Page 18 - Jewish News_Oct2021
P. 18

18A                         October 2021                                                                   JEWISH INTEREST

     Stars of David                                                                       Interested in Your

     By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
     Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish             Family’s History?
     for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
     ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
     with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
     also identified as Jewish.                                                   years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                  when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a

     Ghouls and Gangsters,                the series’ star character, Mafia family   full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
     A Royal Musical and More             head Tony Soprano. Michael Gandolf-     with a limited search of one family line.
     The  pandemic  has  long  affected  the   ini,  22,  James’s  son,  plays Tony  as  a        So here’s the deal:
     production and/or release of films. Vac-  young man (about 18) in the film. JON
     cines and safety protocols have eased   BERNTHAL, 44, plays Tony’s gang-     Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
     the  effect  of  the  pandemic,  and  this   ster father, “Johnny Boy” Soprano, and
     month sees the largest release of films   COREY STOLL,  45,  plays  “Junior”   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
     in  over  a  year.  However,  the  number   Soprano,  Johnny’s  gangster  broth-  goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
     of new “scripted” series (broadcast or   er and ally. The role of Silvio Dante,   The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
     streaming) is still way down compared   Tony’s right-hand man in the HBO se-  several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate          Arlene Stolnitz
     to pre-pandemic Octobers.            ries, is played by JOHN MAGARO,
        The Addams Family 2, an animated   38. Magaro was raised in his mother’s   friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
     film, opens in theaters on Friday, Octo-  Jewish faith.                      great for them. So contact him about this as well.
     ber 1. Because of the Delta variant up-  The Guilty  had  a  limited  theater
     surge, it is also available via streaming   opening on Friday, September 24 and
     rental the same day. Of course, there is   will begin streaming on Netflix on Oc-  DAVID BRYAN, 59, co-wrote the   of a dry planet with a valuable prod-
     a long line of Addams Family projects   tober  1.  It  is  a  crime  thriller.  JAKE   show  (lyrics  and  music).  Born  David   uct. Dune will also be released on HBO
     since the 1960s. This film is a sequel to   GYLLENHAAL, 40, stars as a trou-  Bryan Rashbaum, he’s the keyboardist   Max on October 22 and stream for 30
     a hit 2019 animated film. The returning   bled  police  detective  demoted  to  911   for the famous band Bon Jovi. He was   days.
     (voice) cast includes NICK KROLL,    operator who scrambles to save a dis-  inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of    French Dispatch is a comedy with
     43, as Uncle Fester, and BETTE MID-  tressed caller.                       Fame with the rest of the band. The cast   three different plotlines, all connected
     LER, 75, as Grandmama.                   Diana: The Musical will also be-  includes JUDY KAYE, 72, as Queen      to the closing of a French newspaper’s
        The Many Saints of Newark, a      gin streaming on Netflix on October 1.   Elizabeth II, and as Barbara Cartland   Kansas office. Directed and written by
     film, is a prequel to The Sopranos, the   It’s based on the life of Princess Diana.   (a romance novelist critical of Diana).   the  “quirky”  Wes  Anderson,  the  cast
     hit HBO series. It will be released to   This film began as a stage production   Kaye, a Tony winner, has an amazing   includes  Timothée  Chalamet  (again),
     theaters on October 1, and will begin   that premiered in San Diego in 2019. It   voice and range, and often sings opera,   ADRIEN  BRODY,  48,  and  French
     streaming  that  day  on  HBO  Max  for   began previews on Broadway in March   too.                             actor MATTHIEU AMALRIC, 55.
     30 days. The film, set in the late 1960s,   2020,  but  closed  because  of  the  pan-  Opening  on  Friday,  October  8  is   Finally, there  is  Dopesick, an
     was  co-written  by  Sopranos  creator   demic. It’s now set to open on Broad-  Mass.  The  basic  plot:  the  parents  of   eight-episode  Hulu  mini-series  that
     David  Chase  (who  is  Italian-Ameri-  way this November. In the summer of   victims of a mass school shooting meet   begins  streaming  on  Wednesday,  Oc-
     can) and LAWRENCE KONNER, 70         2020, a stage production of the show   the  parents  of  the  shooter.  This  film   tober  13.  It  focuses  on  the  victims
     (who wrote many Sopranos scripts).   was filmed without an audience (that’s   won’t get a big theater opening. It co-  of  the  OxyContin  opiate  addiction
        The late James Gandolfini played   what Netflix will stream).           stars busy British Jewish actor JASON   “plague” and, oy, the role of the (Jew-
                                                                                ISAACS, 58 (Lucius Malfoy in Harry    ish)  Sackler  family.  The  Sacklers  are
                                                                                Potter).  Opening  on  Friday,  October   now  notorious  as  the  former  owners
              Temple Beth Sholom                                                15 is Halloween Kills. You guessed it   of  Purdue  Pharma,  the  company  that

               Sarasota's Conservative Synagogue                                –  it’s  another  Michael  “the  monster”   developed,  marketed  and  “pushed”
                                                                                Myers movie and JAMIE LEE CUR-
                                                                                TIS, 62, again co-stars.                  MICHAEL STUHLBARG,  53,
                               welcomes you!                                        Dune and  French Dispatch both    co-stars  as  RICHARD  SACKLER,
                                                                                open  in  theaters  on  Friday,  October   76, the former head of Purdue Pharma.
                                                                                22. Dune is the third attempt to make   The  series  was  created  by  DANNY
                                                                                a good movie out of the famous 1965   STRONG, 48 (two Emmys for Game
                                                                                sci-fi novel of the same name by Frank   Change).  Oscar-winner  BARRY
                                                                                Herbert. TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET,           LEVINSON, 78, is the series principal
                                                                                25, has a starring role as the overseer   director.

              At Temple Beth Sholom, everyone is welcome!
                    Now, as always, TBS is your home.

           Daily morning Minyan                                    8:00 a.m.
           Friday night service                                          5:30 p.m.
           Saturday morning service                              9:30 a.m.
           Beginning in October
           Tues. Rabbi Atlshuler's Torah Study          10:00 a.m.
           Wed. Rabbi Altshuler's Judaism Class         10:00 a.m
                     Various classes and special events!
                Visit our website or Facebook page for more details
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                   941.955.8121                TempleBethSholomFL
                                               Temple.Beth.Sholom                          Learn more at or call 855.843.3935
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