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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                    November 2020                                        7B

                                                                                      THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19
            TUESD      A Y ,   NO VEMBER          1 7                                 THURSD        A Y ,   NO VEMBER          1 9
            TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17

                          “Stories from Shanghai”                                             Just Reel Education: Prosecuting Evil:
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                              The Extraordinary World of Ben Ferencz
        Join local survivor Sigmund  Tobias and another Jewish refugee from         Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        Germany to Shanghai, Doris Fogel, for “Stories from Shanghai,” a Heller     This film (2018, 83 minutes) will be available starting Friday, November
        CRC follow-up to the incredible documentary on WEDQ, Harbor from the        13 with a post-film discussion on November 19 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
        Holocaust. At the event, moderated by David Grace, Sig and Doris will tell   with director Barry Avrich, David Scheffer, Dr. Stephen Smith, Dr. Mary
        stories that didn’t make the cut of the documentary. To register for this free   Johnson and  Holocaust  scholar  Dr. Michael  Berenbaum.  This  gripping
        2:00 p.m. Zoom program, visit To learn more about the   documentary tells the fascinating story of Ben Ferencz, the last surviving
        Heller CRC or Holocaust programming, contact Jessi Sheslow, Director of     Nuremberg prosecutor and lifelong advocate of “law not war.” He was
        Community Relations, at or 941.343.3109.               27 years old and his first trial was of 22 Nazi officials tried for murder-
                   Minority of One: One Man’s Journey                               ing over a million people and who were convicted. To register for this
                                                                                    free event, please visit For more information, contact
                          from Hatred to Freedom                                    Jeremy Lisitza at or 941.343.2113.
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                                        Comparative Judaism:
        This powerful new documentary tells the riveting story of former Egyp-
        tian political prisoner Hussein Aboubakr. How did he free his mind from         Three Roads Leading to the Same Destination
        antisemitism and begin actively fighting against it, even at the risk of los-  This is the final session of Temple Beth Sholom’s Comparative Judaism
        ing his life? Receive a link to view the 45-minute documentary before       series. It will feature a panel of rabbis who presented at the other sessions,
        this event, and then participate in a moderated talk back and Q&A with      joined  by Rabbi  Howard Siegel,  who will  moderate  the  discussion
        Hussein Aboubakr from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. There will also be a special        on contemporary issues and how the three  movements (Orthodox,
        presentation at 7:30 p.m. for teens and college students. To register for this   Conservative, Reform) view and address these challenges. The program
        free event, please visit For more information, contact   will  include  time  for questions, answers and interesting dialogue.  The
        Jeremy Lisitza at or 941.343.2113.                     presentation begins at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom (
                                                                                    Fill out the form on for the password. No cost, but
                             Sports Trivia Night!                                   donations are always appreciated. For more information, call the temple
        Calling all sports fans! Join us as two of Temple Beth Sholom’s sports      office at 941.955.8121 or email
        mavens will team up with Aaron Jacobson (co-host of The Pat and Aaron            Chabad of Bradenton Course: “Code to Joy”
        Show on 620 WDAE) as they test their knowledge of sports trivia. The
        competition will take the form of a Jeopardy!-like game. There will be      Join Chanie  Bukiet  at  noon, either  in person (outdoors and social  dis-
        three categories with five questions per category including Jewish Sports   tanced) or on Zoom, for a new seven session course on “Code to Joy: The
        Trivia, Tampa Bay Sports, and Midwest and Northeast sports. This will       road to joy is easier when you don’t go it alone.” The first class is entitled
        be  followed  by  a  Final  Jeopardy  question. There  will  also  be  a  Q&A.   “Just Over Yonder” and teaches how joy is simple, accessible and a code
        The event begins at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Register by Friday, November        you can crack, based on classic Jewish texts and kabbalistic teachings.
        13 at No cost, but donations are always      The course fee is $75 and includes the textbook; or pay $18 per class. For
        appreciated. For more information, call the temple office at 941.955.8121   more information, the Zoom link and to reserve your spot, call Chanie at
        or email                                       941.752.3030 or email
                                                                                               “The Lost World of Jewish Humor”

                                                                                    The Congregation for Humanistic Judaism invites you to an entertaining
                                                                                    virtual event at 2:00 p.m. Jordan Shifrin, popular instructor at Ringling
                                                                                    College Lifelong Learning Academy, will talk about Jewish humor. This
         Learn about                                                                event is free and open to the public. Please call 941.929.7771 or email
               our growing Jewish community…
                                                                           for the virtual link.
          The first population study in 20 years is here!                           Join Temple Emanu-El’s Israel Committee for this opportunity to experi-
                                                                                            Volunteers for Israel: Experience Israel

                                                                                    ence Israel from the perspective of a Sar-El volunteer! Three-time partici-
                                                                                    pant Harriette Krasnoff facilitates this “tour” minus the hotels and cuisine
                                                                                    – but plus the chance to make a difference by living and working on an
                                                                                    Israeli military base and assisting with tasks to support the IDF. All are
                                                                                    welcome to hear the insider’s view of this unique way to see and support
                                                                                    Israel. This free event begins at 7:00 p.m. Please register at sarasotatemple.
                                                                                    org to receive the Zoom link, or call 941.371.2788 for more information.

                                                                                           Chabad of Sarasota Course: “Code to Joy”

                                                                                    All women are invited to join Chabad of Sarasota’s new Rosh Chodesh
                                                                                    Society course entitled “Code to Joy.” The monthly course, which takes
                                                                                    place on Zoom at 7:30 p.m., is led by Sara Steinmetz. It will be packed
                                                                                    with spiritual insights about trust, optimism, regret, faith, mindfulness,
                                                                                    relationships and rituals you can easily apply to real life. This month’s
                                                                                    segment is titled “Finding Happiness in Life’s Gifts.” For assistance with
                                                                                    underwriting this course, appreciation is extended to Anne Stein. All women
                                                                                    are welcome! Cost: free for Rebbetzin Circle members ($180 annually) and
                                                                                    Women’s Circle members ($99 annually); $20 for non-members. Anyone
                                                                                    joining a Rosh Chodesh Society class for the first time is our guest at no
                                                                                    charge. If you sign up for the entire course and are unable to join a class, a
                                                       Sponsored in part by
                              Jewish Community Study    a grant from:               recording of the lesson will be shared. For more information or to RSVP,
                                                                                    contact Sara Steinmetz at 941.925.0770 or
                   Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish
                     Matthew Boxer
                    Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee                            B’nai Mitzvah Family Program
                     Eliana Chapman
                    Janet Krasner Aronson
 Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish   Learn about our Sarasota-Manatee Jewish community:  Temple Sinai is partnering with Moving Traditions to pioneer a new and
                                                                                    exciting approach to B’nai Mitzvah for students ages 9-12 at 7:30 p.m. on
 organizations, clubs and service providers online.     the first and third Sunday of the month. Through activities and discussions,
                                                                                    the sessions help parents and pre-teens explore what it means to celebrate  For more information,                                       during a pandemic, to navigate expectations during a life cycle ritual, to
                                                                                    find Jewish meaning in the ceremony, and to explore other social-emotion-
 Keyword Search   Filter Options   Drop Pin Locator Map  contact Kim Adler       al challenges and joys associated with B’nai Mitzvah. For the Zoom link,                                                         visit
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