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FEDERATION NEWS October 2021 11A
PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee’s MOMentum Trip 2021 is here!
“Shabbat to Me” goes nationwide By Gisele Pintchuck, LIFE & LEGACY Director
e are going to Israel!” An
overjoyed group of local postponed indefinitely. nection with other Jewish mothers and women with the rich beauty of their
Jewish heritage.
their own Jewish identity. Rabbi Elaine
Fast forward 18 months later, the
Wmothers is finally able to group is now complete with two addi- Glickman was a special guest and Since the official launch in 2009,
celebrate now that Israel has reopened tional participants, Wendy Leventhal shared inspiring words of wisdom on Momentum quickly grew into a move-
its doors to large groups, and Momen- Broadfoot and Priya Parikh-Weiman. motherhood and Judaism. ment, welcoming over 17,000 Jewish
tum trips are back on the calendar. Together, we will be landing in Israel “This trip is a chance to both learn women (and men) to experience its
Sharon Alcock, Lauren Hofing, on November 1, 2021, for an eight- new things and reconnect with existing year-long journey of self-discovery
Sarah-Ellen Levine, Leslie Podolsky, day experience of a lifetime. The eight values. I am most excited to experience and to empower participants to change
Shelley Prada and Bari Rudin applied women have finally started their high- Israel together as a group of mothers, the world through Jewish values, to
at the end of 2019 to participate in the ly anticipated pre-trip meetings which women and friends, and to bring those transform themselves, their families
MOMentum Year-Long Journey pro- prepare participants for their journey, experiences back to my family,” Priya and their communities. Its flagship
gram and to go to Israel in July 2020. help them to get to know each other shared with us. program, the MOMentum Year-Long
When the pandemic hit, life as we and to learn all about our Federation, Lauren Hofing added, “I have nev- Journey, empowers women to connect
knew it was put on hold and so was Israel and our Jewish community. er been to Israel and I heard so many to Jewish values, engage with Israel,
their dream to visit the homeland. The At our first in-person meeting wonderful things about the Momentum take action and foster unity, without
experience of a lifetime to join hun- in July, there was a sense of a natu- trip. I am looking to connect with my- uniformity.
dreds of other Jewish mothers from ral sisterhood as the women shared a self and other Jewish women – women This trip marks the fourth group
the U.S. and other nations would be common yearning to find a deep con- with a common thread who can grow of women I have been honored to ac-
and support each other.” company to Israel and to follow their
Momentum was founded in 2008 Jewish journey when we return. Jewish
by eight Jewish women from different fathers have also experienced this rich
walks of life, affiliations, observance program on the first men’s trip in 2019.
and ages (who are fondly known as the For more information about Momen-
Utah 8) who came together to make tum or how to apply for the Women’s
a difference. Their goal was to create or Men’s Trip 2022, contact me at gpint
a movement to empower and inspire or 941.706.0029.
Point your cell camera at this QR code REWARDS
Point your cell camera at this QR code
STOPPERS $ 3000 $ 3000
of Sarasota County
Pd by CSTF of Sarasota County sarasota sarasota FOR ANONYMOUS TIPS
Pd by CSTF Pd by CSTF
MOMentum Group 2021 members at their first session
Would you like to pay less tax?
By Trudi Krames, Sr. Director of Programming
Yael Bloom from Ringling, President Find out how we’ve helped our clients redirect
Sam Weinberg from New College, millions of dollars of taxes back to themselves,
NCF, and Treasurer Eden Aflalo from
Ringling have stepped up to the plate. their family and organizations they care about.
Supported by staff at the Federation,
its donors and the Hillel board, as well ABOUT US
as the Chabads of Downtown Sarasota
and West Bradenton, the students will Everything we do is focused on increasing
be leading the way for programming our clients’ enjoyment of their wealth.
and events for Jewish college students We help them redeploy their wealth to more efficiently Jeremy Udell
at both schools. Thanks to this leader- Bruce Udell sustain their lifestyles, so they can have more fun, help
ship, Gulf Coast Hillel will continue to CLU, ChFC, MCEP their families and create a lasting impact on society. CFP®, President
thrive in the 2021-22 school year. Chief Executive Officer We are Estate, Financial and Philanthropic planners
The students are looking forward
to bringing back some traditional pro-
gramming and events such as challah | 941.951.0443
bakes, game nights and monthly Shab-
bat dinners. They are also looking to
Securities offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC (Kestra IS), Member FINRA/ SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered
put twists and spins on some oldies through Kestra Advisory Services, LLC (Kestra AS), an affiliate of Kestra IS. Udell Associates is not affiliated with Kestra IS or Kestra AS.
such as Jews & Brews (new name to be
announced later).
For more information about Gulf
Coast Hillel, please contact Jessi
Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs
Manager, at or