Page 33 - Jewish News_November-2020
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JEWISH INTEREST November 2020 33A
K’zohar Ha-Ivrit
Pi-ku-ach Nefesh – Saving Life
By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
s the effects of the Corona- the Bible. Pa-kach is usually attached 85b). The Rambam expounded on the nefesh do-che et kol ha-Torah kula,
pear that my articles have been appre- virus are still impacting our to the noun einayim, meaning ‘eyes,’ Talmudic idea, teaching that a physi- literally, ‘the duty of pi-ku-ach nefesh
ciated – notwithstanding the frequently Alives, many more people need and thus understood to mean ‘watch,’ cian must do on the Shabbat whatever overrides the whole entire Torah.’
depressing and tragic themes they have help. Medical professionals and fam- ‘open eye’ and ‘be vigilant.’ In modern is necessary to save a life. And in case Let us hope that the days of Corona
covered. ily members work tirelessly to bring Hebrew, pa-kach also means ‘open’ a ship is tossed at sea, a city is sur- will soon be behind us and the practice
There is still a long way to go, comfort to the or ‘be alert.’ And the noun pi-ke-ach, rounded by marauding troops or flood- of pi-ku-ach nefesh will not be as im-
however. If you have enjoyed reading sick and to save meaning ‘intelligent’ and ‘prudent,’ is ing rivers, pi-ku-ach nefesh on Shabbat perative as it is today. Amen.
my articles, I appeal to you to keep lives every day. also based here. is a religious duty (Yad Shabbat 2:2-3). Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
alive the memory of the Holocaust However, there As for the noun nefesh, it appears Today, the practice remains the of biblical literature at Spertus Col-
during the dark time in which we are are times, like in the Bible 753 times and means, same. The chief S’fardi rabbi of Israel, lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
living, and to bear in mind the words Shabbat, for ex- like in many other Semitic languag- the Rishon Le-tziyon, in his instructions professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
of the late Rabbi Hugo Gryn, a survi- ample, when a es, ‘breath,’ ‘breath of life,’ ‘soul,’ on how to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, College in Sarasota.
vor of the Holocaust who became an shomer Shabbat, ‘mind’ and ‘human being.’ Interesting- summed it all in the words: pi-ku-ach
esteemed and much-loved communal ‘an observer of ly, nefesh is derived from the verb na-
leader in the United Kingdom after the Dr. Rachel Dulin Shabbat,’ cannot fash, which appears only three times in NOVEMBER EPICUREAN MENU:
the entire Bible and means ‘rested’ or
war: “Time is short and the task is ur- drive, work, cook, nefesh may be related to the verb nah- Thailand Prix Fixe 3-Course Dinner
gent. Evil is real. So is good. There is a etc. What is one to do in case of an ‘relaxed.’ Some scholars believe that $38.95 per person
choice. And we are not so much chosen emergency? What is one to do, for
as choosers.” example, if driving to the hospital is shaf, meaning ‘blow,’ or nah-sham, Explore diverse &
I can think of no better sign-off needed? meaning ‘breath.’ delectable dishes!
than the one always given at the end The rabbis were well aware of the The first time the two words pi-ku-
of every show from the Irish comedian conflict Shabbat laws injected into ach and nefash were combined to create
Dave Allen: thank you, goodnight, and life’s realities. Therefore, they taught a new concept is in the Talmud. Here,
may your God go with you. unequivocally: pi-ku-ach nefesh doche it becomes clear that pi-ku-ach nefesh | (941) 366-0007 |
Shabbat, namely ‘the duty of saving is an important concept in which one
life supersedes the laws of Shabbat’ is to watch and be vigilant in cases of
(Shabbat 132). This rabbinic dictum a life-threatening situation. The rabbis
highlights the importance of life and taught that one may do anything nec- Point your cell camera at this QR code Point your cell camera at this QR code REWARDS
the promotion of health in Jewish tra- essary for pi-ku-ach nefesh, ‘to save a UP TO
dition. The concept of pi-ku-ach nefesh life,’ on Shabbat (Ketubbot 5a). They STOPPERS UP TO
is at the center of our discussion here. based their teaching on the biblical un- $ 3000 $ 3000
of Sarasota County
So, what does the term mean? derstanding that the laws were given Paid by CSTF of Sarasota County sarasota sarasota
Pd by CSTF Pd by CSTF
The first word, pi-ku-ach, does “to live by them” (Lev. 18:5) and not THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST
not appear in the Bible. It means ‘su- die for them (Yoma 84b). They further 941-366-TIPS
pervision,’ ‘inspection,’ ‘control’ and declared that one should be cognizant SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING!
‘monitor,’ and is derived from the verb that “the Shabbat has been given to SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING!
pa-kach, which appears 20 times in you, not you to the Shabbat” (Yoma
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