Page 46 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 46

46                         October 2020                                                                   FOCUS ON YOUTH

     “Why are you Jewish?”

            s a member of Temple  Ema-        I don’t think it was until I began
            nu-El’s  2018  Confirmation   to attend public school that I realized I
     Aclass, Leo Glickman delivered       was a minority. Trying to fit in, I found
     a speech entitled “Why Are You Jew-  myself laughing off the occasional an-
     ish?” that was adapted for the congre-  tisemitic joke, or simply avoiding the
     gation’s “Our Jewish Stories” project,   topic of religion. It was a bittersweet
     created and curated by Bruce Black.   moment when I realized that Judaism
     Now 18 and a freshman at University   made me different.
     of Central  Florida,  Leo was invited    Maybe it wasn’t easy at first, but
     to share these  words                             today  I wear  my  Juda-
     during  Temple  Ema-                              ism  proudly. Living  in
     nu-El’s inaugural Yom                             a country where my re-
     Kippur symposium  this                            ligion is a minority, I re-
     year:                                             alize  now  that  Judaism
        “Why are you Jew-                              is truly beautiful. Being
     ish?”                                             outnumbered, we fellow
        It’s the question we                           Jews stick together. We
     have all heard countless                          are one big family. I feel
     times. Even though the                            personally   connected                   An intergenerational partnership between
     question  was so fre-                             to any Jewish person in                 STEP and Aviva—A Campus for Senior Life
     quent, I was still search-                        the world.  We all  feel         Jewish high school students from Sarasota and Manatee are invited to
     ing for an answer.                                the joy when a fellow             participate in this virtual volunteer opportunity fostering relationships
        Why am I Jewish?                               Jew succeeds,  and we              with senior living residents. Teens will develop skills in leadership,
        Since  my birth,  Ju-       Leo Glickman       all feel the pain when                   responsibility, empathy, communication and more.
     daism has been a pillar of my life. I am   a fellow Jew, even one we will never    Approximately two-hours a week from mid-October through mid-February.
     the son of two rabbis, and that’s about   meet, fails. I know that if I am ever go-
     as Jewish as it gets. I attended a Jewish   ing through a hard time, I can look to
     preschool and elementary school, and   my Jewish family for support.         EARN VOLUNTEER                                         RECEIVE A
     Temple  Emanu-El  has always been a      Being a Jew has provided so much        HOURS                                            CERTIFICATE OF
     second home. My friends were Jewish,   for me, but I guess it still doesn’t an-                                                    COMPLETION
     my family was Jewish, and I had a dog   swer  the question. “Why am I Jew-
     named Mazel. Judaism was so deeply   ish?” I think the answer is, “I simply
     integrated in my life that I never really   wouldn’t be Leo  Glickman  without          For more information and to apply go to
     thought about it.                    it.”                                              

      For a continuously updated community                                                                 For more information, contact                1

           calendar, visit                                                      Andrea Eiffert at: 941.552.6308 or

          TEEN TRAVEL

          ADVENTURES                                                               Experience an                                      APRIL 5-18

                                                                                                                                      2 0 21
                                                                                   life-changing trip
                                                                                                                                      All scholarships are contingent
                                                                                   with other                                         TENTATIVE
                                                                                                                                      upon confirmation that program
                                                                                                                                      will commence.
                                                                                   11th & 12th grade
                                                                                   students from

                        Where will YOUR adventure take you?                        around the world!
                        The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and its generous
                        donors are committed to providing teen travel scholarships   • Spend a week in Poland             For more information, go online to:
                        for educational, experiential and exploratory programs.    • March from Auschwitz to         APPLY BY NOV. 20, 2020
                          ALERT!    Applications are now being accepted for March   Birkenau on Yom HaShoah            Got Questions? Contact Andrea Eiffert at
                                                                                    with thousands of fellow Jews
                                    of the Living, Send-a-Kid-to-Israel-Program
                         Deadline is 4:00 PM on Friday, November 20, 2020.        • Spend a week in Israel during       941.552.6308 or
                                    and Alexander Muss High School in Israel.
                                                                                    Yom Hazikaron and Yom
                          NO LATE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.      Ha’atzmaut
                          Tuesday, December 15, 2020, via ZOOM.INTERVIEWS         • See and hear the incredible sites and
                          Scholarship interviews will be held on
                                                                                    sounds of our homeland!

                        To learn more about our teen travel programs and
                        scholarships, visit the website below.

                                                                                                        The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life                                                                          Klingenstein Jewish Center

       or contact Andrea Eiffert at                                                                     580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232
       941.552.6308 or                                                             941.371.4546  •
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