Page 38 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 38

38                         October 2020                                           ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

     How about a modest deal with Israel?

     The UAE official smiled at us…and said no

     By Jason Isaacson, August 16, 2020
     From David Harris, AJC CEO:              It was by no means our first meet-  relations?                              The one Middle East state that had
     American Jewish Committee (AJC) has   ing. AJC has been traveling regularly    The “why” of our request was      proven, once again, its will and capac-
     been visiting the United Arab Emirates   to the Gulf for more than 25 years, and   simple: After years of laying out the   ity to confront its own gravest strate-
     (UAE and other Gulf Arab countries   had first come to know this particular   case – in Abu Dhabi and 10 other Arab   gic threat – and that of the UAE – was
     for more than 25 years. We have seen   official when he held a different port-  capitals – for normalized relations with   Israel. The lesson could not have been
     up close the positive evolution of inter-  folio 20 years earlier. We had always   Israel,  yielding not only  a range  of   clearer.  The  official  we  met  in  Abu
     est in developing ties with Israel and   discussed the possibility of communi-  benefits for their own populations, but   Dhabi in December left my colleagues
     some notable examples of them in ac-  cating  more directly  and openly with   also the prospect of leverage to help   and me with the impression that it was
     tion. The UAE-Israel announcement to   Israel, and of exploring areas of poten-  the Palestinians in negotiations for an   only a matter of time before his gov-
     establish full relations is both exciting   tial cooperation.              independent state, my colleagues and I   ernment would enter into an open part-
     and transformative.                      But our conversation this time,   had tired of asking the impossible. We   nership with Israel.
        Jason Isaacson, AJC’s Chief Policy   more than a year after two Israeli min-  had set our sights lower, and even the   It  would be  wrong, however, to
     and Political Affairs Officer, has been   isters  had  paid  visits  to  the  UAE for   modest proposals we had put forward   cast  the  historic  announcement  on
     our chief point-person for outreach to   international events – a judo competi-  were rarely seized.             August 13 by President Trump, UAE
     a number of Arab countries, and led   tion and a telecommunications confer-    But times had changed.  A year    Crown Prince Mohammed  bin Zayed
     countless AJC delegations to meet with   ence – and six months after the Trump   earlier, in October  2018, Sultan  Qa-  and Prime Minister Netanyahu that the
     top officials in their capitals, or in New   administration’s “Peace to Prosperity”   boos of Oman invited  Israeli Prime   UAE and Israel would normalize rela-
     York and Washington.                 workshop in neighboring Bahrain, was   Minister Netanyahu to visit – the first   tions as one that was based solely on
        Recognizing  AJC’s  unique  advo-  different.  The  official  was  ready  for   such head-of-government  visit to a   security considerations.
     cacy  role,  The Times of Israel asked   more.                             Gulf state in more than 22 years.  A      Quietly  but steadily, commercial
     Jason to write about the UAE-Israel re-  I  asked  the  official  if  his  gov-  few months before that, Saudi Crown   activity  between  the countries  had
     lationship. I encourage you to read and   ernment  was willing  to pursue the   Prince Mohammed bin Salman had   been growing for more than a decade.
     share widely his insightful and beauti-  possibility  of concluding  a  “non-bel-  spoken openly of Israelis’ “right to   Israeli technological prowess in critical
     fully written op-ed, which the paper’s   ligerency”  agreement  with Israel, a   have  their  own  land.”  The  then-Bah-  sectors was known and admired – and
     opinion editor called “fantastic.”   proposal that had been suggested by   raini  foreign  minister, Shaikh  Khalid   was a prominent subject of discussion
                   * * *                  the White  House to  several  moderate   bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, in the course of   in AJC visits over the years, in which
            fter the roar of his approach-  Arab states  and promoted  by then-   hosting last summer’s workshop, had   we would meet and have detailed talks
            ing helicopter quieted and he   Israeli  foreign  minister  Israel  Katz.   given interviews on Israeli television.  with not only government officials and
     Awalked  into  the  stately  Abu     He looked at me and my colleagues,        Closer to home, the Iranian threat   policy analysts, but business  leaders,
     Dhabi  meeting  room  where  I and  a   smiled broadly, and said no.       was growing. In June of last year, a   as well.  Israelis  with  other  passports
     small group of American Jewish Com-      Why,  the  official  asked  us,  were   U.S.  surveillance  drone  flying  over   were not infrequently sighted in Dubai
     mittee colleagues awaited him late last   we aiming so low? Why, he wanted to   Gulf waters was shot down  by Iran,   hotel lobbies.
     year, the senior Emirati official settled   know, should his country not dispense   and two oil tankers were attacked south   Also uniting the Emirates and Is-
     in for a long and frank discussion about   with  baby  steps  and  set  as  its  goal   of Hormuz. Three months later, Irani-  rael was and remains a shared commit-
     regional threats and opportunities.   the  establishment  of full  diplomatic     an drones and missiles attacked Saudi     ment to combating extremism – as well
                                                                                Aramco facilities in Abqaiq and Khu-  as a shared celebration of diversity. No
                                                                                rais. None of these attacks elicited an   government  initiative  more  perfectly
                                                                                immediate  military  response.  Two   represents  that  defining  Emirati  char-
                                                                                months after that, however, when Ira-  acteristic than the plan announced last
                                                                                                                      year to undertake construction of a ma-
                                                                                nian  Quds  Force  units  in  Syria  fired
      A                         memory                                          missiles  toward  Israel,  the  IDF re-  jestic  “Abrahamic  Family  House” in
                                                                                sponded with a furious counterattack,
                                                                                                                      Abu Dhabi, with a mosque, a church,
                                                                                destroying Iranian missile  and Syrian
                                                                                                                      and  the  first  synagogue  built  in  the
                                                                                anti-aircraft batteries.
                                                                                                                                     continued on page 39

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