Page 14 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 14

14A                          June/July 2021                                                               FEDERATION NEWS

        Volunteer Spotlight                                                                                                                                 JNF-USA ignites love in a post-pandemic world

        A new chapter for Helene Davis                                                                                                                             s Israel  continues  to  lead  the
                                                                                                                                                                   world in its vaccine  rollout,
        By Sandy Chase                                                                                                                                      AJewish National  Fund-USA
                elene  Davis  is  writing  a  new   ter to her. After working with her and   to volunteer once retired from teaching   recalling, “I wanted to be magical like  (JNF-USA)  has wasted  no time  in
                chapter at The Jewish Feder-  seeing  how  effectively  she  communi-  high-school art for 30 years and rais-  her.  Teaching  art  has been  extraordi- setting a date to resume its in-person
        Hation  of  Sarasota-Manatee.         cated with the authors, I knew she was   ing two children: Marnie, a doctor, and   nary, helping to shape my passion for  missions. Only this time,  America’s
        A staunch volunteer, she is honored   perfect for the position.”            Scott, a lawyer.                      children, art and books.”         singles  get  first  dibs  to  “swipe  right”
        to have been chosen as the inaugural      Important to Helene is collabo-      Rabbi Brenner Glickman of Tem-        Volunteering also speaks volumes  for Israel.
        chair (2021-22) of Federation’s People   rating with Jeremy and the rest of the   ple  Emanu-El  reaffirms  her  religious   of Helene’s creativity. Promoting the   With  much  of the  dating  scene
        of the Book author lecture series.    staff,  echoing  other  volunteers  when   devotion. “Helene’s passion for Juda-  arts  is written on every  page  of He- taking place in the virtual world over
            Under Jeremy Lisitza, Director of   she says, “Jeremy and the rest of the   ism has come alive in this phase of her   lene’s “book.”            the past 12 months, participants on the
        Innovation and Volunteer Engagement,   staff  are  among  the  most  dedicated,   life, as she spreads her enthusiasm to   For  Temple Emanu-El’s religious  singles trip may find themselves going
        this program has provided an array of   inspiring, thoughtful people I’ve ever   everyone she meets at the temple.”  school, she co-chairs an ambitious art  on a real date while eating dates grown
        author  events  for the  past  two years,   met.”                              Rabbi  Michael  Shefrin  captures   activity,  temporarily  on  hold  because  from a tree that JNF-USA brought back
        helping to foster Federation’s mission                                                      Helene’s   essence    of Covid.                         to life after 2,000 years.
        of enriching Jewish life and identity in                                                    when he  speaks of       Helene  explains, “We’re  sending   The trip for singles ages 35-50 will
        our community.                                                                              her unique charm      ceramic pieces, complete with student  take place July 4-11 and includes eight
            Until  now,  Federation  staff  chose                                                   and big heart, inter-  messages, to decorate an Israeli kibbutz  days and seven nights in high-quali-
        Jewish Book Council  authors for                                                            acting  with people   peace wall. In return, our students will  ty  lodging,  touring  with  an  English-
        the program. For the 2021-22 series,                                                        of all ages. Her in-  create and decorate their own ceram- speaking  guide  on a  Wi-Fi equipped
        Helene will work with the staff on this                                                     volvement  with the   ic pieces to be placed on our school’s  luxury  coach,  daily  buffet  breakfasts,
        endeavor.                                                                                   Starfish   program,   peace wall.”                      most  lunches  and  dinners,  entrance
            She says, “Up to  a  few months                                                         an initiative helping    When  not  volunteering,  Helene
        ago, I was an avid participant, signing                                                     disadvantaged  kin-   lives  to  create  art.  “During  Covid,  I  Yiddish letters come alive through
        up to hear all the authors in person and                                                    dergarteners  access   started painting mannequins,” she says.
        on Zoom. I especially  like how  each                                                       the joy of books and   One of her painted mannequins was in  readings and music in A Bintel Brief
        month  focuses  on  a  particular  theme,                                                   reading, “brings a    the  Art Center  Sarasota  juried  show.
        like memoirs, arts and culture – my ca-                                                     special  light  to    She hopes to contact a few galleries to   xperience authentic Yiddish let-
        reer and passion – or history.”                                                             young children that   see whether they will represent her.    ters come to life through words
            In February, when Jeremy  asked                                                         shines even more         Helene is also a voracious reader. Eand music in A Bintel Brief (A
        Helene  to  introduce  the  four  novel-                   Helene Davis                     brightly – a light    Reminiscing, she says, “As a child, I  Bundle of Letters) on Sunday, July 11
        ists, she had the most moving experi-     Helene’s connection with Federa-  that also glows at the People of the   once devoured 50 books while vaca-at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom.
        ence. “I had the opportunity to speak   tion began over eight years ago, when   Book events.”                     tioning in the Catskills.”           The ORT America Florida Region
        with the writers – mesmerized by their   she relocated  to Sarasota from New   Beholden to  Temple  Emanu-El,        Convinced that both reading and  presents  the Asolo  Repertory  Theatre
