Page 24 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 24
24A June/July 2021 JEWISH INTEREST
“David’s Quilt” – the story of King David in music Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old
By Arlene Stolnitz Clairvoyant? An elderly aunt discloses a dubious gift
am always amazed and thrilled His idea was to invite a group of musicians, have had extensive expe- to Jerusalem” by Dr. Michelle Green
when I hear of contemporary com- gifted and experienced Jewish song- rience in film and TV, and many are Willner. By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
I posers using biblical themes for writers who were actively engaged in Emmy award-winning composers. The program took two years to pro- he was just a little girl when it
their work. Such is the story of the composing, but not writing Jewish mu- Most have had backgrounds in Judaic duce and debuted in a live performance happened. It was early morn-
Helfman Composers Group, associated sic. He invited a group of composers music. There have been some non-Jew- on November 5, 2017, at the Stephen Sing in her family’s tumbledown
with the UCLA Herb Alpert School to attend a two-day retreat with an out- ish “visitors.” In particular, there was a Wise Temple in Los Angeles. house in a steel town in western Penn-
of Music. Together, and under the standing faculty at the Brandeis-Bardin Korean Julliard student and there has The group has now written over sylvania. The little girl, still tucked in
auspices of the Campus of American Jewish Universi- been a Jewish composer from Mexico. 40 pieces and is currently developing a her bed with her two sisters asleep by
Lowell Milken ty in Simi Valley, California. (I have More recently, graduate students from major new work in partnership with the her side, called to her mother. “Mama,
Center for Music been there and can vouch for the place the music school have participated, recently endowed UCLA Mickey Katz come quick. The
of American Jew- as being inspirational.) That was in adding diversity to the group. Chair in Jewish Music. More informa- washing machine
ish Experience, 2010, and what has followed has been The composers were told to write tion about the group can be found on is overflowing.”
they have created an amazing and creative contribution in each of their own styles resulting in YouTube under “David’s Quilt.” Located in
an oratorio based of music to the liturgy of today’s syna- a mix that is greatly varied. Accord- Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara- the basement of
on the life of gogue music. ing to Cantor Baron, who directs the sota Jewish Chorale, is a member of the house, the
King David, mu- The Institute was named the Max program, the flaws of biblical David’s the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A washing machine
sician, warrior, Helfman Institute for New Jewish Mu- character make him perfect for this am- retired educator from Rochester, New was indeed on the
Arlene Stolnitz lover and ruler. sic for renowned composer and con- bitious musical undertaking. York, she has sung in choral groups fritz. Warm water
Fifteen Jewish composers with di- ductor Max Helfman (1901-1963). The A few titles of the works are “Val- for over 25 years and also sings in and soap bubbles
verse backgrounds have produced 18 institute’s formation was aided by a ley of Shadows” by Cantor Phil Baron, The Venice Chorale. Her interest in Rabbi Barbara Aiello were pouring out
pieces of music for orchestra, choir, so- substantial grant from the Jewish Com- “When I Open My Mouth” by Rebekah the preservation of Jewish music of of the washer’s bin and slopping all
loists and dancers. The result is a tap- munity Foundation of Los Angeles and Mirsky, “Halleluja” by Dr. David Lef- all kinds has led to this series of ar- over the floor. Within minutes, the lit-
estry much like a beautiful fabric being the endorsement of the Milken Center. kowitz, and “Beauty and the Dance of ticles on Jewish Folk Music in the tle girl’s mother had marshalled all the
pieced together. The idea of the tapes- Helfman thought “the arts are a Wonder” and “David Dancing the Ark Diaspora. children and several boarders to come
try or quilt is “to get you into David’s great way for people to bind their Jew- CULTURE MOHEL SHABBAT
to the rescue and clean up the mess.
head; what he was feeling…” ish soul.” He stated, “Some think there SYNAGOGUE CAMP When the crisis had passed, the
So how did this idea get start- is a wall between Jew and Gentile, HOLOCAUST CEMETERIES mother of the young girl who first
ed? The idea was envisioned about but the real wall is between the Jew SENIORS LONGBOAT KEY sounded the alarm became alarmed
10 years ago by Cantor Phil Baron of and himself… the young Jew who has YOUTH GROUP MUSIC CULTURE
herself. “How did you know what was
Valley Beth Shalom, a large conserva- turned away from his heritage and in so YOUNG ADULTS N G F O R S O M E T H I N G J E W I S H ? happening in the basement?” she asked
tive synagogue in Encino, California. doing has turned his back on a rich cre- VENICE ELDERLY SERVICES
as she grilled her daughter. “Were you
Cantor Baron had been a songwriter ative past… they will argue with you… JUDAICA FIND IT IN THE DIRECTORY in the basement this morning? Did you
for Disney Studios and had also cre- but you cannot argue with a song or FOOD EDUCATION
try to use the washing machine? And
ated successful award-winning music with a dance.” HILLEL when you broke it, you told no one and
series for Jewish children. Eventually, Reading the bios of the Helfman SUMMER CAMP CULTURE MOHEL just went back to bed?”
though, his strong Jewish background Institute Fellows (as they are called) TEEN KOSHER CAMP CEMETERIES
Clearly the mother was angry and
as a trained cantor pulled him in a dif- is an experience in itself. Each of the SENIORS HOLOCAUST SOCIAL
the little girl began to cry. “I never
ferent direction. composers, who are classically trained SHABBAT YOUTH GROUP ARTS FAMILY
went to the basement,” said the little
CAMP YOUNG ADULTS BRADENTON one. “I woke up and in my head I saw
the washer overflowing. That’s when I
called you!”
At this point an older sister ap-
peared on the scene. “She does this all
the time,” shrieked the sister. “She sees
things that nobody else sees.” The old-
er sister then brandished a broom and
began bashing the little one. “Mama,
Mama, our sister is a witch.”
Seventy years later, over a cup of
coffee in a local diner, my aunt (z”l) re-
Would you like to pay less tax? counted the washing machine incident,
noting that this was the first time she
had ever shared the story with anyone.
Auntie said, “Until that day I be-
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confronted me and my sister beat me,
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