Page 37 - Jewish News_October-2020
P. 37
“Museum Airlines” takes flight at Tel Aviv’s
Museum of the Jewish People
against these “undesirable” individu-
als. A special commission was set up Children and families can “fly” around the globe through the museum’s
in July 1940 to review naturalizations newly launched immersive experience, both in-person and virtually
granted since the 1927 reform of the
nationality law. As a result, Vichy de- he Museum of the Jewish Peo- Around the World.” For more information about the The new three-floor Core Exhibi-
naturalized approximately 15,000 in- ple has temporarily transformed While touring the exhibits and en- “Museum Airlines” experience and the tion, scheduled to open in late 2020,
dividuals, mostly Jews, between June Titself into an “airport terminal” gaging with installations, interactive museum’s full offering of online tours will expand the museum’s explora-
1940 and August 1944. so children and families can “travel” displays, videos, etc., visitors answer and activities, visit tion of Jewish culture and spirituality,
Vichy tightened its antisemitic the world both in-person and virtually the related passport questions and rid- About Museum of the Jewish People with an increased footprint of 66,000
legislation, applicable in both zones, despite ongoing air travel limited due dles, and are transported to cities such The Museum of the Jewish People is square feet (~ 6,000 square meters) of
during 1941. The first mass arrests of to COVID-19 safety concerns. There’s as New York City, Venice, Paris, Am- the world’s largest Jewish museum additional gallery space, featuring over
Jews took place in May 1941, with even a “Museum Airlines” to help visi- sterdam, Fes (Morocco), Kochi (In- and the only institution that tells the 800 images and 450 works from the
most of them held in the winter sports tors’ imaginations take flight. dia) and Willemstad (Curaçao), among unique, ongoing story of the Jewish museum’s collection, 40 film and mul-
stadium known as the Vel’d’Hiv. They The museum’s fun new immersive others. For example, while in the “Let people in its entirety, through the lens timedia displays, and 22 interactive
were held, in horrifying conditions, for and interactive experience, which is There Be Laughter” exhibit, visitors of identity, culture and history, as well stations.
days prior to being sent to the transit geared toward children ages 8-14 and are asked to answer questions, includ- as the foundations of Jewish life and The museum’s curatorial team is
camp at Drancy before being moved on their families, includes a simulated ing: “In this city, a plot about nothing thought across generations. Founded headed by Dr. Orit Shaham Gover, in
to the gas chambers at Auschwitz. airport terminal, complete with all the takes place with a group of four friends in 1978 and located in Tel Aviv, the collaboration with the Washington,
Overall, by the time deportations sights and sounds. The pretend termi- in a TV series about nothing. What is museum serves as a central destination D.C.-based exhibition design firm
ended, the Vichy government had aid-nal features a flight desk, flight board, the city?” for Jewish discourse, engagement and Gallagher & Associates. For more in-
ed directly in the deportation of ap-baggage claim with luggage, passport Upon completion of the “trip,” vis- learning for individuals, families, com- formation about the Museum of the
proximately 76,000 Jews to German center and much more. There’s even a itors can return to the flight desk and, munities and organizations from Israel Jewish People, visit
extermination camps. money exchange desk and a duty-free as a reward for being a frequent flyer, and around the world.
The course of anti-Jewish legisla-shop as well as signage directing trav- receive complimentary tickets (one per
tion in France provided fertile ground elers to their gates, concourses, check- person) to the museum’s new Core Ex- Buying or Selling?
for the collaborationist Vichy gov-in, customs and ground transportation hibition, which is scheduled to open in
ernment to exercise its racist agenda including car rentals, among other late 2020. Call Realtor David Weiman
during the war. It is worth bearing this things. Complementing the in-person Residential Agent / Business Broker
in mind when we contemplate the hor- Upon arrival at the museum’s front “travel” experience is a free English
rible darkness that was the Holocaust, desk, visitors are issued a “passport” language online version and interactive
and to reflect on the fact that one did and a “boarding pass,” the former digital quiz so kids, families and groups
not have to be a German Nazi in order stamped with destinations to visit, and globally can embark on the activity vir- Fluent in Hebrew. Active member of the
to adopt murderous antisemitic poli-questions and riddles for the entire tually. The museum, which reopened in Jewish Federation and Community.
cies. family to solve. Visitors will take a July with enhanced health and safety Call David
Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of His-“flight” in an elevator up to the second measures in place, has mapped out the 941.404.5898
tory and the Director of the Center for floor, where they’ll embark on their entire experience with its 360-degree
Holocaust and Genocide Research at global travels via two exhibits, “Hal- video technology so people can navi-
Florida Gulf Coast University. He can lelujah! Assemble, Pray, Study – Syn- gate on their own and activate embed-
Now access private sessions
be reached at agogues Past and Present” and “Let ded media. The virtual experience will Now access private sessions
There Be Laughter – Jewish Humor be available indefinitely.
