Page 9 - Jewish News_Oct2021
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hosting Shabbat. It gave me an oppor- People of the Book Q&A
People of the Book author lecture series People of the Book...continued from previous page
My hope is that The Beauty of
returns with three events in October What Remains serves as a sort of field tunity to explore Ashkenazi food while By Ted Epstein, People of the Book Coordinator
guide or helpful friend for everyone
also expanding my knowledge of what
who is experiencing a difficult loss. It Jewish food is, ow were the authors chosen? most events will be held on the Feder-
ation campus.
The authors for the 2021-
is not so much a book about death as and learning the H22 People of the Book series Why attend the events that will
it is about how to enable our lives after Persian and Iraqi were selected by volunteer People of take place in area temples instead of
loss in ways that make life more mean- dishes that my
ingful and beautiful. husband grew up the Book Chair Helene Davis, Feder- watching them on Zoom?
and the process of dying for the spir- ation Director of Innovation Jeremy While the 10 in-person events are
itual and secular alike. The book is Jake Cohen / Jew-ish with. Your book is Lisitza and me. In May, the three of us also available for you to view on Zoom
Jake Cohen is a new star in the culinary
hinged on his world, a former food staffer at Saveur, more than a col- listened to 275 Jewish Book Council and/or via livestream, there are several
personal account then food editor of Tasting Table and lection of delicious recipes. What do (JBC) Network authors give two-min- advantages to attending the events as
of dealing with Time Out New York, and most recent- you hope readers take away from ute presentations via Zoom to more part of the live audience:
his own father’s this book? than 100 book festival site coordina- Only those in attendance at the
death from Alz- ly the editorial and test kitchen direc- I hope they see themselves in it. tors across the country. Based on these event will be able to ask the author
tor of the social media juggernaut the
heimer’s. Leder’s FeedFeed. He has written for many It’s a very personal narrative about presentations, the book topics, and questions during the Q&A
elegant and com- myself, my relationship, my family book reviews by several community Purchase books at the event, and
passionate rumi- and my connection to Judaism. I want volunteers and Federation staff, we get them signed and dedicated
nation is a worthy chose to invite 20 authors to present to Have your photo taken with the
addition to the literature on death and people to get emotional, find pride in the Sarasota-Manatee community. We author
Jewish culture and, most importantly,
dying. find inspiration to celebrate Jewish joy. also invited humor columnist and au- Authors want to see your smil-
What did you learn about your- * * * thor Dave Barry, as a special guest, to ing faces and hear your laughter.
self while writing this book? Tickets: join Alan Zweibel, with whom he has Come out and support the authors
The most important thing I learned co-authored several books. who will be traveling thousands of
while writing The Beauty of What Re- Tickets to the Joshua Jay event at Can I recommend an author for miles to meet you!
Temple Beth Israel are $18 per per-
mains is how profoundly the experi- son in advance and $25 at the door. you to invite to the series? Why are Schmooze with your friends and
ence of death, grief You may also watch the event on there no local authors? colleagues
and life changed Zoom and/or livestream for $10 The majority of our authors are Experience the joy and energy of
for me when I was part of the Jewish Book Council Net- being at a live event!
per household.
forced to approach Jake Cohen Tickets to the Steve Leder event, work. Federation staff and I receive Why don’t you create a “tradi-
each as Steve Led- publications, including Food & Wine, which is only available via Zoom, numerous requests to have authors ap- tional” book festival with all of the
er the son, rather Real Simple and Rachael Ray in Sea- are $10 per household. pear at our People of the Book series. events taking place over a one- or
than Steve Leder the Tickets to the Jake Cohen event at We also hear from many local authors two-week period?
rabbi. As a rabbi I son. In his debut cookbook, Jew-ish: a who have published books. Instead of Many communities do have a one-
thought I really un- Cookbook: Reinvented Recipes from a Temple Emanu-El are $25 per per- choosing one or two of these authors or two-week Jewish Book Festival,
Modern Mensch, Cohen reinvents the
son in advance and $30 at the door,
derstood loss, but I food of his Ashkenazi heritage, draw- and include a treat from a recipe and disappointing the rest, our policy is typically held in November, Jewish
was wrong. ing inspiration from his husband’s Per- in the book (depending on health to not include local authors unless they Book Month. We had briefly consid-
What is it that sian-Iraqi traditions, to offer recipes and safety regulations). This event are part of the JBC Network. If you ered this option, but we rejected it for
you hope others will take away from know an author you’d like us to invite, several reasons. First, too many of our
the book? that are modern, fresh and enticing for is also available on Zoom and/or please ask him/her to become a mem- community members would not have
continued on next page a new generation of readers. livestream for $10 per household. ber of the JBC Network. returned to Southwest Florida by No-
For reservations to these and all
When and how did you first 20 People of the Book events, please part of a “Jewish” People of the vember and would miss the festival.
What qualifies an author to be
become interested in cooking in
Where we belong general, and Jewish cooking, in par- visit There, you will Book series? Some of the authors find a week or two during “season”
Second, it would be very difficult to
also find information on Sponsor ben-
featured are not Jewish.
when book events would not conflict
efits, the Page Turner Pass and becom-
It was probably in high school. I
In order to qualify to be part of the
with other events going on in our com-
was obsessed with the Food Network
ing a VIP Page Turner.
Need information not found on the
and started throwing dinner parties for
that by spreading out the events over
the book has to be Jewish or the topic
friends that inspired me to apply to website, or want to be a Sponsor? Con- People of the Book, either the author of munity. But most important, we feel
of the book needs to have some rele-
many months, rather than cramming
Remodeling is in its final stages at the Klingenstein Jewish Center culinary school. Focusing on Jewish tact Jeremy Lisitza at jlisitza@jfedsrq. vance to an aspect of Judaism, includ- all of them into a condensed period of
org or at 941.343.2113.
food didn’t happen until my early 20s
on the newly reimagined Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus when my now-husband and I began ing Jewish history and culture, Israel or time, each event would seem special
for Jewish Life. The building should be ready for administrative For a complete schedule Jewish individuals. and be more enjoyable.
Why can’t you have all of the
Have a question that wasn’t cov-
staff in October. events at the same venue? ered in this article? Please email your
of events, ticket
Since the Federation’s new cam-
Klingenstein entryway. information, author bios pus is in the process of being built, this question to me at jewishnews18@ and it will either be an-
Updated iconic circular lobby area. and book synopses, season’s People of the Book events swered personally or included in a
PEOPLE OF THE BOOK see the 16-page section will take place at several of the area’s follow-up to this article if it has broad
larger temples. These in-person events
in this issue or visit will also be available via Zoom and/or I hope to see many of you at the livestream. Beginning with the 2022- in-person events throughout the 2021-
23 People of the Book series, all or
22 People of the Book.
A concierge practice devoted to internal medicine and wellness.
Hallway to back offices.
Interior and
exterior of
new kitchen.
Desenberg room outfitted with CHRISTOPHER S. LITTLE, M.D. and STEVEN W. FINEMAN, M.D.
New reception area will welcome visitors. the latest technology.
For more information, or to join us in this historic reimagination, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/ProudStrong Call (941) 954-9990