Page 13 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                       June/July 2021                                    13A

 2021 MoMENtum Trip to Israel  A new beginning with Community Havdalah celebrations

 October 18-24  By Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs Manager                    remain socially distant. That said, the   young families led by me, and for Club
               eat the heat in person with the
                                                  This particular summer also serves
 Applications Opening Soon!  Bour two summer Havdalah cel-  as another kind of new beginning. Many   mere fact that we are coming together   Fed active adults led by my colleague,
               entire Federation community at
                                                                                    in person will serve as a new beginning
                                                                                                                          Jeremy Lisitza. The events are BYOB
                                              people in our community are starting to
 Jewish community  or Jewish ritual  ebrations! Havdalah can be a magical   feel comfortable being out and about –   after a year of uncertainty.  – Bring Your Own Blanket (or what-

 observance. Participants  must have  experience for so many reasons. Bring-  especially with the Covid-19 vaccines   Our Community Havdalah on Sat-  ever  else you enjoy  having  with you
 children at home age 18 or younger  ing Shabbat to a close while welcom-  more widely available. We are excited   urday, June 12 will be held at Lido   for comfort)!
 OR be the parenting partner of a recent  ing the new week can be the transition   to come together in person as a com-  Beach. The Havdalah on Saturday, July   To register for these free Commu-
 Momentum alumna. For 2021 ONLY,  we need the most in our modern world.   munity twice over the summer for Ha-  24 will be at Nathan Benderson Park   nity Havdalah events, visit
 the age limit for the youngest child is  The spiritual “pause” button that Shab-  vdalah. We will continue to adhere to   at UTC Mall. Both events will begin   events.  For more  information,  please
 21.    bat  offers  us  helps  create  a  more  de-  the recommendations put forth by the   at 7:00 p.m. and will consist of a com-  contact  me  at
 Participants  must  be  physically  fined intention for the week ahead as   CDC for outdoor engagement and en-  munity-wide Havdalah celebration fol-  or 941.343.2109, or Jeremy Lisitza at
 and emotionally healthy.  we stand together for Havdalah.   courage you to still wear a mask and   lowed by affinity breakout groups for or 941.343.2113.
 For more information  about the
 2021 MoMENtum Men’s Trip to Isra- Overnight Camping Grants                         “How the Jews
 el, please contact Gisele Pintchuck at
 941.706.0029 or gpintchuck@jfedsrq.Lisa Feinman, Resource Development Manager      Won the Wild West”
 org.         ach  spring,  The  Jewish  Fed-  Conservative  and Orthodox camps as
              eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee   close as Parkland, Florida, and as far   By Marden Paru, Dean, Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva
 identity persisted even after immigrat-Eassembles a committee of ded-  away as Montreal, Canada. Some are   id you know that  Jews over   Jewish values.
 ing to the U.S. in 1990. We lived in a  icated  volunteers to  do their favorite   even  traveling  to  Israel  and Europe   time conquered the Wild West?   During this period, Jews  found
 small town in New Jersey where I was  thing – give away money. Committee   with their fellow campers.   DLearn all about these exciting   themselves in a totally free, capitalistic
 typically the only Jewish kid in class.  members  Lori  Greenbaum,  Rebec-  In 2020, Covid-19 forced most   time  periods when  The  Jewish  Fed-  society. They flourished as merchants
 I was also the only Russian kid. Was I  ca  Schwartz  Bergman,  Howard  Ban-  camps to close.  The committee  was   eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee  offers   at all levels: peddlers, importers, dis-
 Russian or was I Jewish, or both? Five  ner and Andrew Rosin are passionate   very excited to be able to make these   the  six-week  series,  “How the  Jews   tributors, wholesalers and retailers.
 years later we were granted U.S. citi-about enabling our community’s youth   awards for the summer of 2021 and   Won  the  Wild  West,”  beginning  July   There were also Jewish cowboys and
 zenship. Now I was American, right?  to enjoy and grow  in an immersive   celebrate  the  return  of Jewish over-  12. Classes will meet for six Mondays   cattlemen!
 You can see how identity can get con-Jewish summer experience. This year   night camping to the national and in-  from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Zoom.  The bedrock of our modern thriv-
 fusing. Fast forward to the Momentum  they have facilitated  memorable and   ternational experiences available to our   You  will  learn  about  the  vari-  ing market system was created by
 trip in Israel where we had the oppor-formative Jewish  overnight camping   children and teens.  ous Jewish settlements in each of the   Jewish merchants in cities, towns and
 tunity  to  contemplate  our  Jewishness  experiences  for 47                      western states. Who were the pioneers   villages  throughout  the West. They
 in the context  of our family, without  campers attending 16   Number of Campers Attending Each Camp  and what  was their  legacy?  How did   came  with  merchandise,  in  wagons
 any family around. It was a rare op-different  camps  with                         they set up Jewish communities, deal   and ships. They brought anything they
 portunity  to  reflect.  Through  a  series  an average schol-  Camp Barney Medintz  1  with  Shabbat,  kashrut,  synagogues,   thought would sell in this vast new ter-
