Page 15 - Jewish News_Oct2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          October 2021                                   15A

     CRConnect...continued from previous page
     decided  to  expand  the  humanitarian   stuck  in  Ramallah.  Hamza  was
     aid to Syrians and established Opera-    without  his  mother’s  loving  care.
     tion Good Neighbor. The goal was to      According to Dr. Ahmed Amer, a
     provide  humanitarian  aid  to  as  many   physician  who  was  part  of  Ham-

 supplied assistance to help the country  people  as possible while retaining  a   za’s SACH medical team, “A child   We accept Medicare & most major insurances.
 prepare the logistics and public educa- policy  of  non-involvement  in  the  ac-  of  his  age  and  in  his  condition   SAME DAY TELEHEALTH & IMMEDIAT
 tion in advance of rolling out the vac- tual  conflict.  Not  only  combatants,   needs  to be  hugged  and  loved  in   SAME DAY TELEHEALTH & IMMEDIATE E
 cine to make the effort more effective.  but  civilians  were  treated,  as  well.   order to recover and get stronger…   APPOINTMENTS AVAILABL
                                                                                               APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE E
 IsraAID created e-learning tools to  During Operation Good Neighbor, 40   the whole medical team in the Pe-
 help vulnerable communities deal with  Syrian babies were born in Israel. Pa-  diatric Cardiology unit became his
 Covid treatment. It also held webinars  tients were brought for both inpatient   parents.”  The  SACH  team  kept   (941)  (941)  926-6553
 for  frontline  healthcare  workers  and  and outpatient care. The IDF had full   Hamza’s  parents  updated  with
 first responders in several countries to  responsibility for transporting patients   photos and videos, and as his con-
 help with stress management, psycho- on both sides of the border.   dition improved, Hamza was able   MOHS SURGERY     SKIN CANCER SCREENINGS     SKIN DISORDERS     ACNE & RASHES
 logical first aid and community resil-  Operation Good Neighbor provid-  to  communicate  directly  with  his   GYNECOLOGY     ENDOMETRIOSIS & FIBROIDS     POST-MENOPAUSAL CARE
 ience.  ed humanitarian aid and medical care   parents through video calls. When
 Syrian Civil War Crisis  for a population caught in the middle   the borders opened again, Hamza
 Every  member  of  the  IDF  Medical  of  the  civil  war,  but  it  also  benefited     was reunited with his parents.  1250 S TAMIAMI TRAIL, SUITE 304
 Corps takes an oath promising to care  Israel.  Dr.  Eyat  Sela  of  the  Western   ‹   Approximately  50%  of  the  chil-  SARASOTA, FL 34239
 for  every wounded person,  whether  Galilee  Medical  Center  explained  it   dren treated by SACH come from   VISIT
 friend or foe. Members swear to treat  well when he said, “If I treat one man,   the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Iraq   US  5741 BEE RIDGE RD, SUITE 570
 them with wisdom, understanding and  50 or 1,500, and they go back to Syria,   and Morocco.   AT  SARASOTA, FL 34233
 love of humanity.  their families will be grateful. At some   ‹   More than 135 professionals from
 In  2013,  seven  wounded  Syrian  stage, the child or grandchild will ask   around the world, including Gaza
 combatants were found by an IDF pa- about  their  scar,  and  they’ll  explain   and the West Bank, have come to
 trol near the Israeli border. They were  that  the  Zionist  enemy  treated  them   Israel for training.
 mostly  unconscious  and  in  need  of  and saved their lives.”  ‹   SACH  has  conducted  more  than
 medical attention. Based solely on their  Medical Missions  100 missions around the world to
 medical condition, a decision was made  There  are  a  number  of  Israeli  orga-  help screen, follow up, save more
 to provide triage on the scene and trans- nizations  that  provide  medical  care   children  and  update  training  of
 fer them by military ambulance to the  as part of disaster relief and as assis-  medical professionals.                                          JAMIE
 nearest hospital capable of treating se- tance to developing countries through   ‹   All  of  SACH’s  services  are  pro-              RAISOR, APRN-BC
                                                                                                                                                Board Certified
 vere trauma, the Ziv Medical Center. At  medical  services  and  medical  train-  vided without fees or expenses to        SAMANTHA          Nurse Practitioner
 Ziv, all seven Syrians received compli- ing.  One  such  organization  is  Save  a   recipients.                          BONO, PA-C
 cated surgeries and other treatments. All  Child’s Heart (SACH), an Israeli based   ‹   There are many other Israeli orga-  SHELLY  Physician Assistant
 survived and were returned to Syria.   non-profit that works to save children   nizations  providing  medical  care   DO, FACOOG
 Over  time  there  were  repeated  with either acquired or congenital heart   throughout  the  world,  whether  as   Gynecologist & Obstetrician
                                                                                                            Board Certified
 transfers of wounded  Syrians to hos- defects who have little or no chance of   a medical mission or by bringing   SOLOMON, DO
 pitals  for  treatment.  What  started  as  surviving to adulthood in their native   patients to Israel.  Board Certified Dermatologist
 a  trickle  soon  became  a  flood.  Israel  countries.   Conclusion            & Fellowship Trained Mohs Surgeon
 continued on next page ‹   One of many examples is the sto-  Israel continues to bring better medi-
        ry of Hamza, a child from Ramal-  cal care to its neighbors and to those
        lah  in  the  West  Bank,  who  had   in need. Day after day, Israel demon-
        life-threatening  congenital  heart   strates it deserves its place among the   SAVE THE DATE 1.9.22
        disease.  As  a  very  young  child,   nations of the world.
        he underwent open heart surgery       Next month, we will look at Israeli
        in Holon, Israel, conducted by the   innovations that have made the world      TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM                AZI!
 Kehillah Collaborative  SACH  volunteer  medical  team.   a better place. For more detailed infor-  PRESENT S
 Building Jewish Life Through Community  While  the surgery went well, the   mation  and  original  source  material,
        recovery was complicated. Hamza   visit the Federation website at jfedsrq.
        was close to death many times and   org/crconnect.                           Park Avenue Synagogue
        was in the intensive care unit. His   Any opinions expressed in this article   Cantor Azi Schwartz returns
        mother went back and forth from   are those of the author and not nec-       by popular demand to the
 In Hebrew, the word Kehillah    Holon to Ramallah to care for her   essarily those of The Jewish News or    Sarasota Opera House.
 means community.    other  children.  As  the  result  of   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-   He will be joined by

 The Kehillah    Covid,  Hamza’s  mother  became   Manatee.                          Cantor Mira Davis
                                                                                     for a spectacular
 Collaborative   Why WE belong                                                       evening of song.
 brings together
 Jewish organizations in
 Sarasota-Manatee to share ideas,   Sarasota-Manatee  My children will always know
 work together    Chabad  how important the Federation
 on programming    is to me. They can see these
 and host    rooms and be reminded
 collaborative events.  to carry on the tradition

       Joy Moravitz
                                                                                           CELEBRATION IN SONG

                                                                                              “AZI” sold out in 2020, so don’t delay.
                                                                                    Tickets go on sale on October 1  at the Opera House, 941.328.1300.
                                                                                                     Sponsorships are available NOW

                                                                                            by contacting Temple Beth Sholom at 941.955.8121.
                                                                                            Edie Chaifetz   •   Fran Cohen  •   Saranee Newman

                                                                                                                           MEDIA PARTNER

 For more information, contact Trudi Krames at or 941-706-0037.
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