Page 41 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 41

COMMENTARY                                                                               October 2020                                     41

     Change of mind

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
        n my younger rabbinic days, I’d re-  with  the  dawn of the  industrial  age   from  other  lands  to  join  us as fellow   seeking equal  rights for their African
        coil reading Torah verses regarding   when violations against nature were   citizens  should  assume  this  duty  de-  American countrymen.
     IGod visiting the iniquity of the fa-  commonplace.  In  a  real  sense,  their   spite seeming to be even farther re-  Perhaps, from reading the Second
     thers on children and grandchildren to   health situation  is being requited for   moved from offenses not of their own   Commandment over and over and ap-
     the third and fourth generations (Exo-  the malfeasance  of previous genera-  making. Why? Because citizenship not   preciating  their  own historical  expe-
     dus 34:6-7). I thought the unfairness of   tions. As prominent  writer and social   only includes a nation’s gifts, but also   rience, these Jews were keenly aware
     innocent future generations paying for   critic Elbert Hubbard once put it, “We   its burdens.                   of the way evils of one generation can
                       sins committed     are punished by our sins, not for them.”   I am struck by how quickly Jews   be visited on other ones long after they
                       by their forebear-     There is a long list of examples of   stepped off boats from Eastern Europe   were first perpetrated.
                       ers  didn’t  make   how  contemporary  life  is  affected  by   and elsewhere and immersed  them-  Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as a
                       moral sense and    regrettable decisions made many years   selves in American life, though know-  Community Chaplain and Director of
                       wasn’t  reflective   ago. Look at slavery. Blacks continue   ing little English, if any at all. So much   JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
                       of an  equitable   to endure discrimination  and a host   so,  that  while  fighting  antisemitism,   position is underwritten by The Jewish
                       Jewish perspec-    of disparities while society at large is   they also stood at the vanguard of those   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                       tive.              plagued  by reactionary  nativism  due
                           We are re-     Founding Fathers and nine presidents  The tweaking of our
                                          to America’s original sin which many
     Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  sponsible for our
     own transgressions, not those of oth-  sustained in turning a blind eye to traf-  religion has fascinated me
     ers. Just as there  shouldn’t be vicari-  ficking in human chattel.
     ous atonement for sins, neither should   We do not live in a vacuum. While   By Joel Kreiss
     there be vicarious punishment for them   many positive aspects of contemporary
                                                                                    like being Jewish!  It’s not the
     as well.                             existence are informed by consequen-  I                                     debate, we have established tacit  ap-
        While it is true that elsewhere in   tial  achievements  over the centuries,   god thing that gets to me, it’s the   proval to question the “why,” leading
     the Bible we find texts indicating that   so too a great deal of previous human   uniqueness of the religion. Firstly,   to potential changes in ritual and social
     children would not, indeed, suffer the   misconduct has precipitated prejudices   as I’ve stated in my last piece, it was   behavior while still being Jews.  The
     penalty for their antecedents’ trespass-  that continue to mar societal virtue.   the “invention” of a religion that intro-  understanding of our core beliefs, our
     es, the notion is, nonetheless, retained   Those who claim  to be divorced   duced the concept of universal fairness.   social contract, our constant search for
     in the second of the  Ten Command-   from the deleterious conduct of those   It laid down guidelines that would help   “what is good,” as Micah so eloquently
     ments (look it up).  Why give such a   in previous eras and, therefore, unac-  to make society a better place. It em-  stated in 6:6-6:9, or Amos in 5:21-5:24,
     high  profile  to  a  belief  that  does  not   countable  for their repercussions are   phasized  fidelity  to  a  universal  God   is the real message in all our studies.
     hold up logically or ethically?      misguided since the issue is not a ques-  that stressed codes of behavior hitherto   And when we study and debate,
        Well, I’ve now changed my views   tion of guilt, but responsibility. All of   unheard of.                     we are creating, in our daily or weekly
     on the matter. We are, ultimately, not   us have  the  obligation  to  try to  right   A new nation was in the process of   gathering, a Living Talmud. All those
     spared from the consequences brought   wrongs even if we had nothing to do   developing and the laws were designed   rabbis of old added a tile to the mosa-
     about by the pernicious actions of   with their commission. In fact, that is   to recognize fairness and equitability.   ic of our Jewish understanding. We are
     those  who came  before  us.  Take,  for   how we prevent  the  impact  of prior   Caring for the widow and child, paying   encouraging others to give their inter-
     example, pollution. Many today suffer   injustice from continuing to beleaguer   wages fairly and promptly, and adjudi-  pretations, their tile, to the Torah pas-
     from the consequences of the despoli-  future generations.                 cation of disputes was codified so as to   sage under study. We are unknowingly
     ation of our water and air that began    Even  individuals  who’ve come    reduce the possibility of chaos within   being helped by someone else’s view-
                                                                                the  society.  And since  its inception,   point to see, to feel, the world as never
                                                                                Judaism has taken this original model,   before. How exciting! What potential
                                                                                forced study and introspection, result-  beauty awaits us if we only stop to see
                                                                                ing in a constant refinement of itself.   and listen. It reminds me of a poem I
                                                                                    The obvious instructions of study   wrote a while back, inspired by a little
                                                                                and discussion have led to our people   flower:
                                                                                being among the most learned through-  In the style of Marcel Proust
                                                                                out history. Having the foresight to re-  JACARANDA TREE
                                                                                define itself as a Torah-based religion,   It was early spring,
                                                                                as opposed to its original form, a tem-  I was passing by as usual, Not
                                                                                ple based/sacrificial religion, prevented   noticing you.
                           VOLUME 2  |  2020-2021
                         DISCOVER ALL THINGS JEWISH
                        Synagogues, Food, Culture & More
                        GET INVOLVED  Sarasota-Manatee                          it from the waste pile of the countless   You were just part of “what is.”
                        Events, Volunteering, Advocacy, and More
                        FIND THE LOCATIONS
                        On the Detailed Map Locator
                                                                                religions  that  came  before and since.   Nothing special.
                         A PUBLICATION OF
                                 E JE

