Page 14 - Jewish News_Oct2021
P. 14

14A                         October 2021                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     Does Israel deserve a place among the nations

     of the world? – Part 2

     By David Millstone

              hen  it  comes  to  humani-  Germany,  Iraq,  South  Sudan,  Kenya   The Ebola Epidemic in West Africa  supplied assistance to help the country
              tarian needs, Israel is there   and  Uganda.  IsraAID  focuses  on  the   MASHAV,  the  Israeli  governmental   prepare the logistics and public educa-
     Wfor friends and  foes alike.        practical  challenges  refugees  face.  It   agency for International Development   tion in advance of rolling out the vac-
     It has demonstrated time and again it   also provides mental health assistance.   Cooperation,  initially  sent  experts  in   cine to make the effort more effective.
     is a leader in providing help when it is   IsraAID professionals provide sustain-  public  health  and  infectious  diseas-  IsraAID created e-learning tools to
     most needed. Last month we focused   able programs to build resilience, com-  es to Cameroon and additional aid to   help vulnerable communities deal with
     on ways Israel has helped other nations   bat  gender-based  violence,  advance   Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone   Covid treatment. It also held webinars
     when disaster strikes. This month we   child  protection  and  improve  sanita-  and  Senegal. As  an  epidemic  spread,   for  frontline  healthcare  workers  and
     look at what Israel does to help other   tion.                             MASHAV sent mobile field hospitals,   first responders in several countries to
     countries,  individuals  and  neighbors   IsraAID  provides  direct  ongoing   “Hospitals of Hope,” to Liberia, Sierra   help with stress management, psycho-
     when they need medical help.         medical  assistance.  For  example,  in   Leone and Guinea, each with a capac-  logical first aid and community resil-
     Post-Disaster Mental Health          Macedonia,  IsraAID’s  medical  mis-  ity of 20 beds. IsraAID recruited med-  ience.
     Treatment                            sion  assisting  refugees  from  Kosovo   ical experts to help local teams set up   Syrian Civil War Crisis
     The non-profit agency IsraAID works   included 22 medical professionals plus   and run the Hospitals of Hope.    Every  member  of  the  IDF  Medical
     closely with the Israeli government in                                                                           Corps takes an oath promising to care
     providing humanitarian aid around the                Robert and Esther Heller                                    for  every wounded person,  whether
     globe. The focus this month though is                                                                            friend or foe. Members swear to treat
     medical  aid,  an  area  where  IsraAID                                                                          them with wisdom, understanding and
     shines. Not only does IsraAID provide                     CRC                                                    love of humanity.
     humanitarian  aid  and  medical  assis-                                                                              In  2013,  seven  wounded  Syrian
     tance when disaster strikes, it stays in                                                                         combatants were found by an IDF pa-
     the  country  post-disaster  to  provide                                                                         trol near the Israeli border. They were
     much  needed  mental  health  and  psy-                                                                          mostly  unconscious  and  in  need  of
     chosocial  services  to  both  frontline                                                                         medical attention. Based solely on their
     medical  workers  and  survivors.  For   a pharmacist and X-ray and lab techni-  Covid-19 Aid                    medical condition, a decision was made
     example, after earthquakes struck Ne-  cians. Its field hospital handled up to   During  the  current  pandemic,  Israel   to provide triage on the scene and trans-
     pal  in  both  2015  and  2016,  IsraAID   100 patients per day, and the emergen-  has also been active in providing aid.   fer them by military ambulance to the
     teams remained for at least four years   cy room could handle several hundred   For example, when the second wave of   nearest hospital capable of treating se-
     to integrate mental health and psycho-  patients per day.                  Covid hit India, Israel provided oxygen   vere trauma, the Ziv Medical Center. At
     social  support  services,  including  in   Direct Medical Assistance in Crises  concentrators,  ventilators,  medicines   Ziv, all seven Syrians received compli-
     the  child-friendly  spaces  of  the  SOS    In addition to the IDF setting up field   and other medical equipment to India.   cated surgeries and other treatments. All
     Children’s Villages of Nepal.        hospitals and providing mental health   Israel sent teams of experts to help In-  survived and were returned to Syria.
     Refugee Crisis Assistance            workers to assist other countries when   dia build factories that could produce   Over  time  there  were  repeated
     With  over  25  million  displaced  per-  disasters hit,  Israel  is there  through   the necessary medical equipment. An-  transfers of wounded  Syrians to hos-
     sons who are refugees today, IsraAID   various  non-profits  and  governmental   other example of a different assistance   pitals  for  treatment.  What  started  as
     also  provides  humanitarian  relief.  It   agencies with medical assistance. Here   was to the African nation of Eswatini   a  trickle  soon  became  a  flood.  Israel
     has  continuing  programs  in  Greece,   are some examples:                (formerly  Swaziland),  where  Israel              continued on next page

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                                                                                                           In Hebrew, the word Kehillah
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