Page 34 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 34

5                              Scientists grow fresh dates
      34A                         November 2020                                          ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

                                          from a sixth century BCE seed

                                          Grown from ancient seeds found at Masada and Qumran and likely
                                          brought back to Judea from Babylon in the sixth century BCE,

                                          By Abigail Klein Leichman,, September 21, 2020
            EASY                          the fresh dates symbolize the remarkable resilience of nature.
                                                                                                                      Sallon tells ISRAEL21c.
                                                   azal  tov  to  Hannah  and
                                                                                ning of September to great internation-
                                                   Methuselah  on  their  111
                                                                                                                          She  and  Solowey  collected  and
                                                                                al fanfare.
                                                                                    Solowey  and  fellow  “date  grand-
                                                                                                                      tested  many  kinds  of  plants,  and
                                          Mmiracle  babies!  The  proud
                                                                                                                      Solowey grew them at the Arava Insti-
                                          parents are date palms grown from an-
                                                                                ma”  Dr.  Sarah  Sallon  could  not  be
         STEPS                            cient seeds uncovered in archeological   more pleased.                      tute. Then, Sallon was given date seeds
                                                                                “The best seeds I could find”
                                          excavations in Israel.
                                              These dates, recently picked at the
                                                                                Sallon,  a  pediatric  gastroenterologist
                                                                                                                      discovered  during  Yigael  Yadin’s
                                                                                at Hadassah University Medical Cen-
                                          Arava  Institute  at  Kibbutz  Ketura  in
                                                                                                                      famed  digs  on  Masada  in  the  mid-
           How To Stay                    southern Israel, are a type that hasn’t   ter  in  Jerusalem  from  1983  to  2000,   1960s  and  kept  in  storage  for  more
                                          been tasted since the times of Jesus and
                                                                                                                                      than  40  years,  plus
            Up-To-Date                    the Maccabees.                                                                              date  seeds  found  at
                                              “Dr. Elaine Solowey, our director
                                                                                                                                      Qumran by Prof. Jo-
               On Your                    of the Center for Sustainable Agricul-                                                      seph  Patrich  of  the
                                          ture,  grew  our  first  ancient  date  tree,
                                                                                                                                      Institute  of  Archae-
                Jewish                    Methuselah, in 2005,” explained Mir-                                                        ology  at  Hebrew
                                          iam May, CEO of Friends of the Arava
                                                                                                                                         “Prof. Patrich let
           Community                      Institute.                                                                                  me choose whatever  A tour for the forever
                                              “He  came  from  a  2,000-year-old
                                                                                                                                      I wanted. I chose the
                                          seed  found  in  excavations  at  Masa-
       1      STEP ONE                    da; his growth was an unprecedented                                                         best  seeds  I  could  young at heart and mind
                                          success that no one was expecting.
                                                                                                                                      find,  in  extraordi-
         Hourly                           However, because he is a male tree, he   Dates growing on Hannah, a tree germinated from ancient seeds   narily  good  condi-
                                                                                                                                      tion,” says Sallon.
                                          could not produce fruit.”
                                                                                             in Israel (photo by Marcos Schonholz)
         Social Media: While we don’t always   But  then  Solowey  succeeded  in   founded  the  Louis  L.  Borick  Natural   “I gave some to Elaine and lo and
         post hourly, we do post often. What do we
         post? Time-sensitive news, alerts, items of   germinating  six more ancient seeds,   Medicine Research Center at the hos-  behold, up came Methuselah,” named
         interest, and more. Follow us on Facebook,   one  from  Masada  and  five  from  the   pital in 1995. For the past 15 years, she   for the oldest-living human in the Bi- By Matt Bernstein, CFP, JNF Chief Planned Giving Officer
         Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more!    caves  of  Qumran,  home  of  the  Dead   has  focused  full  time  on  how  plants   ble.
         Find us by searching for “JFEDSRQ.”  Sea Scrolls written between 150 BCE   could be used as medicine.            Methuselah,  grown  from  a  seed
        2     STEP TWO                    and 70 CE.                            plants, how and where they grew, and   radiocarbon-dated  to  the  first  century
                                                                                    “I  was very  interested  in  ancient
                                                                                                                      CE,  was  the  oldest  seed  ever  grown
                                              One  of  the  Qumran  trees,  Han-
                                          nah, was pollinated by Methuselah and
                                                                                                                      into  a  living  plant,  and  was  the  sub-
                                                                                what is happening to them with climate
         Daily       grew dates that  ripened  at the begin-  change,  pollution  and  development,”   ject of papers published in the journal
         Whether you’re on your desk-                                                                                 Science in 2008 and 2009.
         top, laptop or smartphone, the                                                                                   Six  of  the  32  additional  seeds
         Federation website, has everything above and                                                                 chosen  by  Sallon  sprouted  under
         below (and more) right at your fingertips. Keep                                 Biography
         our event calendars in your bookmarks bar for                                                                Solowey’s  care.  They  were  warmed
         event information in a click.                                         •  Ambassador  Ross  is  a  fellow  at  The  and  hydrated  slowly  and  gradually,
                                                                               Washington  Institute  for  Near  East
                                                                                                                      fed  a  growth-promoting  plant  hor-
        3     STEP THREE                                                       Policy.                                mone  and  an  enzyme  fertilizer.  They
                                                                               •  He  is  also  an  esteemed  professor  at
                                                                               Georgetown.                            grew  into  healthy  date  palms  dubbed
                                                                                                                      Adam,  Hannah,  Judith,  Jonah,  Boaz
         Bi-Weekly                                                             •   For   more   than   twelve   years,  and Uriel.
         Federation Eblast:                                                    Ambassador Ross played a leading role      Last  February,  a  paper  published
         Receive timely Federation                                             in  shaping  U.S.  involvement  in  the
         news, topics, and more,                                               Middle East peace process.             about the germination of the seeds in
         in your email every Friday                                                                                   Science Advances, led to hundreds of
         by subscribing to the bi-weekly                                               •  Ambassador  Ross  is  the   inquiries, says Sallon.
         newsletter, the Federation eBlast.                                            author  of  five  books  on  the   In  early  2019,  Adam,  Jonah  and
       4      STEP FOUR                                                                and international relations.   Hannah were moved out of their green-
                                                                                       peace process, the Middle East,
