Page 42 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 42

42                         October 2020                                                                           COMMENTARY

     Israel’s challenges and hopes                                                                                                                      Israel, UAE establish diplomatic relations

     By Harold M. Halpern                                                                                                                               By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
           ast month, I speculated  why   Saudi Arabia.                         including  financial,  from  other  Arab   While the instability of the govern-  es gadol haya sham – a great
           Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Ne-     The euphoric reaction  that peace   nations.                            ment was being played out, Hamas, in      miracle happened there. Israel
     Ltanyahu did not begin the pro-      was on the horizon for Israel and the     I have discussed this with Israelis   Gaza, was sending incendiary balloons  Nand the United Arab Emirates
     ceedings to annex the settlements and/  Middle  East  has  been  tempered.  The   on the street, members of my family   into the south, wreaking havoc with the  (UAE) have agreed to establish a peace
     or the Jordan Valley in the West Bank   Palestinians expressed angrily that the   and friends living in Israel, and with   Israeli farms. In the north, Hezbollah,  treaty  between the two countries that
     on July 1 as he promised during his last   UAE broke the agreement among the   Israeli political writers, and read many   in de facto control of Lebanon, tested  will  include  direct  flights,  reciprocal
     campaign.                            Arab nations of no normalization with   of the opinion columns. Some are op-  Israel  security on the  Lebanese  and  embassies  and  other  bilat-
        Now we know why. President        Israel until Israel made peace with   timistic that the Palestinians will come   Syrian border.  As I write  this, Israel  eral agreements  that  bring
     Donald  Trump was negotiating  an    them.  Iran  threatened  action  against   to the table to take part in the benefits   is retaliating by bombing in both the  the two closer together.
     agreement with the United Arab Emir-  the UAE.                             and not be left behind.               south and north to deter further Hamas   Prime  Minister  Benja-
                       ates  (UAE) and        To date, as I write this column at    I am not of the mind that we will   and Hezbollah attacks.          min  Netanyahu stated  the
                       Israel for normal-  the end of August, many of the Arab na-  see  negotiations  in  the  near  future.   The government is caught between  following regarding the
                       ization  of  rela-  tions, including Saudi Arabia, have an-  I will welcome events to prove me   a rock and a hard place. The coalition  new agreement:  “Today
                       tions.  Netanyahu   nounced that they are not ready to enter   wrong. In  the  interim,  Israel  and  the   has two leaders who don’t get along.  we  usher  in  a  new  era  of
                       was required by    into normalization with Israel. This is a   UAE  will  derive  the  benefits  of  their   Each has veto power over government  peace between Israel and
                       the  agreement  to   mild response. These countries contin-  new open relationship.            action.  Without  an election,  the gov- the Arab world. There is a
                       forgo annexation   ue to work and trade with Israel behind   The agreement gave a sigh of relief   ernment  will  continue  to  be  ineffec- good chance we will soon
                       in return for the   the scenes. They realize that they have   to those who opposed annexation.   tual. But if they go to election, which  see more  Arab countries
                       first-ever  agree-  common interests with Israel including   But it provided no relief from the   would be the fourth in two years, the  joining this expanding circle of peace.”
       Harold M. Halpern  ment  with an   the need to suppress Iran against its de-  public  dissatisfaction  with  Netanya-  campaign and election will take place   The question is, how did this im-
     Arab country based upon the concept   stabilizing and threatening actions.  hu’s erratic efforts to control the pan-  during the pandemic.  Elections  are a  portant event come to take place? The
     of “Peace for Peace.”                    The hope of Trump and Netanya-    demic and its devastating effect on the   drain on the budget.          answer is the concerns that both Israel
        The announcement of the normal-   hu is that the Palestinians, with pres-  economy.                               Israel society is almost equally di- and the UAE have regarding the desire
     ization agreement unleashed optimistic   sure from the Arab nations, will realize   If dealing with COVID-19 wasn’t   vided by those who support Netanyahu  of  Iran  to  spread  its  influence  in  the
     hopes  for  normalization  of  relations   that the time has come to return to the   enough, the government was confront-  and those who oppose him. An election  Middle East. Both countries see Iran as
     with all the other Sunni Gulf States:   negotiating table. They have said “no”   ed with another crisis.         would likely result in another standoff.  a threat to their way of life and a major
     Sudan, Morocco and ultimately  with   for 20  years,  relying  on the  support,   Netanyahu demanded that the co-    Netanyahu has been Prime Min- concern as Iran continues to develop
                                                                                alition agreement be amended to pro-  ister for 12 years. This is longer than  its nuclear capacity. Crown Prince Mo-
                                                                                vide for a one-year budget instead of a   anyone else. He has led Israel to dip- hammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the day-
                                                                                two-year one. If a budget was not ad-  lomatic and economic success. Despite  to-day ruler of the UAE, also shares
                                                                                opted by August 25, the Knesset would   being  surrounded  by  danger,  he  has  Israel’s  mistrust of Islamist groups
                                                                                be automatically  dissolved and new   kept Israel safe and secure. But now he  such  as  the  Muslim  Brotherhood  and
                                                                                elections held. Netanyahu also wanted   may have lost the trust of many on a  the Gaza Strip’s ruling Hamas militant
                                                                                more power over the appointment  of   personal level.                   group. Israel, the strongest military
                                                                                the Attorney General, State Prosecutor    His trial  on fraud,  bribery and  power in the region, represents a sym-
                                                                                and Police Chief.  They are the gate-  breach of trust resumes in January. Will  bol of strength that  the United  Arab
                                                                                keepers against crimes and corruption.  this be the time when Netanyahu’s time  Emirates respects and counts on in this
                                                                                    Benny  Gantz,  leader  of  the  Blue   runs out? Even the most revered Prime  confrontation with Iran.
                                                                                White in coalition with Netanyahu, has   Ministers, David Ben-Gurion, Golda
                                                                                veto authority. He insisted that the co-  Meir  and  Menachem  Begin,  realized
           Standing Up to Hate                                                  alition  agreement  with Netanyahu be   their time had come to resign in favor
                                                                                                                      of new leadership.
                                                                                    Neither  Netanyahu  nor  Gantz        I am constitutionally incapable of
           A review of antisemitic incidents and what to do                     would move from their positions. Just   being a doomsayer. I am confident that
           when hate becomes violent.  Learn prevention,                        hours before the deadline, both agreed   Israel,  despite  the  current  difficulties,
           awareness, and reaction skills to an active threat                   to kick the issue down the road for 120   will overcome as it has done through-
           situation.                                                           days.                                 out its history and remain a strong Jew-

                                                                                    This  leaves  many  important  gov-  ish and democratic nation.
           Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 7:30 pm                                 ernment  services underfunded. Both   Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
                                                                                Netanyahu and Gantz have been criti-  living in Lakewood Ranch Florida. He
            Featuring:                                                          cized for putting their political futures   is a member of the Board of Directors
                                                                                ahead of needed government unity.     of the American Association of Jewish
                                                                                    Uncertainty  continues  until De-  Lawyers and Jurists, and of the board
            Yael Hershfield                                                     cember. If no agreement is reached at   of the West Coast Florida Chapter of
            ADL Florida Deputy Regional Director                                that time, the government is again tee-  the American Jewish Committee.
                                                                                tering with new elections required.
            Stephanie Viegas                                                              What do you think?
            Director, Office of Community Security at the Greater
            Miami Jewish Federation
                                                                                   The Jewish News wants to know!
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