                        FREE JEWISH                                             One didn’t need a temple anymore to   For many months, you bared your
                                                                                worship. Anywhere there was a Torah,
                                                                                                                      innermost self to me, And I walked on.
                 RESOURCE GUIDE!
                 R   E  SO     U   RC    E   G   U   I D   E  !                 was God’s house and a house of study   I’m sorry. Then you dropped a purple
                                                                                                                      leaf, I stopped and admired that leaf…
                                                                                and prayer.
                                                                                    I  visualize  the  Romans,  with  the
                                                                                                                      You were beginning to don your
            Get a copy of our wildly popular publication, SHALOMSRQ.            destruction of the Second Temple cre-  (Or was it a tear?) And looked up.
                                                                                ating the Diaspora, as holding up the   purple summery dress.
            SHALOMSRQ is the ultimate resource guide to everything Jewish       Jews, who represent a dandelion puff   I smiled, you nodded slightly in the
            in Sarasota and Manatee counties! It  covers  everything  a  local   ball, and blowing that puff ball into the   Gentle spring breeze.
            resident, visitor or newcomer needs to know:                        winds.  Anyone who has had the joy    Now each time I pass, I notice You.
                                                                                of trying to rid their lawn of dandeli-  Your dress getting fuller, And I thank
            •  Synagogues & Temples      •  Jewish Housing
            •  Jewish Clubs              •  Jewish Youth & Teen Programs        ons  knows  that  once  those  puff  balls   you.
                                                                                                                      Your color more vibrant,
                                                                                are let loose, there is no getting rid of
            •  Jewish Cultural Arts      •  Jewish Calendar                     them. We Jews have taken root all over   And I thank you.
            •  Jewish Education          •  Israel Connections                  the world and are still going strong.   Your scent perfuming the air,
            •  Jewish Food               •  History of Jews in Sarasota         The  Romans,  not  so much.  So how     And I thank you.
            •  Jewish Gift Shops         •  Maps with Drop-pin Locators         come?                                 And I thank you for calling to me That
            •  Jewish Service Providers     AND MORE!                               It seems to me that Judaism is    spring afternoon,
                                                                                a religion that tries to stay relevant   When a drop of purple rain
              What better way to enjoy a Jewish Florida lifestyle than with a   with changing times and societies  in   Caused my foot to falter,
                      publication that will help make life easier!
                                                                                which it finds itself. In a real sense it   And my eyes to see.
                           To view SHALOMSRQ, go to                             is a “reform” religion. It’s this tweak-  Joel Kreiss is a past president of the
                                                         ing of our religion that has fascinated   Jewish Congregation of Venice.
                                                                                me. Because we encourage study and
               or get the FREE magazine mailed to you by contacting              Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee
               Bobbi Barger at 941.371.4546 x.0 or
                                                                                  do not necessarily reflect those of The Jewish Federation
              SHALOMSRQ is published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                     of Sarasota-Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.
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