Page 18 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 18

18A                         November 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     Volunteer Spotlight                                                                                                                                It’s never too late thanks to virtual program recordings

     Marni Altaker-Mount:

     Fostering intergenerational connections

     By Sandy Chase
              arni Altaker-Mount  touches   her home for close to 40 years.     so they didn’t feel alone was critical.   Brian worked as an entomologist.
              many lives through her ded-     Having  received  a  double  ma-  Running a monthly support group pro-      After their bat mitzvahs and con-
     Mication, creativity and empa-       jor  (Hofstra  University)  in  elementa-  vided  me  with  insights  while  parents   firmations at Temple Emanu-El, Marni
     thy as the chair of STEP (Shapiro Teen   ry education and anthropology, and a   shared personal challenges and strate-  wanted her daughters to stay connected
     Engagement Program) at The Jewish    master’s degree (The College of New   gies.”                                to Judaism. “Crossing the street from
     Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and   Jersey)  in  special  education,  she  has     A  published  author,  Marni  de-  our  temple  led  us  to  Federation,  the
     a MOMentum alum.                     always been focused on kids.          scribes how teachers, like kids, are ner-  next step on my kids’ journey.”
        Thriving  on  her  Jewish  upbring-                                     vous and excited about starting school    Inquiring about STEP began Mar-
     ing, Marni says, “I want to honor my                                       in her book My First Day of School.   ni’s involvement with this service, ed-
     parents by making a positive impact in                                         On  the  other  end  of  the  genera-  ucational and leadership program. She
     the world.”                                                                tional  spectrum  is  Marni’s  Mitzvahs,   explains, “For good or bad, I’ve always
        During  the  summer,  Marni  facil-                                     a  Florida-licensed  and  insured  com-  been involved with my kids’ activities,
     itated a project providing STEP teens                                      panion-care company she founded six   and Federation events were no differ-
     with just such an opportunity: bringing                                    years ago.                            ent.”
     seniors  joy,  critical  during  their  pro-                                   “Visiting  my  grandmother  Gigi      Although  she  misses  teaching,
     longed COVID-19 isolation.                                                 Rise  (of  blessed  memory)  at Anchin/  Marni has found other activities to re-
        Marni and her daughter Natalie, a                                       Benderson inspired me to get licensed   invigorate her. Besides STEP and Mar-
     STEP graduate, engaged local Jewish                                        in home health.                       ni’s Mitzvahs, she teaches aerobics and
     teens to create a slideshow of photos                                          The  following  comments  from  a   water classes.
     of themselves around town and include                                      client’s  daughter,  echoing  sentiments   Before  becoming  the  STEP  chair
     a  caption  beginning  with  “Shalom                                       of others, speaks volumes:            in August 2019, Marni participated on
     from…” for seniors at Aviva – A Cam-                                           “Marni  loved  my  father  as  her   its  board.  She’s  been  instrumental  in
     pus for Senior Life.                                                       own.  She  enriched  his  life:  together   the program’s success because of her
        Marni also has plans to implement                                       they  read  The Jewish  News, enjoyed   commitment  to teens  and continued
     a service project in which STEP teens          Marni Altaker-Mount         the outdoors and danced. She also ac-  concern for seniors.
     create care packages for STEP alumni     Marni says, “Teaching and devel-  companied him during countless dialy-     Marni  says,  “Collaborating  with
     at  college,  reminding  them  that  they   oping curricula for these preschoolers   sis treatments.”            committee  members and participants,
     aren’t forgotten. It’s a way to demon-  was  exciting,  demanding  and  full  of   Marni  also  believes  her  life  has   we  plan  exciting  events,  provide  ed-
     strate to current STEP teens the good-  love.  I  miss  collaborating  with  thera-  been enriched by participating  in the   ucational  guidance,  engage  our  teens
     ness that lies ahead when they’re away   pists who helped enhance the children’s   MOMentum trip to Israel, the Jewish   ‘Jewishly,’ and offer volunteer oppor-
     in college.                          lives, enabling many to transition to a   Women Renaissance Project empower-  tunities – values alumni have internal-
        Marni’s link between multiple gen-  regular kindergarten.”              ing women to connect to Jewish values,   ized.”
     erations has its roots in her career as   Emphatic  about  connecting  with   engage with Israel and foster unity.   Influenced by Charles Darwin, the
     a special-needs teacher in New Jersey,   parents,  Marni  says,  “Reaching  them   Marni says, “It definitely changed   noted naturalist, Marni embraces every
                                                                                my life for the better. Besides experi-  minute of her day, devoting free time to
                                                                                encing  firsthand  all  that  Israel  has  to   such  activities  as  playing  mah-jongg,
                                                                                offer, I’ve bonded with a unique group   hiking and kayaking, photography and
                                                                                of  women,  whom  I  proudly  call  my   eating chocolate.
                                                                                ‘sisters.’”                               For Marni, traveling is a priority.
                                                                                    Savoring  incredible  food,  danc-  “I hope to move to Ecuador one day,
                                                                                ing  in  Tiberias,  floating  in  the  Dead   where  I’ll  study  anthropology  in  the
                                                                                Sea, learning from the IDF and others,   very  place  Darwin  was  inspired  to
                                                                                                                      write his On the Origin of Species.”
                                                                                and breathtaking sights were all magi-
                             Join Us                                            cal for Marni. Even more memorable    no  doubt  improve  the  lives  of  others
                                                                                                                          Wherever life takes her, Marni will
                                                                                for  her  were  the  lectures.  “Insightful
                                                                                speakers  taught  that  caring  for  me  is
                                                                                essential to being a more positively en-  along the way.
                                                                                                                      If you are interested in volunteering,
                       THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2020                              gaged parent.”                        there are many ways to contribute and
                                                                                    Marni’s familiarity with Federation   be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
                                10:00am – Via Zoom
                                                                                stems from her search for a JCC camp   eration. For more information, please
                             OPEN HOUSE                                         for daughters Natalie and Abbie when   contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
                           AND PROGRAM                                          the  family  moved  here  in  2011  from   novation and Volunteer Engagement,
                                                                                Richardson, Texas, where her husband
                                                                                                                      at 941.343.2113 or
                           An opportunity to learn about
                        membership to the Women’s Giving
                       Circle, engage with current members
                      and get “in person” updates from some                                    FED
                        of the agencies that were granted
                                  funds in 2020.                                         we are
                          More than $41,374 was granted by 2020’s
                           Women’s Giving Circle members to nine
                             organizations in Israel benefiting
                                 women and children.
                                                                                                  Engaging Jewish Lives

                             Debbie Yonker, Chair
                      RSVP by Friday, December 11, 2020
                      to Brieana Duckett-Graves at 941.552.6305
                         QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza                                 e take great pride in engaging Jewish lives in our community.
                         941.343.2113 or
                                                                                      WYour Federation is dedicated to bringing the best in Jewish
                                                                                      programming to Sarasota-Manatee.

                                                                                                               •   941.371.4546
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