Page 24 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 24

24A                             March 2020                                                                 JEWISH INTEREST

        The sacrifice of Mila Racine

        By Paul R. Bartrop, PhD                                                                                                                             By Arlene Stolnitz

              eventy-five  years  ago  this   Zionist background and had been an    base in the French  Alps, and often   to the women’s camp at Ravensbrück.    f we want to change, then we can
              month,  on March 22, 1945, a    active member of the Women’s Inter-   working close to German patrols, Mila   While there, it was observed, her con-  learn to join our hands and stand
        SJewish resister  in  France,  Mila   national Zionist Organization (WIZO).   and the others in her network took in   duct was exemplary, as she sought to Ias one;
        Racine, was killed at Mauthausen con-  In the summer of 1943, she was given   children from French cities often many   maintain morale among the other pris-  The simple truth we know is there,
                        centration  camp in   command of a unit of the Mouvement    miles distant. To protect them, they or-  oners and helped them when they were  and as we sing, music changes the
                        Austria. Prior to this,   de jeunesse sioniste (Zionist  Youth   ganized the children into small groups   too exhausted to go on.   world.”
                        Mila had saved the    Movement  or  MJS)  in  Saint-Gervais-  and then accompanied them to the bor-  Her stay at Ravensbrück was       Do you believe that  music can
                        lives  of dozens of   Le Fayet (Haute-Savoie) in the Italian   der, where they would be helped by   not to be permanent. In 1945, a large  change the world? I have written sev-
                        Jewish children and   zone of occupation – but her field of   Christian rescuers.                 group of women, including  Mila and                 eral articles that

                        others by smuggling   operations  ranged  much  wider than     On October  21, 1943, she was      her friends, was transferred from Ra-               focus on musi-
                        them across the bor-  this, covering a region that included   conducting a convoy that included 30   vensbrück to Mauthausen,  in Austria,            cians who make
                        der from France into   Toulouse, Gurs, Saint-Gervais, Nice   children  from Nice, accompanied  by   where they were put to work repair-               a real impact  on
          Dr. Paul Bartrop  Switzerland.      and  Annemasse,  under  the  overall   another resister, Roland Epstein. This   ing railway tracks destroyed by Allied          our world:  Dan-

            Born on September  14, 1921,      command of Netanel “Tony” Gryn.       was a difficult group. It comprised chil-  bombing. On March 22, 1945, on the             iel Barenboim’s

        in  Moscow,  she  was the  daughter  of   Gryn was another  young  Jewish   dren, an older couple, a young mother   eve of liberation, a British air raid tar-        We st - E a st e rn
        Georges (Hirsch) Racine and his wife   resister  who was entrusted  by Simon   with a baby, and another couple with   geted the camp and Mila, then on aus-           Divan  Orchestra
        Berthe (Bassia). One of three children,   Lévitte  with the task of organizing  a   a  small  child.  Without  warning,  they   senarbeit (work outside the camp), was   (composed of Is-
        she had a  brother, Emmanuel,  and  a   means to enable the smuggling of Jews   were intercepted  by Germans with   killed by shrapnel.                               raeli,  Palestinian
        sister, Sacha. Fleeing the Soviet Union   from  France  into  Switzerland.  The   police  dogs. Gunshots rang  out;  one   The work of Mila Racine did not   Arlene Stolnitz  and  Arab  mu-
        and a climate of pogroms in the after-  network he created brought together a   woman was killed, and another wound-  end with her arrest, however. After her  sicians),  the  Israeli  Meteor  Festival
        math  of the  Russian Revolution,  the   team of about a dozen young people,   ed. Mila, Roland and the children were   capture, her brother Emmanuel (code-(which featured 50 international  acts
        family relocated to France, settling in   who  collectively  managed to rescue   taken  to Annemasse and  incarcerated   named  Mola)  sent  another  resister,  in  the  Upper  Galilee)  and  the  World
        Paris.                                about a hundred children.             in the Pax Hotel, the prison at Gestapo   Marianne Cohn, to replace her in the  Doctor’s Orchestra  (musicians  who
            With the German invasion and oc-      After  the  Italian  armistice  on   headquarters.                      smuggling of Jewish children across  are also physicians from around the

        cupation of France in 1940, the Racine   September  3, 1943, and  the  German   Suffering  continued  under  Nazi   the  border.  When Marianne,  in turn,  world). I have shared the eff orts of di-
        family moved out of northern France   takeover of southern France, Mila un-  torture, Mila divulged nothing as the   was captured  on the  evening  of May  verse individuals who share a common
        and into the so-called free zone at Vi-  dertook to drive convoys of children   Gestapo  sought  information regard-  31, 1944, she was herself replaced.  goal of achieving peace through music.
        chy. Mila joined the Resistance on Jan-  and adults to Annemasse, right on the   ing the smuggling operations. Through   Such importance did the Jewish resis-Is it an unlikely goal?
        uary 5, 1942. While her parents were in   Swiss  frontier, and arranged to have   the underground movement, the mayor   tance place on the work of these young   Usually I write about music, com-

