Page 35 - Jewish News_November-2020
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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                            November 2020                                      35A

 Scientists grow fresh dates    Scientists grow fresh dates...continued from page 34A
                                          the Judean date – that’s my name for
     to  a  species  that  grew  in  Babylon  –
 from a sixth century BCE seed  present-day Iraq.  it  –  into  modern  agriculture.  Perhaps
                                          they  have  important  medicinal  and
        “Domesticating the date palm for
 Grown from ancient seeds found at Masada and Qumran and likely   cultivation started around 6,000 years   nutritional traits that were bred out of
     ago in Babylon and in the Arabian Pen-
                                          modern  dates.  Dates  in  ancient  times
 brought back to Judea from Babylon in the sixth century BCE,    insula,” Sallon explains.  here were one of the biggest sources of
 the fresh dates symbolize the remarkable resilience of nature.  “Methuselah and Adam, from Ma-  revenue. It would be nice to bring back
     sada,  are  very  Arabian-like  and  are   from  extinction  this  ancient  variety
     more  than  2,000  years  old.  Hannah   that is producing very nice dates and
 Sallon tells ISRAEL21c.  is  more  Iraqi.  We  presume  she  was   reintroduce them to the market.”
 She  and  Solowey  collected  and  brought by the exiles coming back af-  Sallon  also  hopes  to  raise  money
 tested  many  kinds  of  plants,  and  ter the First Temple was destroyed, be-  to publish The Date’s Tale, a children’s
 Solowey grew them at the Arava Insti- cause the Talmud tells us that Judean   story she wrote “from the point of view
 tute.  exiles  worked  in  date  plantations  in   of  the  Methuselah  himself  going  to
 Then, Sallon was given date seeds  Babylon.”  sleep at Masada and waking up in a lab
 discovered  during  Yigael  Yadin’s   Date  cultivation  in  ancient  Judea   2,000 years later.” Jane Goodall wrote
 famed  digs  on  Masada  in  the  mid- was  well  established  by  around  300   the introduction.
 1960s  and  kept  in  storage  for  more  BCE. Uriel, Boaz and Jonah are from   Abigail Klein Leichman is a writer and   Though we are physically distancing ourselves for the health &
 than  40  years,  plus  200 CE, found in caves where Judeans   associate editor at ISRAEL21c. Prior   safety of all of us, we are continuing to find ways to socially &
 date  seeds  found  at  took refuge from the Romans.  to moving to Israel in 2007, she was   emotionally connect, grow and celebrate. Please refer to Temple
 Qumran by Prof. Jo-  “They are more Western, like dates   a specialty writer and copy editor at   Sinai's website and Facebook pages for a vast array of events
 seph  Patrich  of  the  from  North Africa,  probably  because   a major daily newspaper in New Jer-  delivered right to your home!
 Institute  of  Archae- the Romans primed those males to pol-  sey and has freelanced  for a variety
 ology  at  Hebrew  linate the Eastern palms,” says Sallon.  of newspapers and periodicals  since
 University.  “The  idea  now  is  to  reintroduce   1984.
 “Prof. Patrich let
 me choose whatever
 I wanted. I chose the  A tour for the forever
 best  seeds  I  could
 find,  in  extraordi- young at heart and mind
 narily  good  condi-
 tion,” says Sallon.  A life-changing excursion to Israel
 “I gave some to Elaine and lo and
 behold, up came Methuselah,” named  you don’t want to miss                                 #InnovativeReform
 for the oldest-living human in the Bi- By Matt Bernstein, CFP, JNF Chief Planned Giving Officer
 ble.      hirty  strangers  from  the  U.S.   museum),  where  the  group  formed  a   4631 South Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231
 Methuselah,  grown  from  a  seed   met  in  Tel  Aviv  on  a  Sunday   bond  while  partaking  in  an  emotion-  (Enter off of Proctor Rd.)
 radiocarbon-dated  to  the  first  century  Tevening  last  November.  Many   al  journey  to  better  understand  this   941-924-1802
 CE,  was  the  oldest  seed  ever  grown  were first-time travelers to Israel with   tragic period of our collective Jewish
 into  a  living  plant,  and  was  the  sub- little  connection  to  Jewish  National   history.
 ject of papers published in the journal    Fund.  Others  had  visited  many  times   We visited the Galilee and learned
 Science in 2008 and 2009.  before;  years  had  passed  since  their   about  Jewish  National  Fund’s  Go
 Six  of  the  32  additional  seeds  last trip. The reasons for their visit var-  North initiative that is growing region-
 chosen  by  Sallon  sprouted  under  ied, but the common denominator was   al tourism and providing new econom-
 Solowey’s  care.  They  were  warmed  clear: to reconnect with their childhood   ic opportunities in the north.
