Page 20 - Jewish News_March-2020
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20A                             March 2020                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

                                                                                    Cantor Azi Schwartz

                                                                                    wows Sarasota

                                                                                    This program is sponsored by
                                                                                    The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                               2020 SPRING                                          By Lex Calaguas

                     LUNCH & LEARN SERIES                                                  n Sunday, January 12, the high-  bers stood up and danced together. It
                                                                                           ly anticipated “Azi Schwartz:   was heart-warming  to  hear  the  entire
                         SPONSORED BY WILLIAMS PARKER                               OFrom Bimah to Broadway”              audience singing “Oseh Shalom.”
                                                                                    concert  was held at  the  Sarasota  Op-  Roslyn  Mazur  and  her  family
                                                                                    era House. The sold-out Temple Beth   generously  underwrote  the  concert  in
                                                                                    Sholom fundraiser featuring Cantor    loving memory  of her husband, Len
                              A World in Flux:                                      Azi Schwartz,  senior cantor  at  Park   Mazur, because “Cantor Schwartz and

                                                                                    Avenue Synagogue New York, did not    his  magnificent  voice  represent  what
                      Rising Antisemitism and                                       disappoint!  He  was accompanied  by   Len loved the most, all things Jewish
                                                                                    four talented New York-based back-up   and all  things beautiful.” There  is no
                 Global Jewish Affairs in 2020                                      singers as well as three musicians.   question that this performance high-
                                                                                       During the 90-minute performance,   lighted the beauty in all things Jewish.
                                                                                    Cantor Schwartz not only graced the      Edie Chaifetz, Fran Cohen and Sa-
                                      FEATURING                                     audience  with  his phenomenal  voice   ranee Newman were honored to chair
                                                                                    but  also  brought  the  community  to-  this event  with Roslyn Mazur, and
                                                                                    gether. His voice and song selection   worked with David Chaifetz,  Temple
                                                                                    captivated  the entire  audience.  From   Beth Sholom President, during the
                                                                                    new arrangements  of Jewish liturgi-  planning of this event.
                                                                                    cal  music to crowd favorites such as    This special event would not have
                                                                                    “You’ll Never  Walk  Alone,” there    been possible without the generos-
                                                                                    was  something for everyone. Cantor   ity of the Mazur family, Sarasota Op-
                                                                                    Schwartz and his fellow musicians     era  House,  The  Jewish Federation
                                                                                    taught everyone the “Mayim Mayim”     of  Sarasota-Manatee,  the  sponsors,
                                                                                    Israeli folk dance. In what was one of   event committee  and  Temple  Beth
                                                                                    the  highlights,  many  audience  mem-  Sholom staff.

                            David Harris

                         AJC Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                                 Saranee Newman, Fran Cohen, Cantor Azi Schwartz, Ros Mazur,
                                                                                                       David & Edie Chaifetz, Rabbi Michael Werbow
                      TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2020                                       Voila! A concert is born

                             11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
                                                                                    By Sharon Greene, Artistic Director of the Sarasota Jewish Chorale

                                                                                           ow do I develop my pro-        rale will sing for our major concert in
                  Michael’s on the Bay at Selby Gardens                                    grams? I get inspiration from   March, sponsored by The Jewish Fed-
                                                                                    Hwhat is going on in the world        eration of Sarasota-Manatee, Temple
                                                                                    and how I wish to share this through   Beth Sholom and DALET.
               Lecture only $36 (Includes Lunch!)                                   song. That sounds easier than it is! In   This year, our theme will be “Songs

                                                                                    2018, we celebrated Israel’s 70  birth-  of Peace and Joy.” Several of the up-
                                                                                    day and the  70  anniversary of the   lifting songs, “Shehecheyanu” by Mar-
               Reservations Required—Space is Limited!                              publication of Anne Frank’s diary. Last   vin Hamlisch,  and “One Light,  One    Helping you live the life
                                                                                    year it was 20  century Jewish com-   Sun” by Raffi, just had to be included
                                                                                    posers. This year, based on the turmoil   in our program. Pieces this spring are   you want, the way you want.
                                                                                    in our country and the world, I wanted   in  English, Hebrew, Ladino,  Yiddish
                                    EVENT CHAIRS                                    to bring levity with happy music to our   and Swahili! I meet with Ronnie Rice-
                              David & Edie Chaifetz                                 audience.                             berg, our president, for suggestions and
                                                                                       Each summer, I participate in the
                           Jerry & Wendy Feinstein                                  North American Jewish Choral Festi-   approval. Our singers sometimes bring
                                                                                                                          a song to me for perusal, and voilà, a
                                                                                    val in Stamford, Connecticut, where   concert is born!
                                                                                                                             Join us on Sunday, March 29 to be
                             HONORARY EVENT CHAIRS                                  there is beautiful, inspirational Jewish   uplifted and inspired. Join the Chorale
                                                                                    music. We sing together every morning
                             Larry & Debbie Haspel                                  and attend workshops during the day.   for rehearsals on Thursday nights from
                                                                                    At some point during these four days,   7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Come sing with us!
                                                                                    a light bulb goes off in my brain, and I   For more  information,  please  go to
                Resurgent antisemitism in the United States                         just know the kind of music the Cho-

                 and Europe, elections in the U.S. and Israel,                      Joe Newman celebrates
                  an American peace initiative, and Iranian                                   th

                aggression and instability in the Middle East.                      107  birthday

                   What can American Jews expect amidst                             By Sonia Pressman Fuentes
                                                                                             y friend Joe Newman cel-     from Notre Dame in the 1930s, and is
                  all these challenges in 2020? Hear from                                    ebrated his 107  birthday    its longest-surviving graduate.       •  Personal Care
                      American Jewish Committee (AJC)                               Mon Sunday, January 12. Joe              Joe and his wife had one daughter   •  Daily Living Assistance
                                                                                    just recently started using a cane and   who was intellectually  and develop-
                  CEO David Harris, known by many as the                            stopped driving his red convertible. He   mentally disabled. So he and his wife
                                                                                    had been a CPA and is now the treasur-  started  the  first  school  for  develop-  •  Light Housekeeping
                  Foreign Minister of the Jewish people, on                         er of the Congregation for Humanistic   mentally challenged children in South

                             these issues and more.                                 Judaism. He lives at Aviva – A Cam-   Bend, Indiana, the Logan School. It is   •  Skilled Nursing
                                                                                    pus for Senior Life in Sarasota, as I do,   now the Logan Center, a national or-
                                                                                    with his partner Anita Sampson, who   ganization  for developmentally chal-  •  Dementia Specialists
                    ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED:                                  will be 100 this month.               lenged children.
                                                                                       Joe  was  the  first  Jew  to  graduate   Joe ran for the U.S. Congress at   •  Respite Care and Family Relief
                        R.S.V.P. to AJC at 941.365.4955                                                                   the age of 101. You can read about it

                           or email                                                                      at     •  Inpatient Hospital Sitters
                                                                                                                          On my refrigerator  door, I still  have   •  And Much More …
                                                                                                                          the  million-dollar  bill  he  gave  me  at
                                                                                                                          the time to vote for him. He appeared
                                                                                                                          in newspaper articles around the world
                                                                                                                          with his campaign.
                                                                                                                             Anita told me two interesting
                                                                                                                          things about them. She said when they
                                                                                                                          got together, they had hoped to  have
                                                                                                                          two years together – and they’ve had
                                                                                                                          17. She also said they’ve discussed why
                                                                                                                          they are both living so long and were

                                                                                                Joe Newman                unable to come up with any reasons.

                  The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,
                           committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
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