Page 13 - Jewish News_Oct2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          October 2021                                   13A

 Volunteer Spotlight  Volunteer Spotlight...continued from previous page
                                          of Judah luncheon and attended a few
     to teach English as a second language
                                                                                               2021-2022 Performance Schedule
 The circle won’t be broken  in Israel, cementing her dedication to   Lion of Judah conferences.   All concerts are FREE  and Open to the Public (general seating)
     the nation.
                                              Other memberships include Israel
        A  fellow  WGC  member,  Susan    Bonds Women’s Board because in her
     Newmark,  says,  “Nadia’s  firsthand   words, “It’s critical to help strengthen
 ning.  “Nadia  is  a  special,  kind  and  knowledge of Israeli culture will be a   Israel’s  economy.  I  also  support  my
                                                                                                        A SALUTE TO FREEDOM
 thorough person. Dedicated to Jewish  boon to identifying and evaluating pro-  synagogue, Temple Beth Sholom.”  Saturday, November 13 | 2:00 p.m.
 causes,  she  works  diligently  to  make  grams benefiting from our assistance.”   OGC  member  Lori  Liner  says,   Neel Performing Arts Center | SCF
 whatever  project  she  works  on  suc-  Capturing  Nadia’s  steadfastness   “Nadia  is  involved  in  Jewish  causes
 cessful.”  to Israel, Diane Scar, Jewish National   on the local, national and international
                                                                                                       A WINTER WONDERLAND
     Fund - USA (JNF) National Campaign   levels, all which support Israel, includ-                   Saturday, December 4 | 7:00 p.m.
     Director, Major Gifts, says, “The con-  ing AIPAC and AJC. Any organization                       Neel Performing Arts Center | SCF
     summate  lay  leader,  Nadia’s  always   is lucky to have her aboard, as she ea-
     available to assist with promoting our   gerly volunteers, whether planned or in
     message  and  opening  her  home  and   an emergency.”
                                                                                                          LOVE IS IN THE AIR
     heart to our Israeli affiliates coming to   Nadia’s  best  moments  are  spent                    Saturday, February 5 | 7:00 p.m.
     Sarasota. A Zionist, she’s eager to as-  visiting  her  children  and  grandchil-                 Neel Performing Arts Center | SCF
     sist us with meeting and exceeding our   dren.  “I’m  proud  and  thrilled  that  as
     financial goals.”                    role models, my children are continu-
        Proud  to  be  a  JNF  Board  of  Di-  ing our family legacy of Tikkun Olam                    WELCOME TO BROADWAY
                                                                                                         Sunday, April 2 | 7:00 p.m.
     rectors  member,  Nadia  says,  “As  a   and  other  Jewish  values.  It’s  a  bless-             Neel Performing Arts Center | SCF
     dynamic, caring group, we work dili-  ing.”
     gently, educating people about all the   Friends are also important. Ronnie
     important  work  JNF  does  supporting   Riceberg says, “An empathetic friend                          Lynn Cleary, Music Director
     the land and people of Israel.”      and  very  capable  volunteer,  Nadia
        It was important for Nadia, while   tackles tasks efficiently, enthusiastical-
     raising  her  two  children  in  suburban   ly and confidently.”
     Cleveland, to instill Jewish values and   Covid might try to undermine, but
     capture  the  essence  of  Judaism.  Her   Nadia won’t allow the circle – wheth-              Be a Friend of the Band!  The Manatee Community Concert Band invites you to
     family volunteered and supported their   er  WGC  or  JFF,  other  programs  or               help support its musical endeavors. The Band is a nonprofit corporation, accorded
 Nadia Ritter with her son’s family – Hudson, Carly, Eric and Sienna  synagogue  and  Jewish  community,   friendships – to be broken. Whatever   501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service; donations are welcome and fully
 At a young age, Nadia became en- gratified  to  serve  on  several  commit-  her  involvement,  she  has  reinforced   For info: (941) 363-1237
 amored with Israel. The catalyst may  tees. Nadia also taught at their temple’s   success  with  tenacity,  creativity  and
 have  been  “my  becoming  intrigued  preschool.  passion.
 with the pioneer spirit, living on a kib-  A past Overseas Granting Commit-  If you are interested in volunteering,
 butz or loving Exodus,” she says, grin- tee (OGC) member, Nadia read grants,   there are many ways to contribute and
 ning.  helping to choose which organizations   be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
 After graduating from Ohio State,  to fund outside the U.S. – particularly   eration. For more information, please
 earning an English and speech degree,  Israel – whose programs/projects align   contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
 she followed her dream: volunteering  with Federation’s mission.  novation and Volunteer Engagement,                     ManateeConcer tBand. or g
        Nadia  has  also  co-chaired  a  Lion   at 941.343.2113 or

 YOU’RE INVITED TO AJC’S 2021     Siesta Key Campus: Pre-K - Grade 5  | Uihlein Campus in Lakewood Ranch: Grades 6 - 12




 President | CEO

 Gulf Coast Community Foundation

 NOVEMBER 18, 2021

 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. • Michael’s On East


 David and Edie Chaifetz

 Larry and Debbie Haspel
 Joel and Gail Morganroth


 Brian Lipton, AJC Regional Director:
 941.365.4955 or

 At American Jewish Committee (AJC), the health and safety of our guests attending in-person events
 is paramount. This invitation is being extended to Vaccinated Individuals. Appropriate precautions in
 light of COVID-19 will be taken, including limited capacity, physical distancing, and other measures as

 necessary. Guests will also have the option of Indoor or Outdoor Dining!

 |  AJC.ORG  APPLY NOW FOR 2022-23   941-203-3640
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