Page 23 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 23

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                      November 2020                                      23A presents Sarasota Open Air Fine Art Show

          outhwest  Florida’s  premier  art   the artist who is onsite at the show,”   tion. Steven has been turning wood for   personally handmade art that is public-
          event  –  Sarasota   said Patty Narozny, Hot Works found-  the last 59 years and attends juried art   ly displayed during the show. There is
     SOpen Air Fine Art Show – will       er. “We give our artists the chance to   shows around the country.          $250 in Budding Artist awards given to
     be  held  outdoors  at  Phillippi  Estate   speak  face-to-face  with  prospective   Hot Works is affiliated with Insti-  students, who are exposed to the rules
 The cost of the exciting virtual tour  Park  (5500  S  Tamiami  Trail,  Saraso-  customers over the two-day show.”   tute for the Arts & Education, Inc., a   and  entrepreneurship  opportunities  of
 is $36 per person and includes a $30  ta)  the  weekend  of  November  14-15.   Narozny  added  that  all  art  is  for   501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a   doing art shows for a living.
 coupon  to  Liquor  Locker  (Fruitville  COVID-19 safety precautions will be   sale,  including  paintings,  clay,  glass,   focus on visual arts, cultural diversity,   There is free admission, with a $5
 Road)  for  your  own  bottle  of  M&H  in  place  such  as  all  booths  spaced  6’   fiber,  sculpture,  wood,  photography   community  enrichment  and  fostering   parking fee to support Institute for the
 whisky, five one-ounce samples for the  apart,  face  coverings  required,  social   and jewelry.  youth art education. The organization   Arts & Education, Inc. For more infor-
 event (Classic Cask, Elements Sherry,  distancing, etc.  One  of  the  participating  artists  at   integrates a Youth Art Competition en-  mation, please contact Patty Narozny at
 Elements Peated, Elements Red Wine   The  event  is  produced  by  Hot   the show is Steven Cohen, award-win-  couraging  students  in  grades  K-8  (or or 941.755.3088,
 Finish and Gin), dark chocolate from  Works,  which  manages  several  top-  ning wood artist, who happens to also   ages 5-12) to enter his/her original and   or visit
 Banyan Tree Chocolate and Café, and  100 art shows in America, and is juried   be a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn,
 dried fruit from Richard’s Foodporium.  by art professionals. Criteria are based   New York. Steven started making his
 Pick up your package Sunday morning,  on technique/execution, originality and   wood art at age 13. By learning wood-
 November 22 between 10:30 and 11:30  booth appearance.   turning in school, it became his passion.
 a.m.   “This art show is part of America’s   At age 28, Steven apprenticed with a
 Support  this  Israeli  company  as  highest quality and most respected art   master woodturner and it changed his
 well as local businesses. You will not  shows,  and  all  artwork  displayed  is   life and steered him in the right direc-  SUPPORT
 want to miss the fun! RSVP by Sun- original  and  personally  handmade  by                   Friendship at Home
 day, November 8, purchase your pack-                                                          Financial Stability
 age and get Zoom information at www.                                                          In-home Support                                                                   Home Delivered Meals
                                                                                             Educational Programs
 The importance of tzedakah                                                                 Caregiver Resource Centers

 By Lex Calaguas & Eric Faerber                                                             Adult Day Care Programs
                                                                                                Support Groups
                                                                                              Educational Programs

                                                                                          HEALTH & WELLNESS
                                                                                                Senior Centers
                                                                                                Friendship Cafés
                                                                                                 Senior Fitness
                                                                                               Balance Movement
                                                                                                Lifelong Learning
     Two pieces by Steven Cohen, award-winning wood artist, who will be at the Sarasota Fine Art Show
                                                                                             |  941.955.2122
           “These we honor”                                                                      SARASOTA                    VENICE
                                                                                                 1888 Brother Geenen Way
                                                                                                                             2350 Scenic Drive
                   Your Tributes                                                                 Sarasota, FL 34236          Venice, FL 34293

       ANNUAL CAMPAIGN                    Janie Moravitz
                                                                                               A COMMEMORA
      IN HONOR OF                         Louis Lasday                                         A COMMEMORATION
                                          Toby and Arthur Geller
      Bonny and Bob Israeloff’s           Marshall Passman
      Daughter’s Marriage                 Harriet Borgida                                                Join our community as we commemorate
      Carol and Bill Levine               Freda Salzberg                                                                 the Night of Broken Glass.
      Ian Black                           Mark Salzberg

                                                                                                            , NOVEMBER 9, 2020
      Roberto Gonzalez                    Barbara Saphier                                      MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020
      Rabbi Mendie and                    Grace Goldstein
      Rebbetzin Chanie Bukiet             Cheryl and Scott Gordon                                 7:00 pm  •  Via Zoom
      Craig Harris                        Diana Paver                                               $10 per household
      Joe Gross and Steven Schoenfeld’s                                                               Zoom registration required
      Marriage                                      COLLEGE                                               SPECIAL GUEST PERFORMER
      Carol and Bill Levine                SCHOLARSHIP FUND                                             NIV ASHKENAZI
      IN MEMORY OF                                                                                          playing a Violin of Hope
      Dr. Irving Bennett                  IN MEMORY OF
      Lisa and Ron Andino                 Dr. Irving Bennett                                         On the evening of November 9,1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a
      Carol and Bill Cutler               Maria Eckerle                                               series of pogroms against the Jewish community in Germany
 TBS Facilities Manager Duane Rushing and    Nancy Foster                                              known today as Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass.
 Sid Finkelstein unload Sid’s generous donation  MORTON SKIRBOLL
      Sally and Bob Irwin                                                                               We remember.  We commemorate.  We stand up
      Sue and Earl Kaplan                             FUND                                               against antisemitism and bigotry together.
      Birgitt Kline
      Richard Raymond                     IN HONOR OF
      Ann Sablosky                        Bunny Skirboll’s Special Birthday
      Burt Frank                          Hannah and Norman Weinberg
      Dianne Whitten
      Michael Gleiberman                        SHAPIRO TEEN
      Debby and Jerry Hamburg                   ENGAGEMENT                                                                        Bette Zaret, Chair
      Elliot Helfand                          PROGRAM (STEP)                                                        RSVP at
      Martha Helfand
      Annette Lichtenfeld                 IN MEMORY OF                                         QUESTIONS? For more information about the Heller CRC or Holocaust
      Kenneth Simon                       Barbara Saphier                                      programming, contact Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations,
                                          Patti and David Wertheimer                           941.343.2109 or

               NOTE: To be publicly acknowledged in
       The Jewish News, Honor Cards require a minimum
            $10 contribution per listing. You can send                                                                                 941.371.4546

              Honor Cards directly from                                                                         
        For more information, please call 941.552.6304.
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