Page 3 - Jewish News_Oct2021
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Covid’s continued impact CALL US FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS!
on our Federation
By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer
s I write this, our Federation Shep Englander, strongly recommends
staff team is eagerly awaiting closely following CDC guidelines
Aits opportunity to move into for both return to work and in-person
the newly remodeled Klingenstein events in the near future. As a group, RARE OPPORTUNITY NOW AVAILABLE
Jewish Center administrative offices on we will continue to monitor both the 50 Central Ave., #14H | Sarasota, FL 34236
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family CDC’s recommendations as well as One of Sarasota’s premier downtown locations!
3 Full Bedrooms | 3.5 Baths | 14th Floor
Campus for Jewish Life. The building policies being implemented by other
will serve as a home base for our opera- local arts organizations with respect
tions and offers spaces for small Feder- to masking and vaccination status at
ation committee meetings. events.
Federal security grants...continued from previous page (See page 8A for photos As our campus is Ryan Ackerman Barbara Ackerman
earlier this year from the Florida state of the renovation.) We are likely to be under con- 941.387.1818 941.387.1820 #1 COLDWELL BANKER SMALL TEAM
budget to enhance security on our new extremely grateful to the struction for the majori- Contributing to the prosperity of our Jewish Community since 1979!
campus. It is gratifying to see our elect- donors who so generously ty of this event season, a
ed officials and government so dedicat- supported the renovation number of our area syn-
ed to the welfare of our local Jewish of this space, including agogues have agreed to
community.” Lynn and Randon Carvel, host some of our upcom-
To report an incident or for more Judy and Eric Fox, Hel- ing programs, including
information on how Jeff Solomon and en and Len (z”l) Glaser, the Jewish Congregation
SCN are working to protect our Jewish Roz Goldberg, Ruth and Kim Adler of Venice, Temple Beth
community, visit Ahron Haspel, Bonny and Robert Is- Israel, Temple Beth Sholom, Temple
* * * * * * * raeloff, Nancy and Dr. Joseph Jacob- Emanu-El and Temple Sinai. I’d like
available for webinars and questions. son, the Kretzmer Family, Susan and to take this opportunity to thank these
Mr. Solomon completed a Threat, Randy Mallitz, and Sheree and Larry synagogue partners in advance for their
Vulnerability & Risk Assessment on Zaslavsky. support and cooperation.
our campus. This assessment was an After a long 18 months of our As you may recall, funds raised
important supporting piece in the tem-team working mostly remotely, I know by our Federation’s STRONGER
ple’s grant application, and we greatly I speak on behalf of the entire group TOGETHER: Coronavirus Emergen-
appreciate his assistance. Temple Ema-when I say how excited we are to be cy Relief campaign were granted to
nu-El is very grateful we were able to working under the same roof again. these and other local Jewish organiza-
secure the $100,000 security grant to But with Covid-19 still wreaking hav- tions to support their programs and to
help us make additional security en-oc on our community, our return-to- enhance their ability to provide virtual
hancements to our campus. The temple work policy must be designed with the services and programming. Now, our
will then be better prepared against safety and health of our staff and vol- Federation will be able to use that same
potential threats. We are blessed and unteers at its core. technology to offer our programs both
thankful.” At the beginning of the pandemic, virtually and in person.
Chester “Pearl” Perlinski, Secu-I convened a Covid-19 task force at As we begin to promote our events,
rity Committee Chair, Temple Sinai: the recommendation of our president, we ask that you pay close attention to
“Jeff Solomon and the Security Com-Randon Carvel. The task force was print and email communications for
munity Network were instrumental in created to work in partnership with our rules regarding masking and social
helping me secure this security grant. our staff to create and oversee Covid- distancing at events, which may vary
They provided all the necessary sup-related policies for the team as well based on the specific venue and the
port, guidance and training throughout as for in-person events and meetings. current Covid data for our local area.
the process to enable me, a retired Fed-The committee, comprised of Tom Please know that these policies will be
eral Police Officer, to write a success-Bernstein, Randon Carvel, Bob Israel- established for your protection. We ap-
ful grant. The monies will immediately off, Simone Knego, David Millstone, preciate your cooperation in advance.
go toward securing the building infra-Dr. Joel Morganroth, Michael Ritter, For more information, please con-
structure.” Wayne Ruben, Mark Smotkin, Bruce tact me at 941.552.6300 or kadler@ FED
Deborah Croce, Chief People & Udell, Patti Wertheimer and new CEO
Culture Officer, JFCS of the Sun- we are
coast: “Jeff is a tremendous resource to
the community. I had never completed
this grant application previously. Jeff
provided thorough details on what was
required for a successful grant applica- Enriching Jewish Hearts
tion. Based on Jeff’s Security Assess-
ment Report, monies awarded will be
used for enhanced security at both our
Fruitville and Flanzer offices.”
Harvey Cohen, President, Jew-
ish Congregation of Venice: “Jeff 30 Years of expertise
was very instrumental in our receiv-
ing the grant. He helped by reviewing You may not need home care today but be prepared and
our needs with the security committee. become educated about the process… call today for a
Without his assistance, we would have 30 Years of Expertise
overlooked many areas of security con- complimentary consultation. our Federation strives to enrich Jewish hearts in our Sarasota-Manatee community —
cern. The monies are intended to com- You may not need home care today but be prepared and Yfrom life-changing trips to Israel for teens, community leaders, mothers and fathers,
plement our current security system.” become educated about the process….call today for a
Private Duty Home Care
complimentary consultation. to opportunities for youth to develop their leadership skills with our Shapiro Teen
For a Private Consultation, Call or Email Engagement Program (STEP), to being an integral voice for Jewish young adults on
Private Duty Home Care local campuses with Gulf Coast Hillel and to providing a connection to the larger Jewish
For A Private Consultation, Call Or Email community with our weekly eblast newsletters, monthly Jewish News, and yearly Shalom
SRQ magazine.
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The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.