Page 25 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 25

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                         March 2020                                      25A

        Tikkun olam: “Music Changes the World”

        By Arlene Stolnitz
        “    f we want to change, then we can   for Small Voices (FSV), which debuted   February in a program entitled “We   and as we sing
                                                  Jim is the founder of Foundation
             learn to join our hands and stand
                                                                                                                             Music changes the world.”
                                                                                    Shall  Overcome:  Songs of Diversity,
          Ias one;                            in 2000 at Carnegie Hall. His dedica-  Equity and Inclusion.” It is a call for   To learn more, go to www.founda
            The simple truth we know is there,   tion to children and music is based on   choirs to connect  across the interna-
        and as we sing, music changes the     his belief that music helps children in   tional choir community to lift up those   ges-the-world/.
        world.”                               many ways besides the typical test tak-  with little or no access to music. Jim’s   Arlene  Stolnitz,  founder  of  the  Sara-
            Do you believe that  music can    ing and performance skills. It promotes   view is that it is only through a large   sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member  of
        change the world? I have written sev-  skills of working together, listening,   number of participants that we will be   the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A
                           eral articles that   sensitivity  and a sense of humanity.   able to make a difference. His hope is   retired educator from Rochester, New

                           focus on musi-     According to Jim, “I have always be-  that many choirs will be able to be a   York,  she  has  sung  in  choral  groups
                           cians who make     lieved in the power of music to change   part of this global community.     for over  25 years and also sings in
                           a real impact  on   a person, which in turn can change a    “There  must be a way to change    The Venice  Chorale.  Her interest  in

                           our world:  Dan-   society and eventually the world.” Isn’t   the world, to join our hearts, and find   the preservation of Jewish music of all
                           iel Barenboim’s    that what tikkun olam is all about?   the hope                              kinds has led to this series of articles
                           We st -E a st e rn     Through  FSV, Jim  has conducted     There must be a way that we can    on Jewish Folk Music in the Diaspora.
                           Divan  Orchestra   songwriting workshops and choirs      see the simple truth                  Send your comments and
                           (composed of Is-   throughout  the United  States and the   Music changes the world
                           raeli,  Palestinian   world. In countries such as China,    If we want to change, then we can    Letters to the Editor to
           Arlene Stolnitz  and  Arab  mu-    Japan, Tanzania, Mexico, Kenya, Do-   learn to join our hands and stand as one
        sicians),  the  Israeli  Meteor  Festival   minican  Republic, Haiti, England,   The simple truth we know is there
        (which featured 50 international  acts   Norway, Canada, France, Ireland, Bos-
        in  the  Upper  Galilee)  and  the  World   nia, Jordan, Australia, the United Arab
        Doctor’s Orchestra  (musicians  who   Emirates and Greece, Jim has promot-
        are also physicians from around the   ed his idea of working together using
        world). I have shared the efforts of di-  the power of music. His original song,

        verse individuals who share a common   “Juntos,” which means “together,” ex-
        goal of achieving peace through music.   presses the strength and power we can                         Excellence in foot and
        Is it an unlikely goal?               feel when we work together as one.
            Usually I write about music, com-  Written in the style of a Spanish folk   Richard Berkun, DPM  Robert Katz, DPM  ankle care by 8 highly
        posers and all that pertains to Judaism   song, it is one of many created by Jim.                      trained doctors.
        and  music.  This  month  is  different,   I encountered  the  song “Music

        however, because I have chosen a song   Changes the World” through the Venice                           Foot & Ankle Care for the Whole Family
        written  by  a  non-Jewish composer   Chorale, where I am a second soprano.
        which really is about a Jewish concept:   At each rehearsal, as I was learning my   Philip Baldinger, DPM  Garrett Harte, DPM  Same Day Appointments  |  Friendly Staff / en Español
        tikkun olam.                          part, the message I received was pro-
            Jim Papoulis is a composer whose   found because it spoke to my dream                               3 Convenient Locations
        distinctive musical style combines con-  that “music creates community.” And
        temporary  sounds with musical  tradi-  then Artistic Director Peter Madpak in-                         SARASOTA
        tions the world over. His multicultural   vited the students from Upper Elemen-  Noelis Rosario, DPM  Michelle Emery, DPM  941.360.9300
        sound is the cornerstone of his works   tary and Venice Middle School to join                           BRADENTON
        for choirs, orchestras and ensembles.   us in rehearsal. As the students’ direc-                        941.758.8818
        The words of his powerful song “Mu-   tor, Donna Ambrose, led the group, I                              PARRISH

        sic Changes the World” speak to me of   could barely sing, I was so filled with                         941.776.5199
        the profound concept of  tikkun  olam,   emotion. Their voices made the mes-             Loyd Tomlinson, DPM
        which means to make the world a bet-  sage real. The song was presented at    Shawniece Boss, DPM
        ter place.                            the Venice Performing Arts Center in

 Voices of the


 Holocaust, Genocide   Inspiring Speakers:

 and Tolerance Education

 GEORGE ERDSTEIN                              SARASOTA JAZZ FESTIVAL

                                                                                             SARASOTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM

                                                                           MARCH 8 - 14, 2020

 1,912 Sarasota-Manatee

 students learned about                                                         MUSIC DIRECTOR KEN PEPLOWSKI
 the Holocaust from
 survivors last year  #NEVERFORGET                                                                 FEATURING

 Listening to your heart-wrenching story, I started                           THE MANHATTAN TRANSFER
 to tear up. Your story of survival moved me and                               DICK HYMAN, ALEJANDRO ARENAS, CLAIRDEE, MARK

 I will remember you for the rest of my life.
 –North Port high School StudeNt                                           FEINMAN, RUSSELL MALONE, CHARLES MCPHERSON, JOHN
                                                                               O’LEARY, HOUSTON PERSON and TERELL STAFFORD
                                                                               O’LEAR    Y , HOUST   ON PERSON and TERELL             ST AFFORD
 History is not just about events,

                                                                             Plus afternoon jazz, the ever popular Jazz
 it is about human lives.                                                    Plus after      noon jazz, t         he ever popular Jazz
                                                                               T r ol ley Pub Crawl, Jazz in t                 he Park and
                                                                               Trolley Pub Crawl, Jazz in the Park and
 Learn what “Never Forget” means, before it is too late.
 Invite a Holocaust survivor to your school, synagogue or library.                                    much more....

 To book a speaker contact Anne Stein                                                      For tickets and information visit
 Holocaust Speakers Bureau Coordinator •
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Harold and
                                                                                                                        Evelyn R. Davis
 941.371.4546                                                                                                         Memorial Foundation

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