 of lectures centered around our roles as  arship of $1,570    Camp Blue Star  3    clergy and religious education?  Were   ritory, and they  had  literally  nothing
 fathers, husbands and Jewish men, the  per camper, awarding   Camp Chi  1          there any Jewish gunslingers or Indian   with which to start.
 trip helped us focus above all on being  nearly $74,000 in all.                    Chiefs? You bet there were!              They  were mostly immigrants
 present, for ourselves and for the ones   While  some of   Camp Coleman  21           When we study the period of the    from Europe. New  opportunities
 we love.  our families  require          Camp Gan Israel  2                        American Wild West from 1849-1909,    opened up in the Old West without the
 It should be easy, but living in the  large scholarships in   Camp Gan Israel Detroit  2  we might conclude that it was the third   presence of pervasive antisemitism. In-
 moment is becoming increasingly dif-order to make attend-  Camp Pardes Chanah  1   Golden Age of the Jewish People. (The   deed, America was the goldene medina
 ficult in our distracted, busy lives. We  ing camp possible, the   Camp Ramah Darom  6  first was the Golden Age of King Solo-  (golden state).
 have jobs, families, and kids to schlep  Federation also offers   Camp Ruach Hachaim  1  mon, 950 BCE, and the second was the   The cost for this six-part series is
 to extracurricular  activities.  But the  Incentive  Grants of   Camps Airy & Louise  1  Golden Age of Spain, 1200-1300 CE.)  $18 per person. To register, please visit
 biggest  roadblock  to being  present  is  $500 to campers who   1                    It was a time when Jews adapted to For more informa-
 sitting right there, warming our pock-may  not  require  fi-  Cedar Lake Camp, (New Jersey Y Camps)  new and strange environments, draw-  tion, contact Jeremy Lisitza at jlisitza
 et all day, every day: our phone. When  nancial aid for camp.   Ckids Gan Israel Florida  1  ing  upon  their  intelligence,  Yiddishe or 941.343.2113.
 our trip leader pointed this out to us,  Of these,  we would   Cteen Summer  2     kop, creativity, hard work ethic and
 it was a shock. On Shabbat in Jerusa-like  to recognize  the   URJ 6‐Points Sci‐Tech Academy East  1
 lem, we were asked to turn off and put  Collier,   Rosenthal,   URJ 6‐Points Sports Academy  1
 away our phones from sundown on Fri-Rosenberg, Rosin and   Yeshivah Summer Program Morristown  2
 day night to sunset the following day.  Sakellarios  families,   0  5  10  15  20  25
 Retiring  my  phone  for  24  hours  was  who donated  a por-                                                                      Join Us!
 excruciating, like parting with a limb,  tion of their grants back to the Feder-  For more information about Over-
 but it was also strangely freeing. When  ation so the funds could be reallocated   night  Camping Grants or to get  in-
 you’re not constantly trying to fill the  to families  with greater  need.  Thank   volved, please contact  Jessi Sheslow,
 empty space in your life, you start to  you for your generosity.  Teen & Family Programs Manager,
 reflect.   The grant recipients  range in age   at 941.343.2109 or jsheslow@jfedsrq.
 As I approached the most power-from seven to 18 and attend Reform,   org.
 ful and enduring symbol of our people,   ARTS  MUSIC  CULTURE  SHABBAT
 The Kotel, I felt a cool draft emanating                             SOCIAL
                               ELDERLY SERVICES
 from its ancient stones, drawing me  FAMILY  YOUTH  HADASSAH
 closer. When I pressed my hand to that                         EDUCATION
 solemn stone, tears welled in my eyes   CULTURE  MOHEL                SHABBAT                             8, 000     members
                                                                                                           8,000 members of the
 and at that moment I knew who I was  SYNAGOGUE           CAMP                                             Jewish community stay informed about
 and why I was here. I am a proud Jew-  HOLOCAUST            CEMETERIES                                    what’s happening at Federation. You can too!
 ish man, and we were a band of Jewish  SENIORS  LONGBOAT KEY
 brothers reconnecting  with our roots            ARTS       MUSIC            CULTURE                        • Be the first to learn about Federation
                                                                    ELDERLY SERVICES
 and bringing Jewish values back to our  YOUNG ADULTS N G F O R S O M E T H I N G J E W I S H ?               announcements
 community.  JUDAICA  FOOD       VENICE                        YOUTH                                         • Stay up to date on Federation events
                                    CHEVRA KADISHA
                                  FIND IT IN THE DIRECTORY
                                                                                                             • Receive important updates from Federation
 MOV I N G ?  SOCIAL HILLEL TEEN  SENIORS  KOSHER  NORTH PORT   MOHEL     SOCIAL                             • Stay informed on the latest
             SUMMER CAMP
                                                                                                              security reports from our Jewish
                                                                                                              Community Security Director
                       CHEVRA KADISHA
 Send your new address to Bonnie at or 941.371.4546 x0  TEMPLE  JUDAICA  FOOD  VENICE  Click on the “EBLAST SIGN UP” button at the top of the page.
                                  SUMMER CAMP
 MUSIC  CULTURE               HILLEL                           MUSIC        MUSIC
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18