Page 32 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 32

32A                          June/July 2021                                                                         COMMENTARY

        The context of tikkun                                                                                                                               Iran, Israel, Natanz and negotiations

        By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain

               abbis are often asked questions   God is  ubiquitous  and  eternal,  how   as we know it.                  dispersed to the far reaches of Europe,
               about Jewish mysticism: What   could  the  universe  have  been  created   After the  tzimtzum took place,   North Africa, Asia Minor and beyond
        Ris it?  Why does so much in-         distinct  from Him?  In other  words,   God brought the world into existence   to search out and free the impris-
        trigue surround it? How is it relevant?   how can God be the author of Creation   by sending a scaffolding of numinous   oned sparks of Divine light. The light
        Can you teach a class about it?       if He is, a priori, already inclusive of it   lights into the void. This transfiguring   found in these places could be released
            Thought to enable access to secret   (Pantheism)? If, at the beginning, He   effulgence  constituted  the  10  Divine   through a tikkun (healing, repair), the
        divine knowledge, in ancient  times   was not independent  of Creation but   emanations known  as the  sefirot that   performance  of a heightened act of
        Jewish mysticism was veiled in an aura   already fully part of it, how could He   manifest all the physical and spiritual   redemption. A multitude of human en-
                           of risk, a domain   have brought it about?               prosperities present in the universe.  deavors could serve as a tikkun if done
                           safely accessible      Furthermore, if God  is equal to     The  sefirot were contained and    with kavannah, wholehearted intention
                           only  to  skilled   Creation,  where  does external  Divine   held in collective balance by what can   and feeling.
                           masters.  Indeed,   moral authority reside? Why would the   be imagined as a set of 10 primordial   The opportunity to free this illumi-
                           legends  abound    God claimed to have given the Torah   beakers or vessels.                   nation endowed seemingly mundane
                           of novices  who    at Mt. Sinai be considered more au-      What happened next has been a      activities  and ritual  commandments
                           entered  this eso-  thoritative  than  another  divinity  who   source of exhaustive  mystical  specu-  with far-reaching significance. Eating,
                           teric realm only   is believed  to  have  revealed  Himself   lation.  For whatever  reason,  perhaps   making love, worship,  lighting Shab-
                           to emerge de-      somewhere else? Either God is co-ex-  the built-up force of the emanations or   bat candles, planting a field, studying,
        Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  ranged.       tensive with the created world or God   the  spread  of sinful  human  behavior,   tzedakah and socializing all possessed
            The most prominent  expression    is not eternal and was created by a pre-  the vessels shattered, destroying Cre-  the potential for spiritual elevation and
        of Jewish mysticism  is Kabbalah  (a   God Creator, something that would    ation’s exquisite harmony. Much of the   potency.  This orientation  to religious
        word  associated  with  “receiving”),   no  longer  make  Him  a  monotheistic   light returned to God, but the rest be-  task explains how Hasidic Jews could
        which arose in the Middle  Ages.  A   deity.  This fundamental  question has   came entrapped in shards (klippot) of   still behold life with such unalloyed joy
        particular  form, Lurianic  Kabbalah,   quickened the minds of philosophers,   the broken vessels and strewn through-  even amid the tribulations and grinding
        was conceived in the mid-16  century   theologians  and scientists  for thou-  out the world.                     poverty in Eastern Europe during the
        in the wake of the Spanish Inquisition   sands of years.                       According to Luria, the liberation   18  and 19  centuries.
        in Safed, in Northern Israel, by Rabbi    Lurianic  Kabbalah  inventively   of this light from the shards is the mo-  A tikkun occurs when, through em-
        Isaac Luria, the pre-eminent  Jewish   seeks to preserve an eternal, omni-  tivating  raison d’etre of the Jewish   pathy, conviction  and enthusiasm (a
        scholar of his time. It remains the most   present  God  differentiated  from  the   people.  His construal  of  Jewish mis-  word from the Greek en theos, “with
        widely known and studied Kabbalistic   Creation  He engendered  by  introduc-  sion through this lens proved to be of   God”),  we  utilize  our  God-implanted
        stream.                               ing the notion  of  tzimtzum, Divine   crucial value following the Inquisition.  powers of intelligence,  responsibili-
            While many Jewish mystical texts   self-contraction.  In  this  figuratively   Rather than regarding this calam-  ty and even humor to raise vitalizing
        appear maze-like in lending interpreta-  novel  explanation  of Creation,  God   itous  event  as  a  reflection  of  God’s   life sparks in ourselves and others.
        tion along arcane byways, what is most   withdraws a part of Himself to make   disfavor or abandonment, the expul-  In Hasidism, this illumination can be
        striking about Lurianic Kabbalah is not   possible an empty, differentiated space   sion from Spain was, instead, assigned   so deeply encased within people that
        its perplexity but its vivid conceptual-  from His own being. His willingness to   transcendent  purpose.  Jews had been       continued on next page
        ization of Jewish spirituality.       undergo this diminishment is deemed a
            A  significant  focus  of  Lurianic   supreme act of generosity because He,                                   turned from the Cybertech Global con-
                                                                                           BRIEFS                         ference  in the UAE, said, “As Arabs
