Page 31 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 31
COMMENTARY June/July 2021 31A
The remarkable trajectory of Greece-Israel ties Tisha B’Av – stop carrying hate
month, we are reminded of all the trou- actually matter how justified we feel destroys what is most sacred to us.
pandemic aside, tourism is booming. ble such baggage truly brings. in our hatred. Even if the other person As we commemorate all the pain
And visitors say they feel very much From On Tisha B’Av, Judaism’s day of really did do terrible things, it doesn’t and loss of our people this Tisha B’Av,
at home in each other’s country. Politi- tragedies, we commemorate our ac- justify hatred on our part. let us internalize the message that car-
cal and strategic dialogues are now the the cumulated history of disaster. This There are no positive examples in rying anger and hatred with us will only
norm. High-level summits take place includes the destruction of both the the Kamsa/Bar Kamsa story. The host lead to destruction. Let us find within
regularly. Cooperation in new technol- Bimah first and second Temples in Jerusalem, acted terribly, no matter if he was jus- ourselves the courage and strength to
ogies and energy are expanding rapidly. which are seen as two of the most dev- tified or not. And no matter how hurt, let go of all that weighs us down, so
The devastating legacy of World War astating events in Jewish history. Rab- ashamed or angry Bar Kamsa was, he that we may emerge with open arms,
II continues to impact both nations. binic literature and tradition draw a intentionally started a war that even- ready to embrace future possibilities. It
The Jewish community in Greece and Rabbi Samantha Kahn direct line between the anger, the pain tually destroyed the Temple in Jerusa- is this that would truly make God, and
the Greek Jews who resettled in Israel Temple Sinai and the baggage we carry, and how it lem. Hatred gets us nowhere. It only all our bubbies, proud.
form a bridge across the sea. The list leads to sinat chinam, baseless hatred,
recently read about a young man,
goes on. I and the destruction of these Temples. Jewish inside and out
Some say this is really all about whose bubbie, his grandmother, in- (Yoma 9)
Turkey. Sure, Turkey looms large in vited him to come visit her in her We read a story in the Talmud about When thinking about the question
the geopolitical thinking of both coun- new apartment. She called him and two men with similar names, Kamsa Korach posed, it seems he had a valid
tries. But, let’s be clear, the main driver gave him the following directions: and Bar Kamsa. A wealthy person in From point. What indeed is the purpose of a
is not Turkey. Rather, it is the belated “David, come to the front door of the town was throwing a party and sent miniature piece of parchment on the
recognition that Greece and Israel have the apartment complex. I am in apart- his servant to invite his friend Kamsa the doorway in relation to an entire library
vast potential, as two neighbors and ment 14T. There is a big panel at the en- to the gala. Unfortunately, the servant of Jewish books right inside the home?
two Western-oriented democracies, to trance door to the building. With your invited the wrong man, Bar Kamsa, Bimah The significance of the mezuzah
develop their links in just about ev- elbow, push button 14T. I will buzz you who was the host’s enemy. When the placed in the doorpost is precisely its
ery sphere. In doing so, they serve the in. Walk inside, the elevator is on the host saw his enemy in attendance, he location. While the collection of Torah
highest interests of both nations. right. Get in the elevator, and with your threw him out. Bar Kamsa pleaded and books is in the interior of one’s home,
And, to return to Churchill’s elbow, hit 14. When you get out, make bargained to try and stay, but the host Rabbi Zev Steinmetz the mezuzah is placed on the outside
theme, I, too, am on the side of both a left. When you get to my door, with refused. The rabbis who were in atten- Chabad of West Bradenton doorpost. A library of Jewish books is
and couldn’t be happier with the bur- your elbow, hit my doorbell.” dance saw this terrible interaction and a great and very important component
geoning ties. This is indeed another “Bubbie, that sounds easy, but why sat idly by. Bar Kamsa was so hurt he here is a fascinating story re- of a Jewish household. It signifies and
reminder that history is not static. In am I hitting all these buttons with my looked for revenge. One thing led to corded in the Torah regarding indicates to anyone entering that it is a
the span of four decades, this relation- elbow?” another and the Temple was destroyed. Ta rebellious individual named Jewish home with Jewish values.
ship went from detached to full-blown, She responded, “What, you’re The anger, the stubbornness and the Korach, who rose to challenge Moses’ The question remaining though is:
with, no doubt, more to come. coming empty-handed?” embarrassment that these men carried leadership. Korach, along with 250 of What happens when exiting and leav-
I know it’s a silly story, but the with them led to a tragic loss. From this his followers, gathered together to con- ing the comforts of one’s home? Do
The AJC West Coast Florida truth is, David’s bubbie was right. We story we are reminded that, sometimes, front Moses in an attempt to make a the values kept at home reflect one’s
office, located in Sarasota, are never empty-handed as we enter we need to put down the negative feel- mockery of his position and challenge actions out of the home?
When transitioning from the pri-
ings we hold on to and simply move
his authority.
new moments and new spaces. We are
can be reached at carrying things with us that weigh us on. Tish B’Av reminds us that we must One of the questions Korach posed vate people we are inside our homes
941.365.4955. down. We are holding on to our anger, let go of the anger we carry – even if it to Moses with a rivalrous intention was to public citizens out in the world, the
feels valid. For the truth is, it doesn’t
our grudges and our missteps. Yet this
purpose of the mezuzah is to serve as a
whether or not a home filled with many
Jewish books requires a mezuzah at the reminder that G-d is wherever we find
White supremacist
Whit e supremacist front doorpost. Moses’ response to this ourselves. Whether stationed in our
question was that despite the fact that
private domain or outside our home, be
groups the house is full of holy books, there is it at work or a social event, we must
groups are the single
still a requirement for a mezuzah.
take our values and traditions along
Korach scoffed at this idea, rea-
most dangerous soning that a house filled with books with us.
May the one that guards the doors
domestic extremist
domestic e xtremist including the entire Torah is surely of Israel always keep us safe.
P.S. If you would like a mezuzah or
enough to do the trick. Why would a
threat to the nation. small compact mezuzah, which con- if it has been a few years since you last
tains just the Shema and only two more
checked your mezuzah, please feel free
– “Homeland Threat Assessment,” paragraphs from the Torah be neces- to contact your local rabbi, who will be
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OCTOBER 2020 sary as well? What more can a simple more than happy to assist you.
Mezuzah add?
Charlottesville, VA; August 2017
Photo by Mykal McEldowney
What are we doing about it? Tidewell Hospice
EDUCATION. is committed to meeting the spiritual and
The Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations Committee takes physical needs of our patients and families.
a firm stand against antisemitism. We use community resources and influence to As a certified Jewish Hospice, Tidewell offers:
combat a rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionist sentiments, which often result in • Mezuzah and Shabbat candles
aggressive acts and rhetoric against Jews. Through education, advocacy, and building
relationships with the greater community and law enforcement, together we can • Spiritual consultation with Rabbi
combat hatred, bigotry, and harassment of Jews and other minorities. on request
• Hebrew Bible and prayer book
For more information, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/hellercrc
Many of Tidewell’s services are funded by donors.
Visit to donate or learn more. • 941-552-7500 • 855-Tidewell