Page 34 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 34
34A June/July 2021 COMMENTARY
A new government or another election?
Issues confronting the next government
By Harold M. Halpern
he politics of Israel are awaiting other to end the deadlock. The outcome included Jews, Christians and other support. These costs are increasing as
the outcome of the last election, is unpredictable. minorities. Each religious group con- the average ultra-Orthodox family has
Tthe fourth in two years. The se- We know that whatever govern- trolled matters of personal status, seven children.
lection of a Prime Minister is currently ment is ultimately agreed upon, it will marriage, divorce, inheritance, burial, Furthermore, the religious schools
deadlocked between the parties sup- face issues of recovery from Covid, se- conversion, religious practice and re- do not teach basic courses of math,
porting Benjamin curity, West Bank and Gaza Palestinian lated matters. The Empire was on the technology, language and science need-
Netanyahu and the questions, Iran’s actions to develop nu- losing side of WWI, resulting in a divi- ed to get a job. As a result of the culture
parties opposing clear weapons, ballistic missiles, and sion of its lands. and lack of job skills, only 50% of the
him. Both groups support of Hezbollah, Hamas and other The League of Nations gave Great ultra-Orthodox men are working.
are close but short terrorist groups. Britain the Mandate to administer the Worry and anger is deepening
of the required 61 On all these matters there is agree- lands of Palestine west of the Jordan whether Israel can survive economi-
majority votes of ment in Israel, albeit with differences River. Britain retained the Ottoman cally if it encourages a culture of not
the Knesset. of nuance. Essentially, it is understood delegation of religious control to the working. The allocation of the budget
The simplistic that it is best to maintain the status quo, various religious groups under its Man- for the ultra-Orthodox deprives fund-
Harold M. Halpern analysis is wheth- reserving the right to take whatever date. In 1921, the British Mandate ap- ing for other essential government
er the desire to end Netanyahu’s reign action is necessary if the status quo is pointed a Chief Rabbi as the supreme needs. Tom Friedman, in The New York
of 12 years overcomes policy differ- threatened in a way negatively impact- rabbinic authority for Judaism. Times, recently wrote of this prob-
ences among the opponents from the ing Israeli security. The worldwide Zionist movement, lem in a column entitled “Israelis and
left, center and former right-wing sup- However, on domestic issues there founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897, and Americans Both Are Asking, Whose
porters of Netanyahu. The negotiat- is no such consensus on religious ques- energized by the Balfour Declaration Country is This Anyway?”
ing process may continue for several tions and on relationship with Israeli in 1917, gave strong impetus for the Israel’s parliamentary system of
months or we may be surprised by a Arabs. These differences impact the establishment of a Jewish state in Pal- multiple parties makes change very dif-
coalition formed by the time this col- nature of Israel as both a democracy estine. In 1947, the United Nations was ficult. The ultra-Orthodox parties elect
umn is published. and a Jewish state, and create a social readying to vote on a partition to fulfill 12-15 members. Usually, a governing
It is entirely possible that, on the and economic divide. In this column, I the aspiration of the Jewish people to coalition can’t be formed without their
one hand, the desire to be rid of Ne- will write about the religious issue, and return to their ancient homeland. David votes, which gives them leverage in
tanyahu is too strong for anyone to in a later column about the relationship Ben-Gurion, chair of the Jewish Agen- maintaining the status quo.
switch from being his opponent to with Israeli Arabs. cy, concerned that the ultra-Orthodox Many liberal groups, including
supporter but, on the other hand, the Religiously, Israelis are described would oppose the establishment of a Hiddush, headed by rabbi and attorney
policy differences among the oppo- as Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) 10%, Dati secular Jewish state, assured them in Uri Regev, advocate for freedom of re-
nents might make it impossible for (religious) 15%, Masorti (traditional) writing that they would retain control ligion and equality in Israel with some
them to agree upon a Prime Minister. 30% and Hiloni (secular) 45%. of Jewish matters. He renewed this hard-fought success. They see increas-
If so, a fifth election will be required. Before Israel’s independence in promise on May 14, 1948, when Israel ing willingness in the Knesset to seek
The thought of another election and the 1948, the land from 1517 to 1917 was became an independent nation. compromise. They believe the time
public pressure opposing it might push under sovereignty of the Ottoman At that time, there were less than will come when the will of the Israeli
enough votes to change one way or an- Empire, a Muslim Caliphate which a million Jews in Israel. Today, after majority for a more pluralistic Judaism
immigration of Jews from around the will be achieved.
world with diverse Jewish practice and While we wait for the next govern-
philosophy, there are more than seven ment, we ask whether it will be up to
Make someone million Jewish citizens of Israel. De- the task of answering Tom Friedman’s
Make someone
spite the fact that the ultra-Orthodox
and the Orthodox are not more than
Harold Halpern is a retired attorney
feel special
feel special 25% of the Jewish population, the Or- residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
thodox Rabbinate continues control
board member of the American Asso-
ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers
over marriage, divorce, burial, con-
on their birthday version, Shabbat public transporta- and of the West Coast Chapter of the
on their b
tion, kashruth and prayer at the Western
American Jewish Committee.
Wall. Yeshiva students are exempt from
b y making a d onat ion military service until the age of 35. Crossword Puzzle
by making a donation
Solution to puzzle on page 21A
Moreover, the Orthodox schools
are supported by the government. Their
2019 budget was the highest ever, pro-
viding significantly more than for Is-
raeli public schools and Israeli Arab
schools. In addition, the government
provides subsidies and child care for
families of the Yeshiva students.
The secular community resents the
exclusive Orthodox Rabbinate author-
ity over their Jewish lives and military
exemption of Orthodox students as
well as the public cost of maintaining
religious schools and other financial
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