Page 12 - Jewish News_Oct2021
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12A                         October 2021                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     Volunteer Spotlight

     The circle won’t be broken

     By Sandy Chase
              ovid  might  have  attempt-     Jeremy responds, “I’ve been look-     Nadia  continues,  “It’s  been  a  joy   ning.  “Nadia  is  a  special,  kind  and
              ed to weaken the Women’s    ing forward to working with Nadia     working  with  dedicated,  insightful   thorough person. Dedicated to Jewish
              Giving  Circle  (WGC)  and   because of her focused, creative flair.”  members and staff. We appreciate that   causes,  she  works  diligently  to  make
     Cundermine  the  2021  Mort              Resolutely, Nadia says, “It’s criti-  our  community  looks  forward  to  our   whatever  project  she  works  on  suc-
     Skirboll  (z”l)  Jewish  Film  Festival   cal to retain and encourage new mem-  film selections.”                cessful.”
     (JFF).  But  volunteers  like  Nadia  Rit-  bers. We’re hoping to plan ‘live’ social
     ter  are  determined  to  restore  energy   events, including an open house to in-
     to these two programs of The Jewish   form, excite and unite current and new
     Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.      members.” (Safety will be considered
        Since making Sarasota her home,   before holding any in-person events.)
     Nadia has been dedicated to Federation   What excites Nadia is “expanding
     and its mission of providing for Jewish   the use of Zoom calls and videos with
     people in need and supporting Israel.  organizations in Israel, allowing mem-
        Nadia says, “Shortly after moving   bers to learn firsthand how our finan-
     here part time, I was impressed by how   cial support really makes a difference.”
     Federation was a welcoming, dynamic,     Her words, backed by action, say
     vital  organization  committed  to  com-  it all. “I felt grateful to join WGC. I’ve
     munity and Israel. I wanted to become   always  cared  deeply  for  Israel.  Help-
     involved, so I joined the JFF. I was also   ing its women and children in crisis is
     asked to chair the Women’s Seder.”   meaningful and rewarding.”
        Nadia intends to devote herself to    Senior  Philanthropic  Office  Ilene
     her new position as WGC chair, say-  Fox  defines  Nadia  as  an  invaluable
     ing, “Founded and led by Karen Bern-  role  model.  “Federation  is  fortunate
     stein  and  Ros  Mazur,  and  continued   that  Nadia  gives  her  time,  talent  and
     by  Adrea Sukin and Debbie  Yonker,   experience to our programs. Her lead-
     this  program  consists  of  philanthrop-  ership, follow through and passion for       Nadia Ritter with her son’s family – Hudson, Carly, Eric and Sienna
     ic, like-minded women who help fund   our  mission  will  inspire  current  and     Although  Covid  interfered  with   At a young age, Nadia became en-
     Israeli organizations serving at-risk   future WGC members.”               Federation using local theatre venues,   amored with Israel. The catalyst may
     women and children.”                     Contributing  her  time  to  JFF,  al-  JFF entertained Sarasota-Manatee, re-  have  been  “my  becoming  intrigued
        Looking  forward  to  collaborating   most from its inception, Nadia explains   sorting to video screening and creative   with the pioneer spirit, living on a kib-
     with  Jeremy  Lisitza,  Director  of  In-  how  under  its  first  chair,  Roz  Gold-  programming.              butz or loving Exodus,” she says, grin-
     novation  and  Volunteer  Engagement,   berg, it has evolved from a small group   “Honored  to  be  co-chairing  clos-  ning.
     Nadia says, “Fewer members support-  screening and critiquing films together,   ing night with Sandy Hayden, we hope   After graduating from Ohio State,
     ed WGC this past year, most likely be-  planning simple receptions and show-  to  continue  that  legacy,  designing  an   earning an English and speech degree,
     cause of pandemic concerns, resulting   ing  movies  at  Federation  and  local     in-person event,” Nadia says.   she followed her dream: volunteering
     in fewer funds for granting.”        synagogues.                               Sandy envisions a memorable eve-               continued on next page

                                                                   YOU’RE INVITED TO AJC’S 2021

                                                                    CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD DINNER!


                                                                    MARK PRITCHETT

                                                                    President | CEO

                                                                    Gulf Coast Community Foundation

                                                                    NOVEMBER 18, 2021

                                                                    6:00 - 9:00 p.m. • Michael’s On East

                                                                    DINNER CHAIRS

                                                                    David and Edie Chaifetz

                                                                    Larry and Debbie Haspel
                                                                    Joel and Gail Morganroth

                                                                    TO RSVP AND FOR INFORMATION

                                                                    Brian Lipton, AJC Regional Director:
                                                                    941.365.4955 or

           At American Jewish Committee (AJC), the health and safety of our guests attending in-person events
           is paramount. This invitation is being extended to Vaccinated Individuals. Appropriate precautions in
           light of COVID-19 will be taken, including limited capacity, physical distancing, and other measures as

           necessary. Guests will also have the option of Indoor or Outdoor Dining!

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