Page 45 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 45

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                           October 2020                                     45

 Temple Sinai’s week of Maccabiah Games    Community Day School purchases property

 starts with exciting Ultimate Scavenger Hunt  for new school campus

            ershorin  Schiff  Community   from supporters who believe in our ed-  positive impact on the community with   are currently on waitlists, will achieve
 thusiasm  of Liana,  age  8, co-captain   Day School has announced it   ucational  philosophy and  understand   the values that are instilled in the stu-  greater financial independence and – as
 of the Green team, and Preston, age 5.  His  in  the  final  stages  of  pur-  how crucial it is for our school to de-  dents there: respect, inclusion and in-  the owners and managers of the cam-
 “What a great experience! Even though  chasing  the  nearly  nine-acre  former   sign and own its future,” said Board of   tellectual curiosity,” said Gary Rodkin.   pus – will have the freedom to adapt
 it was virtual, it was such a great in- school property at the corner of McIn-  Trustees Co-chair Mitch Blumenthal.  “The kids who go through Communi-  and adjust its facilities to meet any new
 teractive way to get the kids, families,  tosh and  Wilkinson Roads.  The  next   Significant gifts have already been   ty Day School will figure out how to   programming or arising need.
 teams and the temple to come togeth- step – the $5 million  “Owning Our   made by Mitch and Colleen Blumen-  make the world a better place.”  To get involved with the “Own-
 er.  We can’t wait to participate next  Future” campaign – has recently been   thal, the Hershorin family, Rosenthal   At its new location, the school will   ing Our Future” campaign, please call

 year!”   launched to fund the construction of   Roots Family Foundation, Gary and   be able to accommodate families who   941.552.2770.
 Bethany  declared,  “This  was the  two new buildings and grow its endow-  Barbara  Rodkin,  Daniel  E.  Offutt  III
 first of many such games, as everyone  ment. The school plans to move for the   Charitable  Trust, Darren and Rachel
 enjoyed it so much!”  2021-2022 school year.  Saltzberg, Jeffrey Bain and Rabbi Anat
 For information on Temple Sinai’s   “Even in the midst of a pandemic,   Moskowitz, and the Kaplan family.
 Religious School, email bleinweber@ we have been thrilled at the response   “I believe the school can  have a

                                                                                                    Serving Preschool - Grade 8

                                                                                         Socially distanced classes with low student:teacher ratios
                                                                                           Instruction tailored to each student's individual needs
                                                                                            Extensive outdoor learning and play in every grade
                                                                                                Hebrew and Spanish offered for all students
                                                                                                              Daily fine arts
                                                                                                 Athletics opportunities for all K-8 students
                                                                                                       Medical professional on-site
                                                                                                   Convenient hours for working parents
            Head of School Dan Ceaser with “Owning Our Future” capital campaign co-chairs
               Rachel and Darren Saltzberg on Community Day School’s new campus                   Accredited by FCIS, FKC, and Prizmah
                                                                                         Flexible online learning option available for grades Pre K-8
         stay connected @                                                         1050 S. Tuttle Avenue | Sarasota, FL 34237
                                                                                                  941-552-2770 |

                                                                                      F A M I L Y E V E N T

           RE A D — S I NG — DA NCE — G AT HE R — GR OW

           PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                             Presents
           to  provide  families  raising  Jewish  children with  the  gift of  free, high-quality
           children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with   PJ SUKKAH CHALLENGE!
           Jewish life in our community.
                       Join one of our PJ programs below                                       Make and decorate your own PJ-sized sukkah,
                to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.                                     and then join us for the big reveal!
                                                                                      Collect a large cardboard box and decorate it with all the symbols
                    Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years                                    and traditions of Sukkot. Then, show off your efforts during our
                                                                                                ZOOM sukkah challenge on Simchat Torah!

                                                                                          WHEN                   WHERE                  COST
                                                                                         Sunday,                  ZOOM                 This Event
                                                                                        October 11            (please register          is FREE
                 Sign-up at                                                3:30pm        to receive the meeting link.)

                                                                                                  Register at
                      Children Ages 8 thru 12 years                                       For more information please contact Andrea Eiffert at
                                                                                                  941.552.6308 or

                                                                                      SPONSORED BY
                    Sign-up at

          For more information, contact
          Andrea Eiffert

          941.552.6308    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
                          funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
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