Page 35 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
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FOCUS ON YOUTH June/July 2021 35A
A new government or another election?
Issues confronting the next government
A program of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, PJ Library & PJ
Our Way engages children between birth and age 12, and their families, with
books and activities that enhance their Jewish journey. Throughout the year,
families gather for story times and other special programs where they can
socialize and meet new friends. PJ is for any family raising Jewish children –
affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional. The program is completely
free for families, thanks to the generosity of The Harold Grinspoon Founda-
tion, Edie and David Chaifetz, the Federation and other generous donors.
Father’s guidance
By MG Berman, PJ Library Community Connector READ—GATHER—GROW
e are born to a mother and for us today? PJ Library has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
father who love us deep- Our three biblical patriarchs each to provide families raising Jewish children with the gift of free, high-quality
Wly in very different ways. struggled to find their way just as fa- children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with
Jewish life in our community.
Our Jewish biblical patriarchs have thers do today. They each learned to
Join one of our PJ programs below
shown us many times the love of their listen and trust G-d for guidance and to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.
children. Patriarchs, Avot in Hebrew, truth. Fathers today can learn from the
literally means father-ruler. Abraham lessons in the Torah for everyday life – Children 8 - 12
(father of many), how to help, love, guide, and laugh at Children 6 mo. - 8 yrs.
our Jewish found- and with their children.
ing father, wanted The lessons and guidance a father
a son so badly that imposes on us shines through to each
G-d granted this generation with stories to tell. A father Sign-up at Sign-up at
wish to him even is more than just a blood relation. He
in his old age. His is a giver, hugger, listener, guide and a
wife Sarah (prin- person you can rely on. Fathers, step- For more information, contact
cess), at 90 years fathers (bonus dads), grandfathers, un- Jessi Sheslow
MG Berman old, gave birth to cles and brothers all play an important
that very son whom they named Isaac, part in each of our lives. 941.343.2109
meaning laughter. His name came from As Father’s Day approaches, cel- PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
Abraham’s joy of finally having a son. ebrate the important father figures in
Isaac and Rebecca had two sons your life. You can play catch, play golf,
who struggled and were at war with one have good socially distant meals with
another long before birth. Esau was a family, take a hike, and watch Major
powerful hunter while Jacob was more League Baseball or NASCAR’s Ally 400
spiritual. Jacob was given the blessing in Nashville on TV, just to name a few!
intended for Esau from their father and Happy Father’s Day to all of our CAMP-STYLE
then fled to live with his uncle. Jacob PJ Library and PJ Our Way fathers.
fathered 12 sons, creating the 12 tribes For more information on PJ Lib-
of Israel, and also had one daughter. rary and PJ Our Way, please email me SHABBAT
So what does all this mean to us and at
Science Sunday – Thank you to all who spent Shabbat with us at our Camp-style Shabbat in
enable your curiosity! early May! We sang our favorite summer camp tunes, wore our best camp
shirts and white outfits and smiled about seeing our friends in person!
Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs Manager
f you are between the ages of 9-12 spatula, a needle for sticking things,
and have a curiosity about science, forceps and some blank slides. The
Ithis is the program for you! Meet a main problem was that the scope did
local inventor, Dennis Brock, who cre- not work as well as the more profes-
ated his very own type of microscope sionally designed ones. The low pow-
called the Magiscope. The Magiscope er was barely functional and the other
is a Parent’s Choice award winner and little plastic lenses were useless. Eye
will most definitely spark an excite- floaters were often mistaken for signs
ment for science in everyone. of life. Not in the Magiscope, though!
With a decade of working with Want to see the difference?
the most sophisticated microscopes on Join PJ Our Way and Dennis Brock
the planet, Dennis Brock knew some- on Sunday, June 6 from 2:00 to 3:30
thing was missing – something vivid, p.m. to look through the amazing
something exciting and inspiring to the Magiscope and really see what nature
young nature lover/scientist. He knew looks like, super zoomed in and close
what was possible, as well as what up. You will not want to miss it!
was not available to everyone. Well- This program is in-person and
designed optics produce spectacular will comply with CDC guidelines for
images that would certainly inspire any health and safety on The Larry & Mary
bright mind regardless of their back- Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish
ground. Life, 580 McIntosh Road, Sarasota.
Thirty years ago, “microscopes” For more information about Sci-
designed for children were merely ence Sunday or PJ Our Way, please
small plastic versions of the real thing. contact me at or
They came in thin plywood boxes with 941.343.2109.
meaningless accessories such as a tiny