Page 15 - Jewish News_March-2020
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Diocese of Venice’s annual “Marriage and Divorce: From Beginning to End”
“Yom HaShoah Hour of Remembrance” By Marden Paru, Dean, Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
he preeminent Jewish lifecycle
the State of Israel.
tion and cuisine, but they all have one
the Jewish psyche that woe be onto the
event – the one that seems to individual whose disdain for formal- goal in mind: to produce and/or to raise NOTE: Classes will be held in the
Tget the most attention in Jewish ity denies his/her parents the privilege children in the faith of our fathers and Activity Room at Brookdale Sarasota
life – is that of going under the huppah of marrying off their children. While mothers. Midtown, 2186 Bahia Vista Street. To
(canopy) at a Jewish wedding. The in- new models of coupling have emerged However, not all marriages work enroll or for more information, con-
stitution of marriage has thus become in recent times, traditional marriage out, so as one might expect, there is an tact me at or
the foundational underpinning of Jew- rites have evolved into a ritually laced elaborate remedy to dissolve the mari- 941.379.5655. The course fee of $70
ish existence. From it, flows the ebb elaborate lifecycle event that demands tal bond within the confines of Jewish includes all materials.
and tide of the ocean of Jewish con- considerable attention and resources to law and practice. This course is open to everyone re-
tinuity with the emphasis on children achieve. Then, after the huppah rituals A new eight-week course on gardless of background or personal ori-
and family. have ended, the fun begins: intimacy, “Marriage and Divorce: From Begin- entation. The Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva
On the contemporary continuum finances, love, children, their educa- ning to End” is being offered by the is a 501(c)(3) non-denominational
of “coupling,” Judaism has prescribed tion, the machatanim (in-laws), com- Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva commenc- not-for-profit organization, which also
and proscribed behaviors which, as munity and synagogue. ing on Friday, April 3 from 10:30 to operates, in part, through a grant from
a goal, are based on the first biblical Various customs have emerged 11:45 a.m. This course will include The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
imperative in Genesis 1:28 – pru urvu around the world that are fascinating the history of Jewish marriage and its Manatee.
– be fruitful and multiply. These tradi- to behold. Sephardic weddings may dissolution, as well as the unique cir-
tions are vintage and so ingrained into differ from Ashkenazic rites, celebra- cumstances of marriage and divorce in
The twinning of Temple Beth Israel, Longboat Key,
and Beit Daniel Synagogue, Tel Aviv
By Rabbi Peter Kasdan | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
n the spring of 2019, the Temple death in 2006, Gerry had carried on Tel Aviv and the entire Reform Move- iel Centers for Progressive Judaism
Beth Israel (TBI) Board of Trust- that passion for both, immersing us ment in Israel of which Beit Daniel is with three kehilot throughout Tel Aviv.
Iees adopted the plan of twinning in the special relationship between such an integral part. Rabbi Azari will bring to the commu-
our congregation with the Beit Daniel our two Jewish communities until his How fortunate we are to welcome nity the most up-to-the-minute views
Synagogue Community in Tel Aviv, Is- death in 2018. back to our congregation and commu- of the Reform Movement in Israel.
rael. Beit Daniel had been the lifelong The twinning creates a unique en- nity one of the leaders of Reform Juda- The Israel Weekend at Temple
special project of TBI members Ruth vironment in Sarasota County that em- ism in Israel, Rabbi Meir Azari, Senior Beth Israel will take place on March
and Gerard Daniel, z”l. Since Ruth’s braces both the Beit Daniel family in Rabbi and Executive Director of the 6-8. The Israel Weekend is made possi-
Daniel Centers for Progressive Juda- ble through a grant by the Daniel Foun-
Hello Spring SPECIALS ism in Tel Aviv. dation in loving memory of Ruth and
Under Rabbi Azari’s leadership,
Gerard Daniel and The Jewish Feder-
and with support from the Daniel fami- ation of Sarasota-Manatee. For more
Choose any one of the following 1-hour services for ONLY $65 ly, Beit Daniel has grown into the Dan- information, go to
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Michael Saunders & Company, whose reputation for
excellence is unequaled, Robin now offers the same
Hello Spring Special steadfast professionalism, attention to detail, and
commitment to client satisfaction, combining her
passion and expertise to serve the Jewish community
Jewish Congregation of Venice for all their real estate needs.
Nowhere but here.
MEMORIAL PARK Call Robin today to discuss your real estate goals.
AND Robin Leonardi The Leonardi Touch
MOBILE 941.685.6270
OFFICE 941.349.3444
Burial Sites Available 5100 Ocean Blvd | Sarasota, FL 34242
The Memorial Park provides a space
for the interment of deceased members of
the Jewish Congregation of Venice.
Three-year membership in the Jewish Congregation
of Venice must be met in addition to purchasing
burial space in the JCV Memorial Park.
New JCV members may pre-pay membership.
• Cost of an Individual
Gravesite is $1,800
• Cost of an Individual
Columbarium Niche
(not including urn) is $1,900
Application for burial in the Memorial Park may be made
to the Jewish Congregation of Venice. Questions may be
directed to David Cook, Chairman of the Memorial Park
Committee, at 941.525.8103.
Jewish Congregation of Venice
600 N. Auburn Road, Venice, FL 34292
Follow us on social media @jfedsrq Check out our programs for all ages at