 and  hydrated  slowly  and  gradually,  memories, Judaism and Israel. Jewish   In  the  Negev,  we  saw  the  effect
 fed  a  growth-promoting  plant  hor- National Fund’s 10-day Sunshine Tour   JNF’s  contributions  are  having  on
 mone  and  an  enzyme  fertilizer.  They  provides that opportunity, and most of   the  revitalization  of  Be’er  Sheva,  the   P  R  E  S  E  N  T  S
 grew  into  healthy  date  palms  dubbed    the  participants  characterized  the  trip   crown jewel of JNF’s Blueprint Negev
 Adam,  Hannah,  Judith,  Jonah,  Boaz  as “life-changing.”   initiative. We also visited JNF’s Sderot   JUST reel education
 and Uriel.  Jewish  National  Fund’s  Sunshine   Indoor Recreation Center, a signature
 Last  February,  a  paper  published  Tour is unique in that it is designed for   JNF  project,  designed  to  provide  a   BLACK HONEY: THE LIFE AND POETRY OF AVRAHAM SUTZKEVER
 about the germination of the seeds in  people ages 55+ who lead active lives   safe playing environment for children   Avraham Sutzkever is, by many accounts, the greatest Yiddish writer
 Science Advances, led to hundreds of  and offers more time to explore and ex-  against rockets from Gaza.   of modern times. Black Honey uncovers this extraordinary life
 inquiries, says Sallon.  perience Israel.    We  went  back  to  Jerusalem  and                    through Sutzkever’s poetry and revealing how, amidst the darkest
 In  early  2019,  Adam,  Jonah  and   Our  trip  started  in  Tel  Aviv,  the   welcomed Shabbat at the Kotel. After   times, his poetry became a life-saving source of vitality
 Hannah were moved out of their green- modern  metropolis  home  to  Indepen-  dinner, we shared our experiences, and   and strength. 2018,  76 minutes
 house  to  the Arava  Institute’s  Daniel  dence Hall, the historic location where   while many were aware of JNF’s his-  Available starting October 30 with a post-film discussion on
 Fischel  &  Sylvia  Neil  Research  &    in 1948 David Ben-Gurion announced   tory of planting millions of trees, they   November 5 at 3 PM with film producer Yair Qedar.
 Visitors’ Park.  Israel’s  establishment  as  a  modern   were in awe at Jewish National Fund’s
 Nature doesn’t give up  state.  We visited  sites throughout  the   role in making Israel a strong part of   PROSECUTING EVIL: THE EXTRAORDINARY WORLD OF BEN FORENCZ
 “It  was  so  remarkable  to  bring  these  city, learning about the pioneering men   all our lives.   This gripping documentary tells the fascinating story of Ben
 trees back from the dead – they were  and women who helped build the coun-  Join  us  in  2021  and  help  Israel’s   Ferencz—the last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor and lifelong advocate
 really just sleeping,” says Sallon.  try. We felt enormous pride in this tiny   economic  recovery.  We have three   of “law not war.” He was 27 years old and his first trial was of 22 Nazi
 “To see them grow several meters  country doing remarkable things.   tours  planned  for  2021:  April  18-27,   officials tried for murdering over a million people and who were convicted.
 high and have babies was a ray of light   In  Jerusalem,  we  walked  the  an-  May 2-11 and November 7-16.   His fight for justice for victims of atrocity crimes continues today.
 at a time like this when people are wor- cient  cobblestone  alleyways  of  the   For more information, please contact   2018, 83 minutes
 ried and depressed. It is a sign of the  Old  City  and  met  with  lone  soldiers   Joshua Mellits, Western Florida Direc-  Available starting November 13 with a Zoom talk back on
 remarkable resiliency of nature in the  from the United States. We visited Yad   tor, at or 941.462.1330   November 19 at 3 PM with film director Varry Avrich,
 face of this terrible destruction of spe- Vashem  (Israel’s  national  Holocaust   x865.           David Scheffer, Dr. Stephen Smith, Dr. Mary Johnson,
 cies. Nature will not give up without a                                                            and Dr. Michael Berenbaum.
 struggle. That’s a motif for our times.”                                           To register for these films and talk backs, please visit
 And how do Hannah’s dates taste?
 “Lovely,” says Sallon. “I find Med-                                                    These events are free, but we would appreciate a donation to the Federation’s
 joul dates too sticky sweet. Hannah’s                                                      Virtual Programming Fund at
 are blander and drier, with a honey af-                                                              BR OUGHT   T O  Y OU   B Y
 tertaste that makes me think of the land
 of milk and honey.”
 The  date  experts  at  Kibbutz
 Keturah  say  they  taste  like  the  Zahi-                                       IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:
 di  species  of  Iraqi  dates. That  makes
 sense, as Hannah is genetically related

       JNF-USA Sunshine Tour participants take in the view overlooking Jerusalem (credit: JNF-USA)
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