                                                                                                                      house  to  the Arava  Institute’s  Daniel
                                                                                                                      Fischel  &  Sylvia  Neil  Research  &
         Monthly              FEDERATION NEWS L ’Shana Tova!                                                          Visitors’ Park.
                                  FROM THE BOARD AND STAFF OF
         The Jewish News: The                                     Celebrating        Years  The Jewish    A M B A S S A D O R   D E N N I S   R O S S  Nature doesn’t give up
                              Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
                                    P U B L I S H E D   B Y
                                    OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
         publication that brings the        25  Jewish Happenings  Staff Report programming for the 2020-21 season    “It  was  so  remarkable  to  bring  these
                                    THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                    FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE
                                  13  Community Focus
                                  20  Jewish Interest
                             September 2020 - Elul 5780 / Tishrei 5781       Volume 50, Number 8
                             INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Federation to offer all virtual
                                  39  Commentary
                                  43  Focus on Youth
                                he Jewish Federation of Sara-
         Jewish community right to your   Where your dollars go:    4  cases that continue to climb in Flori-  would  have  to  be  in  effect  to  feel   ‹ ‹ event. All  answers  clearly  showed
                                sota-Manatee has made the dif-
                                  47  Life Cycle
                                  38  Israel & the Jewish World Tficult decision that all programs
                                  door event for the coming Fall-Winter
                                  2020-21 season?
                               for the 2020-21 season will be virtual.
                                  As you can see, an overwhelming
                               Chief Executive Officer Howard Tev-
                                  majority  would  not  feel  comfortable
                                    reluctance on the part of the com-
                               lowitz  says,  “In  an  effort  to  keep  the
                                  attending or thought it was too soon to
                               community  safe,  we  feel  we  have  no
                                    lightening. Here are a few:
                               choice but to make this decision. The
                                    Many  of  the  comments  were  en-
                               health of our Federation family is too
                                  Other  questions  included  at
                               In  addition  to  the  Coronavirus
                                  what capacity one would attend an
                                      I will not be attending in the fore-
                                 in-person  event,  what  conditions
                                    seeable  future. Very  glad  you  are
                                    asking, but no, no and NO!!!
                                 comfortable to attend an in-person
                             American Friends of
         door every month with news,   taken to a new level  12  answered  by  more  than  550  re-  event  (i.e.,  masks,  sanitizers,  etc.)  4.0 %  9 .5 %  sider, no indoor events should be   November 5, 2020  trees back from the dead – they were
                               da, Tevlowitz  points  to  the  results  of
                                      With  an  older  population  to  con-
                               our recent event survey, which clearly
                             Leket Israel
                                 and  when  would  you  see  yourself
                               showed the community is not ready to
                               attend in-person events for the foresee-
                                    planned  until  there  is  a  vaccine.
                                    and films you’ve provided.
                               able future. “We have heard you loud
                                    Appreciate  the  varied  programs
                                 ready to come out to an in-person
                               and clear,” says Tevlowitz.
                               The  event  survey  sent  out
                                     continued on page 2
                               via  email  and  social  media,  was
                                  LEVEL OF COMFORT TO ATTEND INDOOR EVENTS
                                   3 .2 %
                                    SURVEY RESULTS
                               feedback  about  our  current  virtual
                               spondents.  They  were  asked  for  57 .2
                             Lechlechallah – Challah baking
                                    .2  Percent  Will avoid attending in-
                               programming and questioned about
         events, and more.  Get your FREE   Temple Beth Sholom Catering:  16  time to let us know their thoughts.  26.1 26 soon to tell 3 attending indoor events .2  Percent  Have no concern about    really just sleeping,” says Sallon.
                               how comfortable one would feel at-
                                    57door events for the foreseeable future
                               tending in-person events this com-
                               ing season. We are so grateful that
                               so many in our community took the
                                    .0  Percent  Would be nervous,
                                    4 but may still attend indoor events
                               The  pie  chart  at  right  shows  the
                               answer to the main question: What is
                               your level of comfort attending an in-
                                    9federal/state guidelines are strictly followed
                                    .5  Percent  Will attend so long as CDC/
                                    .1  Percent  Think that it is too
                            Keeping connected and
                            kosher with Shabbat meals
         subscription today!  reflect the views of, or serve as endorsement  46  gramming, including helping a number   was  overwhelming.  The  committee   mittee focused its efforts on fulfilling   7:00 pm via Zoom  “To see them grow several meters
                               Federation awards 2 nd  phase of COVID-19
                              assistance to area Jewish organizations
                               n April  of  this  year,  The  Jewish
                               Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                              Ibegan  raising  funds  to  provide
                              By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer, and Stacey Gillman, Stronger Together Granting Chair
                                 to  provide  virtual  ser-
                                 visual  systems  in  order
                              COVID-19  relief  to  Jewish  organiza-
                                 vices  and  programs  for
                                 our  community  mem-
                              tions  in  our  two-county  area.  As  of
                                 bers, many of whom are
                            and safe school year
                              this printing, our generous community
                              has contributed more than $330,000 to
                            The Gan plans an exciting
                                 isolated and alone due to
                              our Stronger Together effort, including
                                 the pandemic.
                            PAID POLITICAL
                              a  $100,000  matching  grant  from  our
                              board-restricted fund.
                                 In  July,  the  Stron-
                                 ger  Together  Granting
                              uted close to $70,000 of those dollars
                                 Committee  met  to  re-
        5     STEP FIVE     Annual voluntary subscription: $25  NON-PROFIT ORG.  U.S. POSTAGE MANASOTA FL PERMIT 167 PAID  fall. After much deliberation, the com- See our ad on page 3A  for $157,660 in grants for the follow-  T h  r e   i s no charge  e f o   r i     n t i h a d   e a v c e n e ,     o b n  t   h a l l     T p B  r t   i we a s  t n i t e s     a r t e  high and have babies was a ray of light
                              Readers may recall that we distrib-
                            This issue of The Jewish News contains a paid
                                 view applications for the second phase
                              to eight Jewish organizations and syna-
                                 of the granting process. The response
                              gogues in early June to support Food
                            political advertisement. The ad does not
                            by, the staff or leadership of The Jewish
                              Security  and  Health/Wellness  pro-
                            Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                                   those  grants  that  address  Food  Secu-
                              of synagogues make much-needed up-
                                received  requests  totaling  more  than
                                was available to distribute, which was
                                concerning as the plan was to make a
                              grades to their technology and audio-
                                   for this phase. The committee recom-
                                   rity and Health/Wellness programming
                                   mended  and  received  Board  approval
                            A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                third phase of grants available in early
                            The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
                                   ing programs:
                            Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                                    continued on page 2
                                 BUY • SELL • CONSIGN • REPAIR
                                                                                                                      at a time like this when people are wor-
                                1484 Main Street | Sarasota FL 34236 | 941.312.5566 |


