Page 33 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 33

COMMENTARY                                                                            June/July 2021                                    33A

        Iran, Israel, Natanz and negotiations

        By Rabbi Howard A. Simon

 dispersed to the far reaches of Europe,   n Sunday, April 11, an electri-  ed it will begin enriching uranium up   from Israel. Middle East countries,
 North Africa, Asia Minor and beyond   cal blackout occurred at Iran’s   to 60% purity. In January, Iran raised   many of which resent the actions  of
 to search out and free the impris- Ounderground  Natanz  atomic   its level of uranium enrichment to 20%   Iran, will  watch as these two coun-  What will result from the tensions that
 oned sparks of Divine light. The light  facility. Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of   purity for the first time since 2013, well   tries face off against each other. Isra-  are felt is unknown, but the hope is that
 found in these places could be released  Iran’s atomic agency, called the Natanz   beyond the limits of the 2015 nuclear   el will continue to protect her country   cooler heads will prevail and the threat
 through a tikkun (healing, repair), the  incident an act of “nuclear terrorism.”   accord. By raising uranium enrichment   and seek support  from the  Arab na-  of increased struggles will fade away.
 performance  of a heightened act of  Natanz has been targeted by sabotage   to 60%, Iran would move closer to the   tions  that  have  recently  established   Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
 redemption. A multitude of human en- prior to this event.  The   90% purity threshold re-  relations with it. Problems abound and   ing chair of the Robert and Esther
 deavors could serve as a tikkun if done  Stuxnet computer virus,   quired for weapons-grade   fears loom throughout this part of the   Heller Community Relations Commit-
 with kavannah, wholehearted intention  discovered  in  2010, dis-  uranium.        world. The goal is peaceful solutions.   tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
 and feeling.   rupted and destroyed Ira-                    While  all  of this  is
 The opportunity to free this illumi- nian centrifuges at the site.   taking place, Iran and the   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz...continued from previous page
 nation endowed seemingly mundane   On April 12, Iran’s top   five  parties  involved  in   an especially  gifted healer, such as a   faiths to give and receive tikkun rests
 activities  and ritual  commandments  diplomat, Foreign Minister   the 2015 nuclear accord   tzaddik or rebbe, is required to draw it     the ultimate tikkun, Tikkun Olam, the
 with far-reaching significance. Eating,  Mohammad Javad Zarif,   are meeting in Vienna to   out.                         healing of the world.
 making love, worship,  lighting Shab- accused Israel of attacking   attempt  to  create  a  path   Interestingly, many  of the  tech-  I am not uncomfortable in assert-
 bat candles, planting a field, studying,  the Natanz facility, saying,   for the United States to re-  niques employed  by the  early gen-  ing that religion in general and Juda-
 tzedakah and socializing all possessed  “The  Zionists  wanted  to   turn to the agreement the   erations  of  tzadikkim more  than  200   ism in particular is a human construct.
 the potential for spiritual elevation and  take revenge on the Irani-  Rabbi Howard A. Simon  country exited in 2018.   years ago to elicit this light, anticipated   Whether the construct is literally true
 potency.  This orientation  to religious  an people for their success in lifting the   The dual goal set for the negotiations   methodologies that continue to inform   is not  the  sine  qua  non for me,  but
 task explains how Hasidic Jews could  oppressive sanctions, but we will not   is for the United States to lift sanctions   psychotherapy  today.  To borrow the   rather the virtues, ethics and traditions
 still behold life with such unalloyed joy  allow it and we will take revenge on   imposed  on Iran if  Tehran  agrees  to   terminology of Martin Buber, tikkun is   it seeks to transmit. In my view, Luri-
 even amid the tribulations and grinding  the Zionists themselves.”   comply with the 2015 pact that curtails   the transformation of the realm of “it”   anic Kabbalah is an extraordinary con-
 poverty in Eastern Europe during the   Israel has not commented  on   Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weap-  into that of “Thou.”   struct offering a sublime prism through
 18  and 19  centuries.   these allegations,  but numerous Is-  ons technology.        Each of us possesses unique capac-  which to appreciate and undertake ex-
 A tikkun occurs when, through em- raeli media outlets have said this was   Israel  worries  about  the  future   ities for performing tikkun. Our charge   alted Jewish purpose.
 pathy, conviction  and enthusiasm (a  a Mossad led cyberattack aimed at sab-  plans of Iran’s leaders desiring great-  is to cultivate  and exercise them.  At   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
 word from the Greek en theos, “with  otaging the Natanz site. Whether this   er impact on all that takes place in the   the same time, it’s also incumbent on   Community Chaplain and Director of
 God”),  we  utilize  our  God-implanted  is true or not, one thing is indisput-  Middle East. Reflecting on this possi-  us to be open to the nourishing power   the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His
 powers of intelligence,  responsibili- able.  Prime Minister Netanyahu has   bility, U.S. Defense Secretary  Lloyd   of  tikkun others demonstrate.  On the   position is underwritten by The Jewish
 ty and even humor to raise vitalizing  described Iran in these terms for many   Austen declared on  his recent  visit   willingness of people of all nations and   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
 life sparks in ourselves and others.  years: “an existential  threat  to Israel   to  Israel  the  “enduring  and  ironclad”
 In Hasidism, this illumination can be  due to Iran’s alleged pursuit of nucle-  American commitment  to Israel, thus   YOU BELONG
 so deeply encased within people that  ar weapons and its support of militant   underscoring the support the U.S. has
        groups like Lebanon’s Hezbollah.” The   given to Israel in the past and will con-  WHERE
        Prime Minister has repeatedly said Is-  tinue to provide in the future.
        rael will do all it can to keep Iran from   Israel will continue to monitor all
        becoming  a nuclear-armed  nation.    that emanates from Iran, and Iran will
        As a result of this attack, Iran has stat-  continue to monitor all that emanates
             build.                              advocate.

                           remember. support.

              Government Affairs

                 Meetings with elected officials are increasingly important as we see support for Israel
                   eroding around the world. Advocating for Jewish interests starts locally and often goes
                     to Washington D.C. You can count on the Heller CRC when it matters most, from
                       advocating in our local school systems to championing national bills.

                                                                                                                           ^ Builds Bridges
                                                         Robert and Esther Heller
                                                            CRC                       ^ Advocates through Government Affairs

                                                         COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE               ^ Remembers the Holocaust

                                            Heller CRC assists school teachers, synagogues, churches and libraries to “Never
                                              Forget.” The Holocaust Speakers Bureau brings survivors’ personal stories to school
                                               children and adults alike. Classrooms Without Borders takes elite teachers
                                                 each year to Poland with a survivor. These experiences change how they
                                                  teach the Holocaust, helping them create upstanders in their schools.

                        HELLER CRC’S MISSION

                       To build relationships within the
                    Jewish and non-Jewish communities
                  and to advance common interests
                through education and advocacy.                                                           
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