Page 4 - Jewish News_Oct2021
P. 4
Roz Goldberg: Investing in the Federation’s future
By Gayle Guynup
oz Goldberg understands the for 27 years before coming to Sarasota ish Film Festival, and said, “I am so this campus to be a place where every
important role Jewish institu- in 2004, when the New York City win- gratified and thrilled with the way the Jewish person can express their Jew-
Rtions play in our community. ters became more than she wanted to festival has grown and become a desti- ishness in the way that is most mean-
Her contribution to The Jewish Feder- handle. nation event.” The festival has grown ingful for him or her. The campus will
ation of Sarasota-Manatee’s PROUD Goldberg had a cousin who lived from four events that first year to more become the physical structure within
& STRONG Capital Campaign will here, and while on a trip to the east than 20 films this year, attracting thou- which we can pursue and achieve our
underwrite the lobby of the Klingen- coast, she stayed a few extra days for sands of people and strong sponsor mission, which is very important to
stein Jewish Center – Federation Ad- a visit to Longboat Key. “I decided support. me: to strengthen and enhance Jewish
ministration Building. The building “From a 10,000-foot view, life and identity, to provide for Jews in
will be the central hub for everything I guess you could say I believe need and to promote support for Israel.”
Federation does in Sarasota-Manatee in the Jewish people. I am very Roz will be underwriting the lob-
and beyond. committed to promoting Jewish by in the Klingenstein Jewish Center
As a member of Federation’s Ex- values, including justice, welcom- – Federation Administration Building.
ecutive Committee and an emeritus ing the stranger and Tikkun Olam. The building will house all adminis-
board member, Roz’s latest contribu- These things are very important to trative staff, including development,
tion is just one of the many ways she me. So, it was natural that I would programming, finance, communica-
has invested in the Federation’s mis- not only make bequests to the Bea tions, human resources and the exec-
sion and the new Larry & Mary Green- Friedman Society and the LIFE utive staff. The space, which should
spon Family Campus for Jewish Life. & LEGACY program, but that I be completed in October, will include
“People such as Roz are absolute- would want to support the phys- state-of-the-art technology and new
ly critical to the mission of the Feder- Roz Goldberg and Theo Bikel ical embodiment of the Federa- office furniture, and will be designed
ation,” said Board President Randon at the 2015 Jewish Film Festival tion’s future – which is the newly to meet 21 century needs. (See page
Carvel. “She has helped bring us to very quickly that this was a very spe- redesigned campus,” Roz said, adding 8A for photos of the renovation.)
where we are today, and now she is gen- cial place and fell madly in love with that she is proud to be a part of this “A lot of people will come through
erously investing in our future,” he said. it,” she said. Before returning to New monumental and very critical project. there, and I feel very comfortable un-
“I had the pleasure of working with York, she had already rented a unit at “The plan for the new campus is derwriting that particular space,” she
Roz when she created our Jewish Film Beach Place for the month of January that all of the events we are currently said. “I am so looking forward to see-
Festival,” said Chief Operating Officer 2004, and before she left Beach Place, holding elsewhere will be moved to ing the redesigned campus. I know that
Kim Adler. “She not only had a passion had already purchased a unit at The the campus, including the now-named it will be instrumental in building the
for the project, but felt confident that Water Club. Mort Skirboll Jewish Film Festival, strength and vitality of the Jewish com-
our community would embrace it. She Roz noted that she has always which is still near and dear to my munity for years to come.”
was right! Now, she is underwriting been involved in Jewish organizations, heart,” she said. “People will be drawn Opportunities to dedicate rooms, gar-
the administration offices in our soon- both in New York and here on the Gulf to the campus for both its cultural and dens and other spaces on the new Lar-
to-be redesigned campus. She gives to Coast. “My first really big involvement educational programs. The day camp, ry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus
the Federation in so many ways and is with the Federation was when I was too, will be a wonderful addition to the for Jewish Life are going quickly, so
one of our most vocal advocates in the asked to serve on the investment com- community. This campus represents don’t miss your chance to leave a leg-
community.” mittee, which I did,” she said. the future of the Sarasota-Manatee acy and make a difference. To learn
Goldberg is a retired investment In 2010, this devoted cinephile Jewish community. more, please contact Ilene Fox at
banker who worked for Merrill Lynch was instrumental in founding the Jew- “I love the fact that we are building or 941.343.2111.
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