                                                                                                                      ried and depressed. It is a sign of the


         Yearly                                  www. t e mp  e v b mb  o r   3 l   o mf l : . 0  r g p e v e .   t n p s   o c e     l i a   t l e mi t a e . d  T u  s d  y ,  remarkable resiliency of nature in the


         ShalomSRQ: Your resource                                                                                     face of this terrible destruction of spe-
         guide to everything Jewish in       The Middle East is in a constant state of change.                        cies. Nature will not give up without a
         Sarasota-Manatee. Keep it on        Just two days after the U.S. presidential election,                      struggle. That’s a motif for our times.”
         hand to quickly find Jewish
         goods, services and organizations.    Ambassador Ross will analyze current events in                             And how do Hannah’s dates taste?
         Request to be on the mailing list!   the Middle East and will discuss what to expect                             “Lovely,” says Sallon. “I find Med-
                                                       from the next U.S. Administration.                             joul dates too sticky sweet. Hannah’s
             Find and Subscribe at                                                                                    are blander and drier, with a honey af-                        This event is co-sponsored by:                             tertaste that makes me think of the land
                                                                                                                      of milk and honey.”
                                                                             Deborah & Lawrence Haspel                    The  date  experts  at  Kibbutz
                                                                                                                      Keturah  say  they  taste  like  the  Zahi-
                                                    | 941.955.8121               di  species  of  Iraqi  dates. That  makes
                                                                                                                      sense, as Hannah is genetically related
                                                                                                                                   continued on next page
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