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4A November 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
THE Women’s Event: Jamie Bernstein & Alexandra Silber
– Celebrating Leonard Bernstein
By Gayle Guynup
HE Women’s Event, “An Eve- The two went on to become the event in Sarasota will mark terms of source materi-
ning of Women Voices,” hosted best of friends and, eventually, collabo- the first time their perfor- al, because I never would
Tby The Jewish Federation of rators, when Jamie published her book, mance together has been have been able to remem-
Sarasota-Manatee, will be held vir- Famous Father Girl: A Memoir of presented virtually. ber a fraction of the details
tually on Monday, December 7 at 7:00 Growing Up Bernstein, in 2018. Their Both women have that I found in those jour-
p.m. It will feature Jamie Bernstein, el- written memoirs about nals,” she said.
dest daughter of famed composer and their fathers. “My father Jamie describes her
conductor Leonard Bernstein, together wasn’t a world-renowned childhood as “never bor-
with actress and singer Alexandra Sil- celebrity, but in his own ing,” filled with celebrities
ber, who will perform several Bern- way was a titanic man who and wide-ranging experienc-
stein classics. was important to people in ways that es. But always at the heart of it all was
“I have been friendly with Jamie I will never understand,” Alexandra her famous father.
since I sang the role of Maria in West said. “On a micro level, this is some- “We didn’t really understand how
Side Story with the San Francisco Sym- thing that I deeply understand about famous he was until one day when we
phony in 2013,” Alexandra explained. Jamie – that he was his daughter’s fa- were watching The Flintstones on TV,”
“I couldn’t believe that of everyone in ther, but he never belonged exclusively Jamie said. “Betty and Wilma were go-
the universe, I was singing that role,” to her and her siblings. He belonged to ing to the Hollyrock Bowl to listen to
she said. “It was a pinch-me moment. the world,” she said. a Leonard Bernstone concert. We knew
I don’t know that I will ever achieve Jamie’s decision to write the book then that if dad had made The Flint-
anything more meaningful. Jamie Bernstein was spurred by the 2018 celebration stones, he must be really famous.”
Jamie was equally effusive in her Book Talk presentation includes Jamie of the centennial of her father’s birth. “As I grew up, it was difficult
praise for Alexandra. “She was just so sharing memories of her larger-than- “I had always thought about writing a to find my own path, and that’s real-
luminous,” Jamie said. “She is one of life father, interspersed with Alexandra memoir, but didn’t think I could pull it ly what this book is about,” she said.
those people who lights up a room.” singing some of his iconic music. The off,” she said. “Everything for me was framed around
It was a conversation with a book how I finally made peace with music,
S enior is looking to purchase precious metals, agent that changed Jamie’s mind. She and in so doing, with my father.”
told him some of her ideas, and the
Jamie says she could not have
diamonds, time pieces, coins, antique agent mentioned that if she wrote the made it more difficult on herself if she
and estate jewelry, and some collector plates. memoir in conjunction with the cen- had tried, spending many years pur-
Over 60 years Of experience. tennial year, it would generate tremen- suing a career as a singer/songwriter.
dous interest. “Well, it was like he shot
“The whole time I was doing it, and
me out of a cannon,” she said. “I real- whenever I was performing, I was in a
ized if I was ever going to do this, this state of agony. I was so self-conscious
Please call Marc at 941.321.0707 was the time.” and there was this little voice in my
persOnal and cOnfidential Jamie had kept a diary, off and on, head saying, “Who do you think you
as a child. “That diary was golden in continued on next page
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