Page 3 - Jewish News_November-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS November 2020 3A
Jeff Solomon...continued from page 1A
which he served as the Chief of Police. lion-dollar business making displays Who does the Jewish community turn to for
Jeff also served as an Interim Chief of for the music and entertainment indus- the most trusted service in real estate?
Police for a Central Valley California tries. His grandparents were able to
city for a little over a year. In addition, pay back the loan. “She was so proud,”
he worked as a Deputy Sheriff for the he added.”
Placer County Sheriff’s Department. Jeff was very animated when
Federation CEO Howard Tevlow- talking about his grandmother. “My
itz said, “We are so thankful for the grandmother was a Russian Jew who
partnership with SCN and to work immigrated to New York. She would
with experts in the field often tell stories Contributing to the
who have a real under- about how the Jews prosperity of our
standing of the needs of and the blacks would Jewish Community
our Jewish community. hide from the Irish. since 1979!
We are also fortunate to She would take in Ryan Ackerman Barbara Ackerman
have someone of Jeff’s anyone off the street. 941.387.1818 941.780.6045
caliber who brings a It is from her that I #1 Small Team in Sarasota and Manatee County
knowledge of working learned tolerance.”
with institutions, law en- Jeff is an avid
forcement and the gen- reader. “I read one
eral community. He can hour every day, usu-
interface with others and ally psychological
garner support in ways Jeff Solomon journals, and threat
that none of us can. He is an asset on and risk assessments. I read everything
steroids!” I can get my hands on. This is stuff I WE BUY GOLD,
Jeff sees himself as a teacher. read for fun!” He will have to get used
“When I was in college, I couldn’t de- to the casual environment in Southwest DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY.
cide between being a cop and teach- Florida. “I am a suit and tie guy,” he
ing,” he said. “My real passion was to admitted.
be in the classroom, but I have dyslex- He is looking forward to digging
ia, so I decided to enter law enforce- in and getting to know this communi-
ment.” ty. In the coming weeks, Jeff will be-
He has conducted many training gin focusing on facility assessments,
sessions and has spoken at events such emergency operations planning, and
as the Wisconsin School Resource Of- community-wide and organizational
ficers Conference and the Department training opportunities.
of Justice Conference, presenting on The trainings for the community
“Missing and Abducted Children” in will be about threat assessments and
Texas. He recently met with United learning how to protect yourself. “Peo-
States Secretary of Education Betsy ple ask me if they should be concerned.
Devos to discuss K-12 responses to ac- I tell them yes, you should be. Antise-
tive-shooter events. In 2019, Jeff was mitic rhetoric is on the rise. Antisemitic
invited to the Office of Juvenile Justice attacks are on the rise. That is why we
and Delinquency Prevention in Wash- need to raise our awareness about what EST. 1979
ington, D.C., to co-facilitate a listening is out there right now. My advice for
group of school safety experts to cre- those who wonder if they should report 1484 Main Street | Sarasota, FL
ate a set of national standards for K- 12 something is that if you feel you need
school safety. to stop and think about it, then yes, you (941) 312-5566 |
Jeff moved to Florida from Cal- should report it to law enforcement or
ifornia. He was born in Los Angeles, me. Nothing is too small to report.”
raised in Sonoma County and settled When I asked Jeff if there was
as an adult in Sacramento. For years he anything else he wanted to add, he
has felt the pull of Florida, having sev- said, “I am also a huge dog lover. My
eral childhood friends who have made dog’s name is Yasha, which means ‘to
Florida home. save’ in Hebrew.” If that is not a perfect AFTER THE
“We had been looking at Flori- omen for our new Jewish Community
da and this job popped up on Indeed. Security Director, I don’t know what is!
When I told my mom that I had ap- Our community has not only hired a
plied, she asked me if I knew that my smart, protective, trained law enforce-
grandparents started their business in ment official, but we have gained a CURTAIN
New York with a JFNA loan. I learned mensch. Jeff, welcome to the Federa-
that they were able to start their busi- tion family!
ness, Solbrook Display Co., because Jewish Community Security Di-
of the help of the Jewish community.” rector Jeff Solomon can be reached at HAS CLOSED
Solbrook eventually moved to Los 866.284.4933 x0 or jsolomon@jfedsrq
Angeles where it became a multi-mil- .org.
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