        a safe house in Nice, Mila, Emmanuel   them  smuggled  across. Her activi-  of  Annemasse,  Jean  Deffaugt  (later   women that it determined nothing  posers and all that pertains to Judaism
        and Sacha worked for Éducation Phy-   ties,  particularly  around Annecy, saw   recognized as one of the Righteous   should stand in the way of their rescue  and  music.  This  month  is  diff erent,

        sique  (Physical  Education),  a  code   the creation of links with local people   Among the Nations for his own efforts   activities, even at the risk of their very  however, because I have chosen a song
        name  for a scheme  producing false   smugglers (passeurs), who functioned   in saving Jewish children), managed to   lives.                        written  by  a  non-Jewish composer
        documents and rescuing Jews under     as an “underground railroad” run-     provide Mila with an escape plan. This   After  the  war, Mila  Racine  was  which really is about a Jewish concept:
        the overall direction of Simon Lévitte   ning Jews across the border. Through-  was not  something  she could  accept,   posthumously awarded the Medaille de  tikkun olam.
        in Grenoble.                          out September  1943 and beyond, she   however, as she had an instinctive feel-  la Resistance and the Croix de Guerre   Jim Papoulis is a composer whose
            Mila, operating under the alias of   helped hundreds of families and chil-  ing that the children would be punished   by  the  French  government. And it  is  distinctive musical style combines con-

        Marie Anne Richemond, came from a     dren who fled into her area. From her   – or worse – if she were to escape.  perhaps fitting as a final testament that  temporary  sounds with musical  tradi-

                                                                                       Mila and Roland were transferred   the recognition she received in Israel,  tions the world over. His multicultural
                                                                                    to the prison at Fort Montluc in Lyon.   many years later, was for a kindergar-sound is the cornerstone of his works
                                                                                    From there,  Roland  was sent  to  the
                                                                                                                          ten and nursery in Tel Aviv to be named  for choirs, orchestras and ensembles.
                         PEOPLE                        BOOK                         he was deported to Buchenwald  as a   Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of His-sic Changes the World” speak to me of
                                    OF THE
                                                                                    transit  camp  at Drancy, from where
                                                                                                                          in her memory.
                                                                                                                                                            The words of his powerful song “Mu-
                                                                                    member  of  the  Resistance.  He  lived
                                                                                                                          tory and the Director of the Center for  the profound concept of  tikkun  olam,
                                                                                    to see the end of the war, and ultimate
                                                                                                                          Holocaust and Genocide Research at  which means to make the world a bet-
                                                                                    survival.  Mila  was deported,  via  the
                                                                                                                          Florida Gulf Coast University. He can  ter place.
                                                                                                                          be reached at
                                                                                    Royallieu transit camp at Compiègne,
                                                                                      Voices of the

            Final Lectures in the Series!                                                 Holocaust, Genocide

             JOSH FRANK                                      A Surrealist in          and Tolerance Education                    Inspiring Speakers:
                                                             A Surrealist in
             March 8, 2020 • 7:00 pm • $10                       Hollywood                                                         GEORGE ERDSTEIN
                                                                                                                                      RIFKA GLATZ
                          Giraffes on Horseback Salad, now a graphic novel, relives the Marx
                          Brothers film first written by Salvador Dali. Recreated by author Josh                                     HELGA MELMED
                          Frank in partnership with comedian Tim Heideck and Spanish comics                                         DAVID MILBERG
                          creator Manuela Pertega, the film comes to life on pages in all its
                          gorgeous, full-color, cinematic, surreal glory.                                                            GINETTE HERSH
             JACK FAIRWEATHER / SARAH ROSE                        Her oes of
                                                                  Heroes of
                               10:30 am
             April 21, 2020
             April 21, 2020 • 10:30 am  • $10               the Resistance             1,912 Sarasota-Manatee
                                                            the Resistance
                                                                                       students learned about
                                    Jack Fairweather, author of The Volunteer: One Man, an
                                    Underground Army, and Sarah Rose, author of D-Day   the Holocaust from
                                    Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the   survivors last year
                                    Nazis and Helped Win World War II, will present a panel                                      #NEVERFORGET
                                    discussion on heroes of the resistance during World War II.
                                                                                      Listening to your heart-wrenching story, I started
                           To order tickets visit:                                    to tear up. Your story of survival moved me and
                                                           I will remember you for the rest of my life.

                                                                                      –North Port high School StudeNt

                            FEDERATION TORCH SPONSORS
         EDIE & DAVID CHAIFETZ  |  LEON R. & MARGARET M. ELLIN  |  DEBBIE & LARRY HASPEL  History is not just about events,
              ROSENTHAL ROOTS FAMILY FOUNDATION         |  SYLVIA  & NORMAN SAMET     it is about human lives.
            SILVER SPONSOR                   BRONZE SPONSORS                          Learn what “Never Forget” means, before it is too late.
                                                                                      Invite a Holocaust survivor to your school, synagogue or library.
                                                     JULES & CAROL B. GREEN
                                                                                      To book a speaker contact Anne Stein
                                                     LORI AND DAVID LINER
                                                                                      Holocaust Speakers Bureau Coordinator •
                 COPPER SPONSORS             HOSPITALITY SPONSOR
                   MARSHA EISENBERG
                  IRENE & MARTY ROSS

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