Page 23 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 23

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                       June/July 2021                                    23A

        K’zohar Ha-Ivrit

        Adam – A human

        By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
              ather’s Day is celebrated  in   was formed. (Gen.3:19) It is also inter-
              June.  According to the  bibli-  esting to note that the noun adamah is
        Fcal  story,  Adam,  the  first  hu-  a  feminine  noun,  which  has  no  mas-
        man  created  by God and  named  by   culine form and it is derived from the
        Him,  is  the  father  of all  humankind.   adjective  adom,  meaning  red,  which
        So, in honor of the day, let  us brief-  originally  pointed  to the  red arable
        ly explore the Hebrew word  Adam.     ground, its redness and beauty. By the
                           Adam is men-       way, Hebrew is not the only language
                           tioned in the Bi-  which juxtaposes human beings with
                           ble 561 times.     the  Earth.  In  Latin  we  find  the  word
                           The  word gen-     homo,  which  means  a  human  being,
 Aryan Germans and where members of   erally  refers to   and humus, or ground or the Earth.
 the local population were expendable,   human  beings,  The word Adam is at the center of
 Jews especially so.       men and women      many phrases in Hebrew. For example,
 The Commissar Order was one   alike. According-  a  person  with  fine  manners  is  called                             
              	                 
 of two Führer commands at this time.   ly, God created   ben adam, literally a son of a human
 The other was  entitled  “Guidelines   them both in His   being. On the other hand, pereh adam,
 for the Behavior of the Troops.” This   Dr. Rachel Dulin  image and bless-  a wild human, is a way to point to a
 mandated that all legal protections for  ed them equally, as it is written: “God   rude, uncivilized  person.  The idiom
 local civilian  populations were to be  created Adam in His image … male and   ha-adam ha-na-khon ba-makom ha-
 rescinded, and soldiers were informed  female. He created them. (Gen1:27)  na-khon means the right person at the
 that  actions  which would have  been   Also,  we read, “When they were   right place. And Leshon b’nay adam,
 considered crimes in the rest of Europe  created,  He blessed them  and called   literally the tongue of human beings, is
 were to be pursued in the Soviet Union  them Adam.” (Gen 5:2)  the proper language to use in commu-
 without punishment. Such guidance,   From this, we may surmise that in   nication between b’nay adam.
 issued directly to the troops, both con- many  references,  Adam  in  the  Bible   We should also mention  that  the
 doned and led to the abuse of civilian  does not point exclusively to the male   way to behave is dictated  by rules
 populations.  gender, rather Adam is an all-inclusive   beyn  adam la-cha-ve-ro, literally  be-
 Together, the two orders informed  name,  directed to all  human beings,   tween one human being and his fellow
 soldiers of the racial component of the  male and female alike. However, there   human, not to be confused with rules
 war, and that Bolshevism and its “car- are  times in which  Adam is a gen-  beyn adam la-ma-kom, between man
 riers” (that is, Jews) were the “mortal  der-centered  word,  referring  specifi-  and his maker.
 enemy  of  the  German  people.”  The  cally to a man. For example, “It is not   We will end our list with the phrase
 orders authorized  reprisal  killings  of  good for Adam to be alone. I will make   me-adam ve-ad be-he-mah, literally
 civilians  and further encouraged sol- a fitting helper for him.” (Gen. 2:20, et   from a human being to a beast, which
 diers  to  treat  all  civilian  populations  al)  refers to all of God’s creation, humans
            The more common word in the       and the beasts of all kinds.
        Text addressing a man is the noun         Father’s Day, like Mother’s Day,
        ish, (plural a-na-shim). Depending on   are lovely days to remind  us that  we
        context, the word ish means not only   are  b’nay adam, and have to behave
        man, but also husband and hero, and is   accordingly, respecting and cherishing
        mentioned 2,179 times in the Text. The   the family, as the rules beyn adam la-                                  HELP...
        feminine form of ish is i-shah, namely   cha-ve-ro were revealed  to us. Enjoy
        woman (plural na-shim), and it appears   the day.
                                                                                                                                   s a
        782 times in the Text.                Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor                                             is a
            Interestingly, in Hebrew, the     of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
 Have you ever been asked   noun Adam has no plural or feminine   lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct                        phone
                                              professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
        form. It is derived from the noun ad-
 questions about Israel    amah,  meaning  earth  or  ground,  out   College in Sarasota.
 or antisemitism that    of which, according to the Text, Adam                                                                  call
 you can’t answer?    War of the Century...continued from previous page                                                         a    wa        y
        with ruthless brutality. Criminality and
                                                  On May 6, 1942, however, less
        excess were accepted, indeed, encour-  than a year after the start of Operation
 CRConnect, a program of   aged.              Barbarossa, the Kommissarbefehl was
            Enforcement  of the  Commissar
 the Heller CRC, addresses   Order led immediately to tens of thou-  finally  overturned  after  continued  ap-  In partnership with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and
                                              peals to Hitler from German field com-
                                                                                      the generosity of our donors, JFCS of the Suncoast is able to offer
 these difficult questions   sands of executions, not only of polit-  manders. This did not stop the killing,   the following services at no cost to anyone in the
        ical commissars, but also of Jews and
                                              of course. The most intensive murder
 such as Palestinian vs. Israeli   of huge numbers of Soviet prisoners   phase of the Holocaust was already un-  Jewish community regardless of age:
 sovereignty, Israel as a   of war. This would grow to hundreds   derway, now as a designated SS oper-  •  A friendly voice            Get the
        of thousands over succeeding months.
                                              ation. What began with the invasion of
 “superpower,” the “Apartheid”   Jews were seen as racial enemies just   the Soviet Union in June 1941, devel-  •  Counseling
 claim, peace in the region    as much as bearers of Bolshevik ide-  oped an irrepressible momentum  that   •  Caregiver support    assistance
        ology. Moreover, every  German gen-
                                              would only see an end with the defeat
                                                                                       •  Bereavement support groups
 and much more.  eral involved in Operation Barbarossa   of Nazi Germany and the liberation of   •  Pastoral care                    you need!
        throughout the summer and autumn of
                                              the  camps  from the  Fall  of 1944 on-
        1941 enforced the Order.              wards.                                   •  Delivered meals
            Accordingly, special mobile killing   Paul R. Bartrop is Professor Emeritus   •  Temporary financial assistance
 Visit      squads, the Einsatzgruppen, were estab-  of History and the former Director of
                                              the Center for Holocaust and Geno-
        lished to accompany the combat troops
 to see the questions and learn the answers.  of the German Army close behind in   cide Research at Florida Gulf Coast   If you are in need of
        the weeks following the invasion.     University.                              assistance, please call
            Send your comments and Letters to                                          JFCS at 941-366-2224
 For more information, please visit                                                    and ask for Pam Baron
 JFEDSRQ.ORG/hellercrc                                                                 at extension 112.
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