s leader.
     the Arab world. There is a                       Iran is not prepared to       PaiSanO’s                              941.926.8422
     good chance we will soon                         engage in a confrontation                                            2732 Stickney Point Road
     see more  Arab countries    Rabbi Howard A. Simon  with Israel, preferring to              IT ALIAN  B AKER Y
     joining this expanding circle of peace.”  stand back and watch what, if any, fur-                                                    2019
                                                                                          •Rugalach • Strudel
        The question is, how did this im-  ther developments take place.                  • R ugalach           • S tr  udel
     portant event come to take place? The    The deal was finalized when Isra-              •Hamantaschen
     answer is the concerns that both Israel   el agreed to put a hold on its plan to   LOCAL
     and the UAE have regarding the desire   annex West Bank land sought by the     BAKERY                    WINNER
     of  Iran  to  spread  its  influence  in  the   Palestinians.  That concession, how-
     Middle East. Both countries see Iran as   ever, had little or no meaning for the
     a threat to their way of life and a major   Palestinians.  A spokesman for Pal-  STAY CONNECTED
     concern as Iran continues to develop   estinian  President  Mahmoud  Abbas                                            STAY CONNECTED
     its nuclear capacity. Crown Prince Mo-  said, “The deal amounts to treason
     hammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the day-  and  should be  reversed.”  This  agree-
     to-day ruler of the  UAE, also shares   ment  also weakens the tenuous posi-
     Israel’s  mistrust of Islamist groups   tion of President Abbas, who is already
     such  as  the  Muslim  Brotherhood  and   dealing  with the worst economic  sit-
     the Gaza Strip’s ruling Hamas militant   uation the country has experienced in
     group. Israel, the strongest military   years.
     power in the region, represents a sym-   Prime Minister Netanyahu has
     bol of strength that  the United  Arab   been involved in advancing  the re-
     Emirates respects and counts on in this   lations  between  Israel  and  the  Arab   
     confrontation with Iran.             world  for  years.  He  believes  that  the

         build.                              advocate.

                       remember. support.

           Government Affairs

             Meetings with elected officials are increasingly important as we see support for Israel
               eroding around the world. Advocating for Jewish interests starts locally and often goes
                 to Washington D.C. You can count on the Heller CRC when it matters most, from
                   advocating in our local school systems to championing national bills.

                                                                                                                        ^ Builds Bridges
                                                     Robert and Esther Heller
                                                         CRC                       ^ Advocates through Government Affairs

                                                     COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE               ^ Remembers the Holocaust


                                         Heller CRC assists school teachers, synagogues, churches and libraries to “Never
                                          Forget.” The Holocaust Speakers Bureau brings survivors’ personal stories to school
                                            children and adults alike. Classrooms Without Borders takes elite teachers
                                             each year to Poland with a survivor. These experiences change how they
                                               teach the Holocaust, helping them create upstanders in their schools.

                     HELLER CRC’S MISSION

                   To build relationships within the
                 Jewish and non-Jewish communities

              and to advance common interests
            through education and advocacy.                                                           
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