Page 44 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 44

44                         October 2020                                                                    FOCUS ON YOUTH

     Temple Sinai’s week of Maccabiah Games

     starts with exciting Ultimate Scavenger Hunt

     By Gail Glickman and Bethany Leinweber
           emple Sinai youth and families   ilies received  a bag of goodies and   Leinweber, Director of Youth Educa-  thusiasm  of Liana,  age  8, co-captain
           had a delightful  time  during   activities  to do for a week of Virtual   tion, Outreach & Engagement. Temple   of the Green team, and Preston, age 5.
     Tthe  week of Maccabiah  games       Maccabiah.  They were split into two   Sinai’s SAFETY board with Deb Bry-   “What a great experience! Even though
     (MACARONA 2020) August 2-7. On       teams:  Blue  Buffs  and  Green  Masks.   an, Youth Group Advisor, helped lead   it was virtual, it was such a great in-
     Sunday, August 2, families met in the   During the week, they had challenges   programming as well as judge the en-  teractive way to get the kids, families,
     temple parking lot and took off for an   to do at home. Competitions included   tries.                           teams and the temple to come togeth-
     around-the-town Scavenger Hunt to    candy sushi, songwriting and compos-      Ethan Freeman, age 9, co-captain   er.  We can’t wait to participate next
     start the adventure. They had to read   ing a Jewish melody, jump rope, cre-  of the Blue team, said, “The MACA-  year!”
     clues, go to the spot, take a picture and   ative masks, and Zoom kahoots. Blue   RONA really made me feel that win-  Bethany  declared,  “This  was the
     send it to Geveret Bethany. It was an   Team took the win, but in the end, they   ning doesn’t matter  but having fun   first of many such games, as everyone
     hour of family fun!                  became Turquoise to be one Kehillah     does, and multiple  brains are better   enjoyed it so much!”
        When the Scavenger Hunt ended,    Kedosha (holy community).             than one. The MACARONA was real-          For information on Temple Sinai’s
     MACARONA 2020  broke  and  fam-          The  games  were  led  by Bethany   ly fun.”                            Religious School, email bleinweber@
                                                                                    Alix Leinweber, age 12, exclaimed,
                                                                                “Even though we did not win, it was so
                                                                                much fun!”
                                                                                    Sheena Lambright  shared the en-

                  Steven, Liana, Preston and Sheena Lambright enjoy the games               Alix Leinweber               Ethan Freeman creates a movie poster

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