Page 29 - Jewish News_November-2020
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JEWISH INTEREST                                                                      November 2020                                      29A

 An understanding of intergenerational trauma   Stars of David                            Interested in Your

 brimming with illuminations and courage  By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist            Family’s History?

     Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish
     for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
     ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
 by  freeing  itself  from  being  a  strict  with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
 chronology. She chooses to jump back  also identified as Jewish.                 years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
 and forth in time in order to orchestrate                                        when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
 scenes  that  have,  when  juxtaposed,  Hebrews on the Gridiron  Streaming Catch-Up  full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
 enhanced  reverberations.  Her  poetic  Here are the Jewish players on a Na-  The Trial of the Chicago 7, an original   with a limited search of one family line.
 prose also has a quality of reverbera- tional Football League team roster as   Netflix film, began streaming on Octo-
 tion.  of  September  28  (main  source:  my   ber 16. It opened in a few theaters on            So here’s the deal:
 This  is  more  than  one  person’s  friends at Jewish Sports Review mag-  September 28 (to be “Oscar eligible”)
 memoir.  It  is  the  pursuit  of  a  larger,  azine):  JORDAN  DANGERFIELD,   and has received mostly great reviews.   Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
 more  fully  shareable  understanding  30, Pittsburgh, (back-up) strong safety.   It will get Oscar nominations. The film   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
 of  intergenerational  trauma  brimming  This five-year veteran is of Ethiopian   was directed and written by AARON
 with illuminations and courage.  Jewish  background.  NATE  EBNER,   SORKIN,  59.  In  1968,  the  Vietnam   goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
 Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus  32, New York Giants, (reserve) strong   War was raging and Chicago’s Mayor   The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
 of English from the United States Na- safety  and  on  special  teams.  For  his   Daley was determined that no demon-  several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
 val Academy. He reviews regularly for  first eight seasons he played for New   strators would get near the site of the
 the  Washington  Independent  Review  England, often contributing to the Pa-  Democratic National Convention. The   friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
 of  Books,  Southern  Literary  Review,  triots’  many  Super  Bowl  wins.  He   police  got  carte  blanche  to  beat  and/  great for them. So contact him about this as well.
 other publications and the Jewish Book  signed with New York in the off-sea-  or  arrest  anti-war  demonstrators.  All
 Council. Please visit Phil’s website at  son.  JULIAN  EDELMAN,  34,  New   this was later called “a police riot” by  England,  wide  receiver.  This  future   a  blue-ribbon,  non-partisan  commis-  23. Like The Trial of the Chicago 7, it   people  whom  they  mistake  for  gods.
     Hall  of  Fame  wide  receiver  doesn’t   sion.  Nonetheless,  the  Nixon  Justice   got great reviews. RASHIDA JONES,   JOSH BRENER, 36 (Silicon Valley),
     seem to be slowing down. As I’ve not-  Dept.  made  the  political  decision  to   44, co-stars as a wife who suspects her   voices one of the Mighty Ones. Much
     ed before, Edelman had only one Jew-  charge (1969) a group of anti-war fig-  husband  (Marlon  Wayans)  is  cheat-  different is A Teacher, a nine-episode
     ish great-grandparent. It’s unclear if he   ures with conspiracy to riot. Here are   ing. Jones’ father (Bill Murray) insists   mini-series  that begins streaming on
     has formally converted to Judaism, but   some  Jewish  sidelights:  (1)  Three  of   they  investigate.  The  supporting  cast   Hulu on Tuesday, November 10. Basic
     he  identifies  as  Jewish  in  a  religious   the  defendants  were  Jewish:  ABBIE   includes  JENNY  SLATE,  38,  and     plot: Claire (Rooney Mara), a popular
     sense and in a “community solidarity”   HOFFMAN (SACHA BARON CO-           BARBARA BAIN, 89.                     high school teacher, enters into an affair
     way. Recent examples: raising money   HEN, 48), JERRY RUBIN and LEE        Look Ahead                            with a handsome senior and their lives
     for Tree of Life shooting victims and   WEINER (NOAH  ROBBINS,  30).       The Mighty  Ones  is  a  child-friendly   “explode”  when  the  affair  becomes
 Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish   publicly  reaching  out  last  July  to  a   (2) The  main  defense  lawyers,  WIL-  animated series that begins streaming   known. ASHLEY ZUKERMAN, 36,
 organizations, clubs and service providers online.  player  who  posted  something  antise-  LIAM KUNSTLER and LEONARD   on  Hulu  and  Peacock  TV  on  Mon-  plays  Claire’s  supportive  and  loving
     mitic.  The Christian  Science  Monitor   WEINGLASS (BEN  SHENKMAN,        day,  November  9.  It  follows  the  fun   husband. The series was written and di-  called  Edelman’s  response  “A  master   51),  were  Jewish.  The  trial  judge,     adventures  of  a  group  of  creatures:  a   rected by HANNAH FIDELL, 34. Her
     class  on  how  to  handle  hate.”  AN-
                                          JULIUS HOFFMAN, was Jewish. (3)
                                                                                                                      mother  is  LINDA  GREENHOUSE,
                                                                                rock, a strawberry, a stick and a leaf.
 Keyword Search   Filter Options   Drop Pin Locator Map  THONY  FIRKSER,  25,  Tennessee,   During  the  trial, Abbie  joked  that  he   Self-named  The  Mighty  Ones,  they   73, the New York Times’ Pulitzer-win-
     (back-up) tight end and fullback. This
                                          was Judge Hoffman’s illegitimate son.
                                                                                                                      ning legal correspondent.
                                                                                live in a backyard belonging to three
     Harvard grad had a good 2019 season.   He was more serious when he cried out
                                          in  court,  “You  [Judge  Hoffman]  are  a
  The Extraordinary
  The Extraordinar y  Tampa  Bay,  27,  offensive  guard.  He   ‘shande fur de Goyim’ [disgrace in front
     has started 75 consecutive games since
                                          of the Gentiles]. You would have served
     2015, earns almost $11M per season,
                                          Hitler better.” (4) Five defendants were
      UnOrdinary YOU   and  was  team  captain  in  2018  and   convicted on the conspiracy charge.   FELDMAN
                                          Partially because of the judge’s clearly
                                          biased conduct, these convictions were
     31, Kansas City, offensive tackle. Like
     Marpet,  he  is  highly  paid  and  has  a
                                          Weiner,  now  81,  worked  for  the  An-
     great streak going (over 130 consecu-  reversed on appeal. (5) After the trial,   WEALTH ADVISORY
  MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30  •  7:00PM  WITH SIMONE KNEGO  tive starts). SAM SLOMAN, 23, Los   ti-Defamation  League  and  was  active
         VIA ZOOM  Angeles  Rams,  kicker.  He’s  a  rookie   in protests on behalf of Soviet Jewry.
     who earned a starting spot. His college   Also looking for Oscars is On the     JOSEPH M. FELDMAN, CFP    ®
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                                                                                                    HABLO ESPAÑOL
                                                                                                    MOBILE   941.363.6507
 QUESTIONS?                                                                                         OFFICE    941.349.3444
 Contact Gisele Pintchuck 941.706.0029   The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life • Klingenstein Jewish Center  5100 Ocean Blvd  |  Sarasota, FL 34242     580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232
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