Page 28 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 28

28A                         November 2020                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

     An understanding of intergenerational trauma

     brimming with illuminations and courage

     Book review by Philip K. Jason, Special to The Jewish News
     The Escape Artist by Helen Fremont.  was only slowly and partially revealed.   ulated into making each other victims.  by  freeing  itself  from  being  a  strict
            Gallery Books. 2020.          It’s almost as if the mother and father   Slowly,  with  elegance,  fortitude   chronology. She chooses to jump back
               351 pages. $28.            were ashamed of surviving, and parts   and  harrowing  self-accusations,  Fre-  and forth in time in order to orchestrate
                                          of  their  disguised  cover  stories,  once   mont reveals the stages of her liberation   scenes  that  have,  when  juxtaposed,
           his  powerful,  intelligent  and   revealed, explain why.            and her pursuit of self-definition. There   enhanced  reverberations.  Her  poetic
           highly moving memoir explores      As a writer, Fremont is a fine cli-  are so many intricate strands that make   prose also has a quality of reverbera-
     Tthe  persistence  of  trauma  as  it   nician, pressing to understand and ex-  up the evolving Helen Fremont. One is   tion.
     affects children of survivors. As Helen   plore her trauma inheritance. Over and   her slow-growing recognition and ac-  This  is  more  than  one  person’s
     and her sister Lara grew up, they had   over, she shares searing  insights  and   ceptance of her lesbian identity, anoth-  memoir.  It  is  the  pursuit  of  a  larger,
                      gathered pieces of   devastating disappointments.         er is her love of athletic pursuits and   more  fully  shareable  understanding
                      their parents’ (and     Her life and worth become a strange   natural  surroundings,  and  yet  another   of  intergenerational  trauma  brimming
                      other   relatives’)   kind of penance for never truly know-  is her somewhat wandering pathway to   with illuminations and courage.
                      Holocaust  experi-  ing the sacrifices that the parents had to   and through professional development   Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus
                      ences.  They  real-  endure, submerge and transform. The   and performance. Who was she trying   of English from the United States Na-
                      ized, with varying   parents  manifest  a  sorrowful  kind  of   to please all these years? Why would   val Academy. He reviews regularly for
                      degrees  of  trepi-  survivors’  guilt  that  they  transformed   she so often choose paths likely to be   the  Washington  Independent  Review
                      dation, that much   into  a  range  of  valuable  accomplish-  anathema to her parents? Can true love   of  Books,  Southern  Literary  Review,
                      had been hidden     ments. Always fearing exposure, they   exist without mutual sacrifices? The au-  other publications and the Jewish Book
                      from them.          strove to steer the daughters away from   thor keeps gnawing at such questions.  Council. Please visit Phil’s website at
         Phil Jason       The  parents’   experiences  and decisions that  might    Fremont’s  book  gains  energy
     large  personalities  release  hints  that   risk  exposure  of  the  almost  buried
     burst through the masks, signaling that   past.  They  overstepped  the  normal
     much had been withheld. The secrets   borders of familial love, using paren-
     involve a sense of shared obligations,   tal power as a weapon rather than an
     daring  decisions,  invented  biograph-  embrace or commendation. They were
     ical  details  and  doses  of  crippling   monstrous in the way they played fa-
     shame. The daughters lived in a shad-  vorites. For decades, the sisters were
     ow world that had its own life, one that   psychologically victimized and manip-

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