Page 30 - Jewish News_June-July-2021
P. 30
30A June/July 2021 COMMENTARY
The remarkable trajectory of Greece-Israel ties Tisha B’Av – stop carrying hate
By David Harris, CEO of American Jewish Committee (AJC), April 19, 2021
ecent developments underscore its standing if it also connected with Is- tive of Greek foreign policy. I noted pandemic aside, tourism is booming.
the remarkable trajectory of rael, but the argument didn’t hold wa- the absence of full diplomatic ties, the And visitors say they feel very much
Rties between Greece and Israel. ter. Other West European nations were close friendship with Syria and the at home in each other’s country. Politi-
First, there was the quadrilateral able to successfully juggle their ties PLO, the weakness in dealing with ter- cal and strategic dialogues are now the
summit in Paphos, also involving Cy- with both sides of the political equa- rorism, a largely hostile voting record norm. High-level summits take place
prus and United Arab Emirates. His- tion. Meanwhile, of course, Egypt and at the UN, and the fact that no Greek regularly. Cooperation in new technol-
toric would not be an overstatement in Israel had signed a peace deal in 1979. foreign minister had ever traveled to ogies and energy are expanding rapidly.
describing this gathering, as it reflects Rather, I was a believer in what Israel since 1948. The overall assess- The devastating legacy of World War
the strategic results of last year’s Abra- Winston Churchill had seen years ear- ment, in other words, was pretty bleak. II continues to impact both nations.
ham Accords and connects the Eastern lier. The legendary British leader said, But within five years, things began The Jewish community in Greece and
Mediterranean with the Arabian Gulf. “No two cities have counted more with to change dramatically. A new prime the Greek Jews who resettled in Israel
Moreover, it would not be surprising mankind than Athens and Jerusalem. minister, Konstantinos Mitsotakis, and form a bridge across the sea. The list
to see other regional actors seeking to Their messages in religion, philosophy his foreign minister, Antonis Samaras, goes on.
join this group in the future. and art have been the main guiding established full links with Israel and Some say this is really all about
Second, the two countries just an- lights of modern faith and culture. Cen- changed the overall tone. Turkey. Sure, Turkey looms large in
nounced a large defense deal, indeed turies of foreign rule and indescribable, Encouraging as that was, a ques- the geopolitical thinking of both coun-
the biggest ever between Athens and endless oppression leave them still liv- tion lingered: Would the upswing in tries. But, let’s be clear, the main driver
Jerusalem. Needless to say, it didn’t ing, active communities and forces in the relationship survive the inevitable is not Turkey. Rather, it is the belated
come out of nowhere, but rather was the modern world, quarrelling among political pendulum swings in Athens? recognition that Greece and Israel have
the result of ever growing strategic and themselves with insatiable vivacity. It wouldn’t take long to find out. vast potential, as two neighbors and
military cooperation – and the trust it Personally, I have always been on the Andreas Papandreou returned to pow- two Western-oriented democracies, to
bespeaks. side of both...” er in 1993. Given the fall of the Soviet develop their links in just about ev-
What may seem obvious today How could it be that two demo- Union, the break-up of Yugoslavia, and ery sphere. In doing so, they serve the
about overlapping interests and values cratic countries, sharing the eastern an increasingly assertive Turkey, his highest interests of both nations.
between Greece and Israel was any- end of the Mediterranean Sea and with hard-line views mellowed, as we were And, to return to Churchill’s
thing but obvious 40 years ago, when so many overlapping features, were to discover in our own meetings with theme, I, too, am on the side of both
I first became interested in the relation- estranged from one another, I asked. him. and couldn’t be happier with the bur-
ship. And I wasn’t alone. A number of Hel- And by now, in 2021, after many geoning ties. This is indeed another
At the time, I was shocked to learn lenic-American leaders, led by the late twists and turns in Greece’s govern- reminder that history is not static. In
that bilateral ties were quite frigid, to Andrew Athens, and American Jewish ments, the verdict is in. Leaders of var- the span of four decades, this relation-
the point where Greece and Spain were Committee (AJC) representatives, led ious, and often disparate, parties have ship went from detached to full-blown,
the only two West European countries by the late Maynard Wishner, asked the come to embrace fully the ties with Is- with, no doubt, more to come.
that had not established full de jure very same question and, joined by sev- rael, recognizing they form a pillar of
relations with Israel. And when Spain eral Members of Congress, resolved to Greek foreign policy and, at the same The AJC West Coast Florida
finally did so in 1986, Greece became do something about it. But it wouldn’t time, do not negatively affect links office, located in Sarasota,
the lone holdout. prove to be quick and easy. with the Arab world.
It made no sense to me. Sure, I In 1986, I was asked to prepare a Today, it’s clear that relations be- can be reached at
heard that Greece was closely tied to memo for Greek Prime Minister An- tween Athens and Jerusalem are blos- 941.365.4955.
the Arab world and feared it would lose dreas Papandreou on a Jewish perspec- soming in every sector. Putting the
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Contact Jeremy Lisitza