        knowledge, eloquence, confidence and   Jersey, shortly after  having lost  her   Federation and other organizations for   art have helped her thrive  during the  Guild Play Readers, who will bring to
        inviting personalities.”              husband Ron, of blessed memory.       which she volunteers or used to be-   pandemic, Helene says, “I read a lot of  life Yiddish letters written by Europe-
            Jeremy says, “I admire Helene’s       After joining  Temple Emanu-El    fore Covid, Helene emphasizes how     fiction,  and  I’m  excited  about  giving  an Jewish immigrants  seeking advice
        enthusiasm, dedication, creativity and   and Federation – faithful to her Jewish   fortunate  she was to have served on   my  all  to this  amazing  People  of the  in the popular The Forward newspaper.
        commitment to organizations that mat-  identity – Helene fulfilled her promise   the steering committee  for the Fed-  Book program. I know that the rewards   Often separated  from family  and
                                                                                    eration-sponsored Women’s  Giving     will outweigh any challenges.”    bewildered  by life  in a new coun-
                                                                                    Circle,  a philanthropic  organization   Rabbi Shefrin says proudly, “The  try, thousands of Jewish immigrants
                                                                                    enhancing the lives of Jewish women   world is blessed to have a leader like  wrote to The Forward seeking advice
                                                                                    and children in Israel.               Helene. Her gusto is contagious.”  about assimilating  to their new lives
                                                                                       Helene’s philanthropy  extends        All who know Helene would agree  as American Jews. The paper’s found-
                                                                                    to her supporting  Temple  Emanu-El   that her chairing the People of the Book  er and editor, Abraham Cahan, would
                                                                                    through LIFE & LEGACY , saying, “I    program will be a “page turner.”  personally respond to each letter with
                                                                                    want my children,  grandchildren  and   If you are interested in volunteering,  encouragement, wisdom and warmth.
                                                                                    their  future generations  to embrace   there are many ways to contribute and   Kvell  while  you  listen  to  Rosalie
                                                                                    their  religion.  Pride in being Jewish   be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-Leon, an ORT member, play the guitar
                                                                                    cannot be measured. It’s part of me.”   eration. For more information, please  and  sing  your  favorite Yiddish  melo-
                                                                                       Inspired by her primary-grade      contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-dies. She will be joined  by members
                                                                                    art  teacher, Thelma  Newman, Helene     novation and Volunteer Engagement,  of the Asolo Play Readers who are also

                                                                                    began  writing  her  future  “chapters,”   at 941.343.2113 or  supporters:  Dianne  Brin,  Alice
                                                                                                                                                            Cotman, Beverly Horwitz and Jona-
                                                                                       Why WE belong                                                        than Horwitz.
                                                                                                                                                               During the pandemic, the  Asolo
                                                                                                                                                            Repertory  Theatre  Guild  Play  Read-
                                                                                                                                                            ers brought theatre to the community
                                                                                       The Federation has made so many                                      through Zoom. The troupe consists of
                                                                                       good friends in our community by
                                                                                       reaching out and being inclusive.
                                                                                       We love that the new Camp                                                           FED
                                                                                       Marci Lynn will welcome                                                       we are
                                                                                       children of all backgrounds

                                                                                       and abilities.
                                                                                       Joan and Bart Levenson
                                                                                                                                                                              Engaging Jewish Lives

                                                                                                                                                                      e take great pride in engaging Jewish lives in our community.
                                                                                                                                                                 WYour Federation is dedicated to bringing the best in Jewish

                                                                                                                                                                 programming to Sarasota-Manatee.

                                                                                                                                                          •   941.371.4546
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