from home via
from home via
of subscribing
50% households
earn more than
$100,000/year 941.316.6893
yogatherapywithpaula@gmail Complimentary Consultation
ACT NOW to reserve your space in upcoming
editions of The Jewish News:
ISSUE DEADLINE th 4 Years in a Row
NOVEMBER 2020 ......Oct. 1, 2020 75 Annive sa y of Libe atio
4 Years in a Row
Lakehouse West
DECEMBER 2020 .......Nov. 2, 2020 Lakehouse West
JANUARY 2021 ..........Nov. 30, 2020
FEBRUARY 2021 ........Dec. 28 , 2020 FEDERATION NEWS R E T IR E M E N T E S T A T
MARCH 2021 .............Feb. 1, 2021 Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
See more on pages 20–21
APRIL 2021 ................Mar. 4, 2021 Celebrating Years The Jewish
Federation 32A Commentary FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE ank you to our staff and residents
16A Community Focus
26A Jewish Interest
or 941.552.6307. 39A Life Cycle our Jewish Federation during these difficult times.
January 2020 - Tevet/Shevat 5780 Volume 50, Number 1
36A Focus on Youth
2020: Join us as we TRANSFORM
Our Lakehouse West Family
and Howard Tevlowitz, Chief Executive Officer
n 2020, The Larry & Mary Green-
1B Jewish Happenings
By Randon Carvel, President; Kim Mullins, Chief Operating Officer;
spon Family Campus for Jewish
Download the Media Kit at nity study, showing that our Jewish Learning and building community is stronger than ever! 2017
ILife will begin a tremendous trans-
formation. Our recent Jewish commu-
Offering formal K-8 Jewish educa- opportunities for growth in outreach, Educating our community about Cultural arts, food and programming
tion and engagement for our area’s
population has doubled in the last 18
coming environment
communities in an inclusive, wel-
youth, with our partner, Hershorin
years, presents The Jewish Federa-
Schiff Community Day School
tion of Sarasota-Manatee with huge
3A for families and so much more. Our vocacy against anti-Semitism, in gramming for “babies to bubbies” (941) 923-7525
Producing innovative, quality pro-
diversity, the Holocaust and ad-
cultural arts partnerships, programs
Center Providing affordable communal 3435 Fox Run Road | Sarasota, FL 34231
meeting space and catering services
Sarasota’s Blumenthal family:
the Robert and Esther Heller Israel
community members expressed their
*Statistics compiled from a survey of our publication like-minded individuals, and thought- Continuing to act as a community Bringing the best Jewish thought
Building for a better tomorrow
desire for greater connections to other
Jews, more options for engaging with
leaders and entertainment from
by the Circulation Verification Council as the hub for many of these offerings. with the Jewish and non-Jewish Manatee area continued on page 2A Assisted Living Facility License #5850
convener, building relationships
around the world to the Sarasota-
provoking, innovative educational pro-
grams. Our centrally located 32-acre
campus on McIntosh Road will serve
However, in order to meet the demand,
a complete renovation is in order.
8A with a pay-for-service model focused
Space will be flexible, allowing
Save the date for Federation’s
Federation to respond quickly to com-
annual Jewish Film Festival
munity needs. No membership is re-
quired. Federation will remain nimble
on the following areas:
By Gayle Guynup
Jewish Federation announces
11A Trectors approved its new slate
2020 Board of Directors
he Jewish Federation of Sara-
Namesake Israel Center donors
sota-Manatee’s Board of Di-
Robert and Esther Heller
honored by Federation
on our incredible re-imagined 32-acre
of officers for 2020 at its December
them throughout our two-
campus and by bringing Federation to
county area.” formation about the needs and wants of
meeting. Randon Carvel will serve as
the new president of the board.
other Jewish organizations valuable in-
Past President Michael
“My goals as the new president
will include continuing to raise valu-
Ritter noted, “During the
our community members.
last two years, through the
able resources in order to provide for
“Our new President,
hard work of our talented
those members of our community who
Randon Carvel, has been
38A Jewish community, now with approxi- vision of redeveloping our nization and its challenges.
staff and lay leadership,
still have real needs in spite of the eco-
very involved with Fed-
we’ve made great prog-
nomic gains most of our community
eration for several years
Temple Sinai Religious School
has experienced,” Carvel said. “In light
ress toward realizing our
and understands our orga-
students enjoy Hawaiian Luau
and Scavenger Hunt
of the amazing growth of our local
32-acre campus, as well
I am very confident that
mately 35,000 people living in Jewish
Randon Carvel
Randon is up to this chal-
households, we hope to engage them
as successfully launching our capital
lenge and will do a great
campaign required to fund the project.
in even more meaningful ways both
A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
We also completed our first communi-
Annual voluntary subscription: $25
Other officers will include Michael
Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
NON-PROFIT ORG. ty-wide population study in 18 years, Ritter, Immediate Past President; Ian
which will provide the Federation and
U.S. POSTAGE zation; Merrill Wynne, Vice-President
Black, Vice-President Campus Utili-
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MANASOTA FL Jewelry continued on page 2A
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Located in Lakewood Ranch
Located in Lakewood Ranch