        Kabbalah is the mystery of Creation. If   essentially, made room for the Creation
                                                                                                                          in Israel, we’ve always been a bridge
                                                                                                                          to encourage  peace between Israelis
                                                                                    continued from page 29A               and Palestinians. We are happy to play
            Help keep our                                                           FOR ARAB ISRAELIS,                    that role now with Arab countries that
                     community safe!                                                SPELL OPPORTUNITY                     cords.” (Marc J. Sievers and Jonathan
                                                                                    THE NEW PEACE TREATIES
                                                                                                                          have opened to us through the Gulf ac-
                                                                                                                          H. Ferziger, Foreign Policy)
                                                                                    Mas  Watad, a Hebrew University-
                                                                                    educated  diet  guru, is one of Israel’s
                                                                                    Arab citizens playing to a vast poten-  ISRAEL’S NEW HIGH-TECH
                                                                                    tial  market  in  the Arabian  Peninsula,   GAZA SECURITY BARRIER
                                                                                    after commercial  ties were initiated   Israel is close to completing the under-
                                                                                    last year through peace agreements    ground component of its new security
                                                                                    with Israel. Investment from the UAE   fence around Hamas-controlled  Gaza
                                                                                    and its neighbors should lead to greater   and the  above-ground  elements  are
                                                                                    economic opportunities and prosperity   80% complete.
                                                                                    for Israel’s Arab population. Palestin-  Israelis  understood  the  need  for
                                                                                    ians in the West Bank may also benefit.  such a barrier  during the 2014 Gaza
                                                                                       Israeli Arabs – 21% of the popu-   conflict after uncovering several com-
                                                                                    lation – have an emerging professional   mando tunnels from Gaza into Israel.
                                                                                    class concentrated heavily in the med-   In addition  to an above-ground
                                                                                    ical  sector.  Arab-owned  businesses,   physical layer, an upper high-tech lay-
                                                                                    which  figure  prominently  in  Israel’s   er will include detection  devices like
                                                                                    construction and trucking industries,   robots, drones, unmanned ground ve-
                                                              July 15, 2020         are increasingly moving into the realm   hicles (UGVs) and more. They are all
                                                              Sarasota, FL
                                                                                    of technology start-ups.              equipped with visual, electronic  and
                                                                                       A large number of Arab Israelis are   intelligence  equipment  and powered
                                                                                    eager  to enjoy the sights and sounds   by artificial intelligence.
            With security an ongoing vital necessity for our community,             of Dubai,  Abu Dhabi and Manama.         The  underground  component  in-
            we continue to solicit contributions for security-specific              Besides sharing language and culture,   cludes a high-tech cement wall extend-
                                                                                                                          ing tens of meters beneath the ground,
            needs, including training, equipment, technological tools               they are able to circulate in these coun-  equipped with a multi-dimensional
                                                                                    tries more freely than  in, say, Egypt,
            and security staffing.  If security is a concern for you, please        where they are generally subjected to   sensor net to detect any activity near, at
            consider supporting Federation’s KEEP US SAFE FUND.                     scrutiny and sometimes harassment.    or under the barrier. (Brig.-Gen. (res.)
                                                                                       The  mayor of Kafr Qasim  near
            To make a donation, visit                                               Tel Aviv, Adel Badir, who recently re-  Jacob Nagel and Jonathan Schanzer,
                                                                                         Opinions printed in The Jewish News of
                              KeepUsSafe                                             Sarasota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect
                              FUND                                                   those of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-

                                                                                         Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.
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