Page 30 - Jewish News_November-2020
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30A                         November 2020                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

     Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

     Finding happiness

     By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
            an  looked  up  from  her  book   Nan realize how deeply unhappy Kurt   God  and  your  fellow  human  beings,   require perfection in every activity.                         Mazel Tov!
            and  observed  the  man  she’d   was.                               do so with no ulterior motive. In other   God In Your Words
     Nbeen married to for more than           What  do our traditions  teach us   words, take an action because it is the   When you pray, meditate or reflect, vi-
     40  years.  “Kurt,  you’re  pacing,  and   about happiness? What can we do, if   right thing to do, and not because you   sualize that God is invested within the                                   Benderson
     when  you’re  pacing  I  know  some-  anything,  to  overcome  sadness?  Ac-  expect something in return.        letters and the words that you choose.
                       thing’s not right.”   cording  to  Tzvi  Freeman  (“How  the   God Will Save Us                Zernitsky writes, “Words are the cloth-
                           “OK,  so  I’m   Baal Shem Tov Changed the Way We     Be joyful in the knowledge that when   ing for your thoughts. Clothing that is
                       pacing.   What’s   Think About Happiness,”,   you  have  troubles,  the  God  of  your   neat  and  clean  brings  out  a  person’s
                       the  big  deal?”   the famous sage, the Baal Shem Tov,   understanding  will  come  to  your  res-  inner  beauty.  Your  words  of  prayer
                       was  Kurt’s  de-   had an answer. A respected rabbi who   cue – with a fresh perspective, a new   God’s presence as well-spoken words  Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                      provide  the  same  sort  of  clothing  for
                       fensive  response.   lived in Poland in the 19  century, his   thought,  an  idea  of  how  to  approach
                       Undaunted,  Nan    name means the “man who has an ex-    and solve a problem.                  bring out your inner thoughts.
                       continued,  “The   cellent  reputation.”  He  brought  about   Joyous Studies                      The  Baal  Shem  Tov  taught  that
                       big  deal  is  that   major changes in the Jewish religion.   Find a subject that interests you and   in every word you speak, you should                                                               at
                       something’s both-  He encouraged rabbis to refrain from a   study it with energy and great  joy.   intend to sweeten a relationship. This
      Rabbi Barbara Aiello  ering  you.  I’m   focus on the negative and instead teach   When you immerse yourself in study   means that you must let go of the harsh
     here. I’m listening. So you’ll tell me.”  the people how to have a joyful rela-  you will reduce disturbing thoughts.  approach  of  finding  fault  with  every-
        Reluctant  as  he  was  to  open  up,   tionship with God.              Reverence and Happiness               one and instead enter a mode of com-
     Kurt  knew  it  was  time  to  talk. After   How is happiness achieved? Rab-  Don’t torment yourself that you do not   passion, seeking out the positive.”
     all, it had been five weeks and things   binic sages from historical to modern   know the proper prayers or that you are   Finally,  our  sages  believed  that
     weren’t getting any better. In fact, Kurt   times have interpreted the Baal Shem   unfamiliar with rituals. Use your own   “The joy we are talking about is not the
     felt miserable. He said, “Rosh Hasha-  Tov’s  teachings  and  applied  them  to   words and melodies and be grateful for   screaming and shouting of a crazed fa-
     nah usually picks me up, but this year,   our lives. According to Leon Zernitsky   every opportunity to pray and sing.  natic. It is joy with a purpose, for when
     no. It’s the COVID-19 thing, the lock-  (“Eighteen  Joyous  Quotations  of  the   The Happy Ascetic              we  offer  a  helping  hand  to  another,
     down, the restrictions. OK. so I’m not a   Baal  Shem  Tov,”,  these   We all want the good things in life but   when we marshal our efforts to bring
     regular shul-goer. I mean, twice, three   teachings emphasize principles that al-  do not permit an obsession, like a de-  happiness to our world, we find that we
     times a year is enough for me. But I   leviate sadness and lead us to living in   sire for a new car, a bigger house, the   are living in joy.”
     had no idea how much I’d miss just sit-  joy. Here are several:            latest electronics, more money, etc., to   For 10 years Rabbi Barbara  Aiello
     ting in the synagogue. How sad it was   Trust and Celebrate                lead you into depression. On the con-  served the  Aviva Campus for Senior
     that the kids aren’t here and all we’re   Imagine that God’s loving presence is   trary,  celebrate  that  you  have  the  ca-  Life as resident rabbi. Her most pop-
     getting are virtual hugs. I want the real   continually  with  you  and  protecting   pacity to overcome these desires and   ular columns are now published in her
     thing. I want our life back to the way it   you. Remember that you are bound to   remain grateful for what you have.  new book,  Aging  Jewishly, available
     used to be!”                         the  Creator  and the  Creator  is bound     Better Happy Than Strict       on Amazon. Rabbi Barbara now lives
        Nan looked closely at Kurt. Were   to you. You are never alone.         Do not become so obsessed with details   and works in Italy where she is rabbi                                       For receiving a
     those tears in his eyes? Certainly it had   Sincerity and Joy              that you castigate yourself over every   of  Italy’s  first  Reconstructionist  syna-
     been a difficult year, but only now did   When you do something out of love for   little thing. Do not become obsessively   gogue. Contact her at Rabbi@Rabbi
                                                                                self-critical because this will bring de-
                                                                                pression. Living a joyful life does not                                          Deficiency Free Survey

                                                                                                                                                                  from the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration

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