Page 29 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                             June/July 2021                                    29A

        73 fun facts about Israel...continued from previous page
        48. A revolutionary “human on a chip”     called a sponja: flooding the floor                         BRIEFS
            developed  at  Hebrew University      with  copious  amounts  of  water
            aims to replace animal testing for    and using a long-handled squeegee   HOW ISRAEL HELPS                       administration  should have every
            new pharmaceuticals.                  to push the dirty water outside or                                         interest in preserving and ensuring
        49. When Israel was founded in 1948,      down the nearest drain.           DEFEND AMERICAN                          is as effective as possible.
            there were only 806,000 residents.   64. Israeli toilets have two handles: a   INTERESTS IN THE               ‹   Israel also has taken the lead
            The  population  reached  two mil-    smaller one that releases less water   MIDDLE EAST                         against  Iran on the  ground. In
            lion  in  1958, and  is expected  to   to flush down #1, and a larger one   ‹   Israel plays an indispensable  role   Iran’s shadow wars across the re-
            reach 10 million in the next three    that elicits more water to get rid of   in helping defend American inter-  gion, Israel alone has mastered
            years.                                #2.                                  ests in the Middle East, serving as   gray-zone combat, conducting
        50. In  2020, 28%  of Israel’s popula-  65. Israel’s Parliament,  the  Knesset,   a stabilizing bulwark in a danger-  more  than 1,000 strikes against
            tion was under the age of 14, and     has 120 seats because  it’s mod-     ous region that remains vitally im-   Iranian-related  targets in Syria,
            only 12% older than 65.               eled  after  the  Second  Temple-era   portant to the U.S.                 Iraq and the surrounding seas, al-
        51. In Israel, people regularly stumble   Knesset HaGedolah  (the  Great     ‹   Israel’s determination to prevent a   most single-handedly  crippling
            on amazing ancient finds while out    Assembly), a leadership  body of     nuclear Iran represents significant   Tehran’s master plan  to  turn  Syr-
            hiking.                               120 sages, prophets and scribes.     leverage for  American diplomats      ia  into  an  Islamic  Revolutionary
                                              66. In Israel,  there’s hardly  such a   in negotiations with  Tehran. If      Guard Corps fortress and forward
                                                  thing  as a  gift  registry  for wed-  wielded skillfully by American ne-  operating base.
                                                  dings and bar mitzvahs.  Instead,    gotiators, this leverage can play an   ‹   For the U.S., it’s hard to  put  a
                                                  people come to the parties bearing   essential role in pressuring Iran to   price on the value of having a lo-
                                                  envelopes full of cash.              dramatically curb its nuclear ambi-   cal partner with the power and skill
                                              67. Matzot Aviv  in  Bnei  Brak  baked   tions.                                to operate so effectively. (Michael
                                                  the world’s largest matzah  this   ‹   Should talks fail and Iran’s march   Makovsky and John Hannah, Na-
                                                  year:  13.2 pounds (6 kilograms),    toward the bomb continue, Israel’s    tional Interest)
                                                  nearly 20 feet (six meters) long,    ability to act decisively is a unique
                                                  3.5 feet (1.06 meters) wide and      strategic asset – one that the Biden            continued on page 32A
                                                  0.16 inches (4 millimeters) thick.
                                              68. The Israel Start-Up Nation cycling
        Imri Elya with an ancient tablet and certificate of
         recognition from the Israel Antiquities Authority   team’s roster for the 2021 season
                 (photo courtesy of IAA)          includes 32 riders from Israel and
        52. Archeologists recently discovered     16 other countries, including four-
            the world’s oldest woven basket,      time Tour de France winner Chris
            in the Judean Desert.                 Froome from Great Britain.
        53. The  oldest-ever  cave  tool,  dating   69. Tel  Aviv University recently
            back 350,000 years, was found in      launched  the  world’s only  Center
            Israel.                               for Combating Pandemics,  aim-
        54. The  field  of  video  therapy  was   ing to create best practices for in-
            invented at Jerusalem’s Ma’aleh       fection  containment,  vaccine and
            School of Television, Film and the    treatment development, and social
            Arts.                                 and economic resilience.
        55. In  a  tech  first,  Israeli  scientists   70. Israeli companies raised a re-
            made a robot hear using a dead lo-    cord-breaking $10 billion  in in-
            cust’s ear.                           vestments during 2020, despite the
        56. In Israel, people are taught from an   uncertainty  and  instability  caused
            early age to turn off the tap while   by the worldwide pandemic.
            they brush their teeth to save pre-  71. 85% of Israeli households get hot
            cious water.                          water  from rooftop solar heaters,
        57. In Israel, a meal without a salad is   compared  to less than 1% in the
            not a meal. Even breakfast.           United States.
        58. Tel Aviv has over 4,000 Bauhaus   72. An Israeli scientist’s invention to
            buildings, the largest concentration   instantly  turn  dog droppings  into
            of Bauhaus buildings of any city in   odorless, sterile  fertilizer  powder
            the world.                            is starting to revolutionize how an-
        59. An Israeli company has developed      imal and human waste is disposed
            the world’s first autonomous bee-     of.
            hive.  It  can  house  up  to  40  bee   73. Israel has more than 300 wineries,   APA_21_JNF5x5_MECH.indd   1                         5/4/21   1:56 PM
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                                                                                      APA_21_JNF5x5_MECH.indd   1
            colonies (around two million bees)    70 of which harvest at least 50 tons
            and take care of their health and     of grapes per year. Approximately
            upkeep with a simple app.             60,000 tons of wine grapes are har-
        60. Israel was the first country to ban   vested in Israel annually.
            underweight models from partici-      Special  thanks to  Abigail  Klein
            pating in fashion shows.          Leichman, Naama Barak, Danya Bel-
        61. During Passover in Israel, super-  kin, Tess Levy and Mariano Mann, who
            markets  are  not  allowed  to sell   all contributed their favorite random
            chametz (forbidden  foods like    facts about Israel to this article.
            bread and cakes), and if you bring   Nicky Blackburn, Editor and Israel
            the products to the checkout, they   Director, has worked extensively  as
            cannot be scanned. Large sections   a  journalist  and  editor  both  in  Brit-
            of the shops are covered in plastic   ain and Israel for a range of nation-
            sheets.                           al  and international  publications          Our prime meats and fresh seafood are perfect for your
        62. In Hebrew, Happy Christmas is     including  The  Cambridge  Evening             backyard barbecue. Ask about our custom cuts and
            Chag  Molad  Sameach, which       News, London News, Travel Weekly,
            means Happy Festival of the Birth.  Israel  High  Tech  Investor  and  The     pre-marinated ready-to-cook items. From ribeye steaks
        63. In Israel, the most common way to   Times of London.                          and gourmet burgers to wild salmon and whole chickens,
            mop  the  floor  is  by  doing  what’s                                              trust Morton’s for your summertime cookouts!
                  Get to know Israel

                     and her people!

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