Page 25 - Jewish News_04-2021
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JEWISH INTEREST                                                                                April 2021                               25A

     Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

     Judge Judy’s advice to seniors

     By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
 tend a warm welcome to someone.   he timer on the kitchen  stove   U.S. Centers for Disease Control and   mation  that  Larry  gleaned  from  his     I was walking… and switching to
 (Psalm 4:7; Num. 6:25) And we shall   began its ding-ding-ding, re-  Prevention  reports that  “falls  are  the   anecdotal survey that opened his eyes   my sunglasses.
 add the rabbinic  saying:  p’tach pi- Tminding  Iris to switch on the   number one cause of injuries in se-  and swayed his opinion about seniors   I was walking… and scratching an
 khah ve-ya-i-ru d’va-re-khah, literally  television  and  call  to  her  husband.   niors, often resulting in hip fractures,   and falling.   itch.
 open your mouth and let your words  “Come on, Larry. It’s five minutes to   cuts and even serious head and brain   “I live  in senior housing,” Larry     I was walking… and blowing my
 shine, which means speak up and    Judge Judy!”  injuries  that  can  be  fatal.”  Many se-  explained.  “On our campus we have   nose.
 explain  yourself boldly. (Yerushalmi     That  was enough  for Larry  to   niors  who have  tripped  or  tumbled   what they call the continuum of care.   In Proverbs we read, “A righteous
 B’rkhot 6:3)          stop his clean-    have  seen  their  independence  evapo-  That  means that  we can  live  inde-  person falls seven times and rises up
 As a noun, OR is also at the center   ing binge, and   rate and their longevity compromised   pendently or in assisted living or even   again.”  Rabbi  Andrea  Steinberger
 of many phrases. For example, OR To-  in minutes both   as the result of a fall. So Judge Judy,   on  the  nursing  floor.  Whatever  you   (Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle) expands
 rah and Torah orah mean the Torah, the   Iris and Larry   television’s Queen of Blunt, doesn’t   need. So I talked to my friends whose   on those words when she writes, “Sev-
 law is a light. Leor ha-d’va-rim means   had  tuned  into   mince  words: “To live  a  long  life,     falls had caused them to move out of   en is life giving. It is a number full of
 in light of the situation. And, based on   their favorite pro-  don’t fall!”   independent living and this is what I   strength  and  health  and  hope  for the
 Micah 7:9, we should mention  motzi   gram.  Watched  For seniors who are 65 years and   found.”                     future.”
 la-or, literally  brings to light, which   by more than 10   older, one person in three will have had   Larry explained that for many se-  Larry’s Seven  Steps to  a  Fall  re-
 refers to a publisher. We will end with   million  viewers   a fall, so it is no wonder that a quick   niors, a fall happened when they were   mind us that there are things we can do
 the astronomical concept  Sh’nat OR,   daily, Judge Ju-  Google search of “fall prevention for   doing two things at once – what Larry   – simple, powerful, life-affirming tools
 namely a light year, and with the theo-  Rabbi Barbara Aiello  dith Susan Blum   seniors” nets more than a half million   calls the Seven Steps to a Fall or the “I   – that offer hope for us as we age. Like
 logical concept B’nay OR, literally the  Sheindlin  has dispensed advice  for   articles, websites and long lists of do’s   was walking and…” syndrome.  the Judge says,  “To live a long life,
 sons of light,  those mentioned in the  nearly 25 years, but for Iris and Lar-  and don’ts – information that prompt-  I  was  walking…  and  fishing  for   don’t fall!”
 Dead Sea Scrolls as the true Tribes of  ry one admonishment really hit home.   ed  Larry to  do some  research  of his     my keys.  Rabbi  Barbara Aiello  served  Avi-
 Israel.   Larry recalls, “I heard her say it on a   own.                           I was walking… and answering      va Senior Living  as resident  rab-
 In short, the name for the month of  documentary about her life. Judge Judy   A statistician by trade, Larry stud-  my cell phone.  bi  for  10  years.  She  now  lives  and
 Iyar represents a loaded concept rooted  was talking  about becoming  a senior   ied a number of fall-prevention rec-  I was walking… and putting on my   works in Italy where she is rabbi
 in OR. It reminds one that as the sun  citizen.  And she said something that   ommendations  that  included  common   coat.  of  Italy’s  first  Reconstructionist  syna-
 shines brightly, it fills the air with the  struck  me.  ‘To  live  a  long  life,  don’t   sense items such as installing bath-  I was walking… and checking my   gogue. Contact her at Rabbi@Rabbi
 positive energy of light and brilliance.  fall!’”   tub handrails, eliminating throw rugs,   watch.        
 Indeed, the prophet Isaiah was right   At 78 years old, Judge Judy   cleaning  up  clutter  and  adding  night
 in his observation that OR shiv-at ha- knows what she’s talking  about.  The   lights in the hall. But it was the infor-
 ya-mim, namely the light of the seven                                                 YOU BELONG
 days of creation, is a bountiful light of   Rabbi Barbara Aiello’s most popular
 healing,  comfort  and  enlightenment.                                             WHERE
 (Isa 30:26)  columns are now published in her new
 Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor   book, Aging Jewishly, available on
 of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
 lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct   Amazon. It makes a great gift!
 professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
 College in Sarasota.



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